Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 707

Lamu blue looked very arrogant.

One shot failed. After turning over and landing, KuMan bounced up again and clapped the second palm at Lamu blue.

At this time, lamulan stopped laughing and waved his hand. A blue light appeared in front of him with the wave of his arm. The withered palm power bombarded the energy shield formed by the blue light.

With a soft sound, the powerful palm was absorbed by the blue light.

KuMan was shocked. After turning over and landing, he stepped back dozens of meters, and a look of alert appeared on his face.

Looking at kumman\'s surprised look, lamulan said with a smile: "kumman, you can\'t defeat me. Even if your hall Lord comes, you are not my opponent! When I integrate the power of innate runes, I must destroy the temple, and I will do what I say!"

"Rong ~"

When Lamu LAN finished, he suddenly shouted, his hands gathered in front of his chest, and circle after circle of Rune energy radiated from his hands.

At the same time, the blue sphere behind him shines brightly.

At this time, KuMan finally realized the danger, his eyes opened wide, and a black spike suddenly appeared in his hand.

This spike looks like a shotgun. It is about one meter long and has the thickness of an adult arm. As soon as it appears, there are bursts of powerful rune energy fluctuations on it.

This is a powerful talisman!

"Dead ~"

With a cold drink, KuMan threw the tip thorn at Lamu.

At this time, there was a distance of tens of meters between KuMan and lamulan. The moment the sharp thorn flew out of KuMan\'s hand, it appeared on lamulan\'s chest, and then there was a loud bang.

Under the impact of two powerful energy, strong shock waves were sent out in all directions, and the whole cave trembled and made a "boom" sound.

If Yang Tian is outside the Lamu mountain at this time, you can see that the whole Lamu mountain is shaking.

Lamu mountain has always been stable. Such a situation has never happened since it appeared. The practitioners who are visiting the mountain are shocked and flee from Lamu mountain one after another.

Under his control, KuMan\'s Rune magic weapon has been deadlocked with the Blue Shield in front of Lamu blue, and the cave has been shaking.

The impact raised just now produced a strong shock wave, which blew Yang Tian, Huie Miaomiao and heifujun up. Fortunately, Yang Tian protected his three people with spiritual strength in time, so that he was not blown into the cave when they came.

The spiny stalagmites above the cave were scraped off one by one, broken into pieces and fell to the ground, covered with a thick layer.

"Cough ~"

After getting up from the ground, heifujun coughed twice deliberately, and he didn\'t know what the purpose was.

KuMan and lamulan had long known that Yang Tian and his party were coming, but they ignored them because Yang Tian\'s strength of three people and one dragon could not threaten them.

After black Fu Jun coughed twice, Lamu LAN and KuMan fought and looked at Yang Tian and them at the same time.

Black Fu Jun saw two people, and when he lifted his hand, a small strange animal made of ice appeared in his hand.

This\' ice sculpture \'is also a rune treasure. As soon as it appears, the surrounding temperature begins to drop rapidly. At the same time, a powerful rune energy fluctuation is emitted from this\' ice sculpture\'.

Yang Tian and hui\'e Miaomiao were frozen and stepped back for several steps, but in an instant, ice residue formed on Yang Tian and hui\'e Miaomiao\'s eyebrows and hair.

But the black Fujun, who was holding this Fuwen treasure, didn\'t do anything at all.

"This is... Ice treasure!"

Feeling the sharp drop in the temperature in the cave, KuMan suddenly opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

Hei Fujun said with a smile, "the minister is really well-informed. This is a Fuwen treasure made with the ice essence of the cold region as the carrier."

Before, Hei Fujun and Yang Tian spoke in the language of the previous world. At this time, he talked with KuMan and spoke the language of the world, which seemed strange.

According to Yang Tian\'s judgment, heifujun didn\'t leave the cold region for long. Or, he rarely communicates with the outside world.

For the sudden behavior of Hei Fujun, although Yang Tian was a little unhappy, he didn\'t say anything. He took Huie Miaomiao\'s hand and watched the change.

In fact, heifujun\'s impression of Yang Tian still stays in the past.

In the previous world, heifujun also made use of Yang Tian once. He felt some superiority towards Yang Tian. He didn\'t know that Yang Tian was much stronger than him at this time.

The cold region has a bad environment, but it produces many strange things. Ice essence is a specialty in the cold region. It exists in the ice layer several kilometers below. It experiences high pressure and low temperature. After hundreds of thousands of years, it is harder than the metal materials used to make weapons.

Depicting runes on ice essence can send out cold air. In some areas, it can create the same power as "white tide" in a short time.

