Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 708

KuMan didn\'t expect that the famous magic weapon ice treasure in the cold region was destroyed by lamulan.

"KuMan, from now on, the whole continent, even all the world, will be ruled by my Lamu nationality, ha ha..."

Looking at Kui\'s surprised appearance, Lamu Lan said and laughed wildly again.


Facing lamulan\'s arrogance, kumanleng snorted and looked disdainful. In her opinion, lamulan is really crazy.

The three shrines have existed in this world for countless years with rich details. Even a god dare not say such big words!

Seeing the disdain on KuMan\'s face, lamulan said, "this natural Rune array is rooted in the whole continent, goes deep into the star sea, and absorbs the energy of the continent and the star sea all the time. Can your temple overcome such power?"

As soon as Lamu Lan\'s voice fell, a look of horror appeared on the faces of KuMan and heifu Jun.

Kuo man was shocked, while Hei Fujun was extremely regretful. If what Lamu Lan said was true, then in the future, Lamu will inevitably become the new ruler of the continent. At this time, it is unwise to make enemies with Lamu.

Xichen youyou\'s plan is to rely on the powerful power of the world to constantly expand itself and replace it

Although he has not been in this world for a long time, heifujun knows that they have more advantages than practitioners in this world.

Black Fu Jun turned his head and looked at Yang Tian.

At this time, Yang Tianzheng frowned and looked at the blue sphere. He looked like thinking. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Lord Fu, it\'s a pleasure to meet you."

Black Fu Jun just removed his eyes from Yang Tian\'s face, and Yang Tian suddenly said.


Hearing these two words, black Fu Jun was stunned.

Hei Fujun is a practitioner of runes. In the original world, the Lord of runes simply exists like a God. When he heard Yang Tian say the word "Fuzhu", he couldn\'t control his emotions anyway.

The Lord of Rune created the life of Rune program, which is a myth. Future generations do not know how he did it anyway.

Even Hei Fujun once dreamed of using runes to compile intelligent Rune programs. As a result, he wasted a lot of time and didn\'t even have a clue.

In the original world, the master of runes simply became the "ancestor" of Rune practitioners.

KuMan obviously knows the legend of the Fuzhu in the Lamu family. It is said that the Fuzhu is a practitioner who uses the Fuwen to the extreme. He is incomparably powerful and comparable to the gods.

At that time, if it had not disappeared suddenly, perhaps now, there would be a fourth temple on the whole continent.


As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, La Mulan laughed.

Yang Tian\'s mouth turned up and thought that he had guessed right. Now this Lamu blue is not the original Lamu blue.

Now in this lamulan body is the consciousness of the rune Lord.

"Lamulan" smiled, turned his head and looked at Yang Tiandao: "I didn\'t expect to be seen by your little doll. Do you and I come from the same place?"

Fuzhu\'s question undoubtedly acknowledged Yang Tian\'s guess.

Yang Tian nodded, pointed to black Fu Jun and said, "and so is he."

Black Fu Jun nodded to Fu master.

"Lord Fu, I really want to know how you did it." Yang Tian turned his eyes and said curiously.

Master Fu knew what Yang Tian asked. Yang tianben thought master Fu wouldn\'t answer. Unexpectedly, when Yang Tian asked, he said, "Muyi, you don\'t know. Before I started practicing, I was an ordinary technician and a programmer writing virtual games."

Hearing the word "programmer", Yang Tiandao felt very kind.

The rune master continued: "I have no talent for practice. It took me hundreds of years to reach the star level. So I chose to practice runes and wanted to use the power of runes to change my situation. However, I still have no talent for runes..."

At this point, the Fuzhu was silent. Under the control of his consciousness, a look of memory appeared on lamulan\'s face.

During that time, it must have been very difficult for the Fuzhu.

Yang Tian came from that world. Although he practiced very smoothly, he also knew that most practitioners were not easy.

"What I wanted to give up..." suddenly, master Fu spoke again. "In despair, I wanted to give up practice, go back to my hometown, walk the ball and live an ordinary life. At this time, a strange idea appeared in my mind.

I think if I can write an intelligent program with runes, with the help of this program, I can indirectly get Rune energy. With this idea, I began to try. "

"How could..."

When master Fu said this, Mr. Black Fu couldn\'t help muttering.

Once, heifujun also tried. In this regard, he didn\'t even find a way.

Fu Zhu said with a smile, "nothing is impossible in this world. I was originally a programmer who wrote programs with numbers. Naturally, I understand better than you how intelligent programs are generated. You are not successful because you don\'t understand the principle of the formation of intelligent programs."

"Impossible!" said Hei Fujun, "in order to create Rune programs like you, I have studied for ten years."

"Ha ha..."

As soon as the black Fujun finished, the Fuzhu laughed.

Seeing the Fuzhu laughing, the black Fujun frowned.