This ice treasure describes the roar of the ice beast. The whole body is engraved with runes to stimulate the cold. This kind of Rune actually belongs to a kind of five element rune.

At this time, black Fujun took out this powerful Fuwen treasure, which was obviously purposeful.

"If you can help me kill him, you can be allowed to take the position of the head of the limitless temple."

KuMan suddenly laughed, bit his teeth and promised heifujun.

At this time, KuMan needs help.

As a temple minister, she has the right to appoint a chief

Black Fu Jun smiled and said, "I\'ve long wanted to be a member of the temple. Thank you, sir!"

As soon as black Fu Jun\'s voice fell, Yang Tian frowned. He didn\'t expect that black Fu Jun had this idea. It was probably ordered by goddess Xi Chen to enter the temple and get information about the temple.

Although he didn\'t have much time to contact with the goddess of Xi Chen, Yang Tian knew that Xi Chen youyou was not a woman willing to be calm. No matter where she went, she would not succumb to others.

This has nothing to do with Yang Tian. Yang Tian turns around and makes a look at hui\'e Miaomiao. They slowly retreat again.

Hei Fujun was naturally aware of Yang Tian\'s and hui\'e\'s wonderful actions, but at this time, it was important for him to help KuMan kill lamulan. This was a good opportunity to enter the limitless temple. He didn\'t want to create complications, so he ignored Yang Tian.

After a few words, KuMan and heifujun \'colluded\' together.

Somehow, lamulan saw this situation, but he didn\'t say a word, and he still kept a crazy smile on his face.


Yang Tian suddenly found that the smile on Lamu\'s blue face seemed to be solidified by time energy.

The power of lamulan was obviously provided by the blue sphere behind him. No matter how KuMan drove the sharp spike shaped rune, the rune stopped a foot away in front of lamulan, unable to move forward, or even forced to retreat gradually.

With KuMan\'s promise, heifujun smiled and threw the ice essence treasure in his hand forward.

Strangely, the ice treasure that broke away from the palm of heifujun grew bigger and bigger when flying in the air. Suddenly, it turned into an ice beast about ten meters long, roared and rushed towards lamulan.

This ice beast is obviously not a living creature, but simulated with runic energy. As soon as it became larger, the temperature in the cave had fallen to a level that Yang Tian couldn\'t bear, let alone Huie Miao.

Hui\'e\'s wonderful body trembled slightly, and the pool under the blue sphere condensed into ice at once.

Yang Tian didn\'t want to miss this wonderful duel. Naturally, he wouldn\'t leave here. He used his spiritual strength again to surround himself and Huie Miaomiao and isolate the cold.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, Lamu Lan was still motionless and his expression remained unchanged.

In fact, when black Fu Jun and KuMan talked, lamulan began to change

He jumped at the ice beast of Lam blue, came to the top of Lam Blue\'s head like lightning, opened his mouth, and bit at Lam blue and the blue ball.

It seems that this strange beast can bite Lamu blue and strange blue spheres in one bite.

"Peng ~"

Unexpectedly, the magic ice beast was less than one meter away from the blue ball. The blue ball was shining again, sending out powerful rune energy and shaking the powerful ice beast to pieces.

A sound of "pengpengpeng" sounded, and the ice turned into ice fell on the ice below.

"Eh ~"

Seeing this situation, black Fu Jun cried out in surprise. He didn\'t expect that this ice treasure was destroyed at once. You should know that this ice treasure was obtained when they exterminated a cold region ethnic group. Because the other party had this Rune treasure, they also lost a lot of hands.


As soon as the ice crystal treasure was destroyed, suddenly, Lamu LAN laughed wildly again.

Yang Tian looked at Lamu blue again and found that Lamu Blue\'s temperament was very different from before.

"Yang Tian, do you remember how your body was conceived? So is the blue sphere."

Suddenly, the voice of strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Yang Tian was stunned.

With the reminder of the strange program, Yang Tian looked at the blue sphere again and felt different about it.

Fuzhu was the first person to come here. Then, in this\' blood fetus\', it is likely that Fuzhu was conceived.

If this is true, the blood fetus connected with the whole continent has absorbed much energy in these countless years. How powerful the body bred by the Lord has to be!

Such an idea flashed through Yang Tian\'s mind. However, this is just a guess, and Yang Tian is not sure.

Yang Tian frowned and weighed the pros and cons

After a short thought, he felt that in any case, the "monster" of the Fuzhu could not appear. Now he is just an ordinary practitioner in this world, with a great future. If suddenly there is a guy who is incomparably powerful and may not be defeated by the gods, the world does not know what it will become.