These words, whether Yang Tian, Fuzhu or heifujun, are communicated in the language of the world, and KuMan heard them clearly.

In this world, the intelligent program formed by numbers belongs to the mechanical family. KuMan and Huie Miaomiao don\'t know much, and they are confused.

After laughing, the master said, "it\'s only ten years. You have specialized in the art industry, and you haven\'t studied the intelligent program at all. If I guess well, you must use a large number of complex runes to build Rune programs in practice?"

"Yes!" black Fu Jun nodded, "the more complex the rune, the greater the amount of information it contains. For example, write a large paragraph with a simple rune, but you can use a complex Rune instead. What\'s wrong with this?"

The master said, "in fact, you see the rune too complicated. In fact, it is very simple. The process of its production is like the life in the world. At the beginning, it is just a small cell, and then it evolves into a more advanced and complex life. As long as you keep evolving, it will become more and more advanced and endless."

Black Fu Jun said, "of course, I have tried this way, but I still failed."

Master Fu smiled and said, "do you want to know how I do it?"

"Think!" black Fu Jun nodded.

Of course, Yang Tian also wanted to know that his eyes couldn\'t help opening wide when he saw the master Fu say so.

The master said, "after countless attempts and failures, I found a representative Rune from each rune. The total number is no more than 100. I used less than 100 runes to create a rune program, hey hey!

Electronic programs need an operating environment constructed by hardware. Rune programs are different from electronic programs, and naturally need a unique operating environment. "

When the master Fu said this, an excited look appeared on the face of black Fu Jun.

Fu Zhu\'s words make black Fu Jun feel enlightened.

Rune programs are different from digital programs. They need different running environments.

Yang Tianxin thought, when heifujun wanted to create a rune program, did he use the hardware of the digital program to run the rune program?

That\'s bullshit.

Ignoring the excited look of Hei Fujun, the master said, "I first thought of the rune array in the running environment of the rune program. But at this time, I am not proficient in rune. How to create a rune array that can make the rune program run?"

"Hey, hey..."

At this point, the Fuzhu laughed again and looked very proud.

"How did you do it?"

Black Fu Jun heard this and wanted to know the following results. He asked impatiently.

However, after the Fuzhu laughed, he didn\'t answer heifujun\'s words for a long time.

At this time, Yang Tian said, "I know."

"You know?"

The Lord Fu controlled Lamu Lan\'s body, turned his head, looked at Yang Tian and asked with a smile.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "I broke your seal outside. Of course I know."

"Tell me about it," Fu said.

Yang Tian said, "you found the natural Rune array!"

"Hahaha... Not bad!" master Fu smiled: "I spent a hundred years and went through hardships to find a natural Rune array. There, I spent another hundred years constantly depicting runes, depicting runes on rocks with a rune pen, and writing runes in the void... For more than a hundred years, all the runes I depict and write in the void with runes are dozens of representative runes.

At that time, I didn\'t know how to stick to it. My persistence was not in vain. In this process, the energy of the natural Rune array was absorbed by the runes I portrayed, and they condensed into pure Rune energy bodies. This is really an unexpected harvest! "

Yang Tian then said, "so you have painted simple Rune arrays on these Rune energy bodies. Countless such Rune arrays collide with each other in the natural Rune array, resulting in strange changes..."

When Yang Tian told the story, Hei Fujun was very surprised and envied. What surprised him was not the idea of Fuzhu\'s genius, but the perseverance of Fuzhu.

The time unit of "year" mentioned by the master is based on the time when keitra revolves around the star.

If it were him, even if he thought of this method, he couldn\'t last so long.

Actually, it\'s not surprising.

Those who have talent and achievements in runes and have a superior life can\'t last so long. When practicing runes, they pay more attention to their own realm.

Those practitioners who have no talent in runes, even if their perseverance is better than that of the rune master, most of them will not "dream" that they can create Rune programs like the rune master.

In the process of creating Rune programs, the rune master is like a clumsy creator. He perseveres and finally gets the reward.

Black Fu Jun envied that Yang Tian saw the seal set by the master. He thought that if he met the seal, he would probably infer the process of the master creating the rune program like Yang Tian.

In the rune, the black Rune king was conceited. He didn\'t expect that the Lamu clan leader stayed in front of the seal for a long time and couldn\'t understand the mystery after a long time.

When Yang Tian finished, Fu Zhu said, "your guess is probably the same, but there are some differences in details. In fact, if I do it again, I\'m not sure I can succeed."

"Why did you destroy the rune program behind you?" Yang Tian asked again.

This is something Yang Tian has been unable to understand.

Master Fu said: "after success, I came to this world and accidentally met the mechanical family. My existence threatened their survival. They implanted strange digital life in my body..."

Master Fu said that Yang Tian probably understood the whole process.

It\'s nothing more than Fu Lord tuoda, who came to this world and was plotted by the mechanical family.

On the one hand, the machine family wants to get the rune program from the rune owner, on the other hand, it wants to kill the rune owner.

The rune master had to return to the original world. Then, the rune master controlled by digital life had to destroy his own body and the rune program he created.

This also explains why there are a large number of symbol matrices in the mechanical family. The study of runes by the mechanical family is no less than that of human practitioners.

Fuzhu said it simply, but the process must be extremely complex.

In addition to the mechanical family, there is also the shadow of the guardian messenger.

Thinking of the guardian Messenger, Yang Tian\'s mind appeared the mysterious old man in black robe who stepped on the green bird.

Yang Tian can\'t help thinking that after coming to this world, what he saw and heard may only be the tip of the iceberg.

In addition to the vast continent, there is also a broader sea of stars

"Little doll, you are very smart. How about being my disciple?"

The people were shocked and silent, and the Fuzhu suddenly said.

Yang Tian came back and didn\'t answer the question. Instead, he smiled and said, "Lord Fu, don\'t you want to know how I cracked the seal?"

Master Fu said, "it\'s too long. The seal energy is less than one ten thousandth of the original. It\'s not difficult to crack it."

Fuzhu\'s answer reassured Yang Tian. The reason why he asked was to test whether the Fuzhu saw the existence of strange programs.

Today\'s strange program is not the rune program that followed the rune owner.

"How did you get here when your body was destroyed?" black Fu Jun looked at the blue sphere and asked curiously.

"This is my secret!" Fu Zhu said.

Yang Tian saw that the Fuzhu was probably going to re cast a body from the "blood fetus" like him, which was related to the Fuzhu\'s life and death. Naturally, the Fuzhu would not answer.

The silent Rune Lord has a strange fluctuation of Rune energy.

This energy is very weak. Heifujun didn\'t notice it, and Yang Tian didn\'t notice it, but he was perceived by the strange program.

Reminded by the strange program, Yang Tian is ready to start.

Although the Fuzhu is great, Yang Tian doesn\'t want him to appear in this world again.

The reason why Fuzhu is "patient" and says so much to Yang Tian and heifujun is actually delaying time.

KuMan was the first to react. She kept listening because she was not proficient in runes. Naturally, she was not as surprised as Yang Tian and Hei Fujun.

Through the fight just now, KuMan has realized that if she stays here again, she may not be able to leave alive. Although she has a bad temper, she is not a fool.

When he moved, he rushed towards the entrance and exit of the cave.

"Peng ~"

Unexpectedly, the entrance and exit have been sealed by an invisible Rune energy. KuMan bumped into the rune energy and bounced back.

"Hahaha... You all want to die, you all want to die..."

At this time, La Mulan laughed again and kept shouting.

Lamulan went crazy again.

Yang Tian knew that this was because the rune master had released his control over lamulan\'s body. The rune energy fluctuation just now was caused when the rune master left lamulan\'s body.

Yang Tian now knows that the rune Lord is not only absorbing a lot of energy, but also merging with the rune energy.

If successful, the rune master may live up to his name. He can control the rune energy at will. An idea can lay the rune array he wants.

Lamulan was probably influenced by the rune Lord when he shouted to kill all the people here.

Because at this time, Yang Tian and them interfered with the rebirth of the rune Lord. When the rune Lord came out of the blue sphere, the first thing to do was to kill them.

This is why Yang Tian wants to destroy the Fuzhu.

Fuzhu is delaying time, and so is Yang Tian. To stop Fuzhu, it needs the help of strange programs, and it also takes time to calculate if strange programs want to destroy the blue sphere.

"Fuzhu... Fuzhu..."


Ready, Yang Tian shouted the name of the Fuzhu.

However, the answer was lamulan\'s crazy laughter.

All the consciousness of the rune Lord has retreated into the blue sphere.

"Ka ~"

Suddenly, the light of the blue sphere darkened and made a shell breaking sound.

As the sound sounded, a crack appeared on the smooth surface of the blue sphere.

We can\'t wait any longer. If the rune Lord breaks out of his shell, it\'s over.

"Go ~"

Yang Tian shouted loudly.

The strange program flew out of Yang Tian\'s collar and rushed to the blue sphere. In the blink of an eye, it surrounded the blue sphere and Lamu blue.

Under the control of the strange program, countless small particles form two circles, cross shaped, and run at high speed around the blue sphere.

In this process, powerful rune energy emanates from the two circles.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian couldn\'t help clenching his fist.

Success or failure depends on the strange program. Of course, it also needs the cooperation of Xiaoqinglong

The rune Lord can come out of the shell immediately. In the blue sphere, his new body, composed of Rune energy, has been formed. It only takes one step to break the shell.

However, this crucial step could not be taken.

At this time, the strange program has cut off the external Rune energy supply to the rune. This blue ball is the place where the rune casts his body and binds him.