Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 706

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that heifujun would appear in front of him.

He knows black Fu Jun, but black Fu Jun doesn\'t know him.

However, when heifujun saw the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, he couldn\'t help opening his eyes and looked very surprised.

Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian are very impressed by heifujun. Seeing Xiaoqinglong, heifujun thinks of Yang Tian.

Then, black Fu Jun looked at Yang Tian.

Although Yang Tian is only twelve or thirteen years old, his eyebrows, nose and mouth are six or seven points similar to those of an adult.

KuMan couldn\'t see it because she didn\'t deliberately remember Yang Tian\'s appearance before, but heifujun was different. Every time she thought of Yang Tian, Yang Tian\'s clear appearance appeared in her mind.

Black Fu Jun can be sure that the young man in front of him must be Yang Tian!

"Yang Tian, I didn\'t expect you to come."

Black Fu Jun smiled and said faintly.

In this sentence, black Fu Jun uses the language of the previous universe, which has a tentative meaning.

"Black Fu Jun, is the goddess OK in the cold region?" Yang Tian nodded and replied in the language of the world before.

In front of black Fu Jun, Yang Tian felt there was no need to hide.

Sure enough, Yang Tian and Hei Fujun were surprised. In this huge foreign world, Yang Tian and Hei Fujun can be regarded as fellow townsmen.

Yang Tian mentioned the word "cold region", which also surprised Hei Fujun. After he was stunned, he asked, "how do you know?"

Yang Tian smiled and didn\'t answer the question. Instead, he asked, "do you want to see the natural Rune array this time?"

Hei Fujun nodded and said, "yes, if it weren\'t for this, I would have gone to the cloud region now. Yang Tian, we all come from the same place. The goddess values you very much. She must be very happy to hear from you."

They spoke in the language of the original world. Huie Miaomiao and lamuwu standing behind heifu Jun didn\'t know what they were talking about.

"Muyi, has the seal been broken?"

Catch the gap between Yang Tian and Hei Fujun, Lamu Wu asked eagerly.

As soon as the seal was broken, Lamu blue turned his face immediately. It is estimated that Lamu Wu didn\'t expect it.

While talking to black Fu Jun, Yang Tian was always alert to lamuwu.

Lamuwu is just a practitioner at the peak of the fantasy world, not Yang Tian\'s opponent. When he asked, Yang Tian replied with a smile: "the seal is broken, but your patriarch and the dry man minister have a conflict and are fighting!"

As soon as Lamu Wu heard this, he immediately frowned and moved. He swept away from Yang Tian and rushed to the depths of the cave.

"Unexpectedly, you broke the seal! What a pity!"

After lamuwu left in a hurry, heifujun looked at the deep hole and shook his head helplessly.

It\'s a pity that Yang Tian didn\'t "get ahead of others" but didn\'t see the seal array.

It is indeed a pity for practitioners of Rune.

"Boom ~"

Deep in the cave, it had been quiet for a while. Suddenly, the most violent sound came from below.

At the same time, it was like an earthquake, and the whole cave shook.

After the loud noise, there was silence.

"Let\'s go and have a look?"

After silence, black Fu Jun looked at Yang Tian and asked with a smile.

Yang Tian nodded.


When Yang Tian came to the original seal, KuMan and lamulan were gone, and the bodies of seven Lamu elders were left in the cave.

Yang Tian leaned over and looked at the seven corpses. He found that all the internal organs and bones were broken by the powerful force.

This woman, KuMan, is really powerful!

Yang Tian couldn\'t help sighing in his heart.

Yang Tiangang stood up and suddenly there was a wave of Rune energy in the depths of the cave.

Yang Tian can feel it with his own body. The black robe worn by black Fujun can also sense the rune energy.

They frowned, looked at each other, and walked quickly towards the cave.

Less than a hundred meters away, there were two bodies of Lamu elders, one of whom was Lamu Wu.

Lamuwu just separated from Yang Tian. It seems that KuMan and lamulan didn\'t go in for long.

Yang Tian immediately quickened his pace.


More than 50 meters ahead of the cave, there was a cough in front.

Someone\'s alive!

After turning a corner, Yang Tian saw an elder named La Jupiter covering his chest and leaning against the cave wall, coughing constantly. Almost every time he coughed, a Peng of blood gushed out of his mouth. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

Seeing Yang Tian coming, the elder\'s eyes lit up.

"What\'s the matter?" Yang Tian immediately went forward and squatted in front of Jupiter.

Jupiter took a breath and said, "the patriarch is invincible... Cough..."

After only half a sentence, he coughed again.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, there was another loud noise, mixed with a miserable hum.

The injured Lamu star was in a hurry. He grabbed Yang Tian\'s arm and gritted his teeth and said, "Muyi, help our family kill KuMan. Our family must be grateful!"

With these words, he tilted his head and fainted.

Yang Tian took a look at Lamu star and got up and walked in.

Walking at the end, the black Fujun looked at the unconscious pull Jupiter, smiled coldly, raised his foot and kicked at the temple of pull Jupiter, shaking the brain of pull Jupiter to pieces.

Yang Tian heard the movement behind him. He just looked at it and turned and walked in. Judging from the crazy words spoken by Lamu LAN before, Yang Tian also knows that Lamu people are not good birds.

He walked on for a few minutes and turned the corner. Yang Tian\'s eyes lit up.

What appeared in his eyes was a huge natural cave.

The top of the cave is full of translucent stalactites like blue crystals. Their tips face down and look like a sharp arrow.

At the bottom of the cave, in the center, there is a large natural pool. In the center, there is an S-shaped island. Above the island, a bright circular sphere with blue halo is suspended.

The halo emitted by the sphere is strong and weak, just like breathing.

The two remaining elders of the Lamu clan also died. The body was next to the entrance. Half of the head of one of them was broken, while the other was pierced by a stalactite on the top of the cave and hung in the air.

Lamulan and KuMan are both defeated and facing each other on the S-shaped island. Both of them look at each other with hate on their faces.

Yang Tian\'s arrival was naturally noticed by the two people.

For both of them, this is a crucial moment. They can\'t be distracted. They just glanced at Yang Tian and them.

Although their breath was messy, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse. Yang Tian was not afraid to come forward at this time. He and heifujun both focused on the blue light ball suspended in the air.

The blue light ball, about five meters in diameter, not only flickers, but also goes up and down. Ordinary people look at it, it\'s just a luminous sphere.

However, Yang Tianyi and heifujun noticed that the light ball was not simple, especially Yang Tian. After he had the rune world in his body, he was more sensitive to the rune energy, and a strange situation appeared in his mind.

From this blue light ball, countless Rune energies of various colors are separated, extending all the way to the cave wall and not into the cave wall.

These runic energies are also flickering, and the frequency is synchronized with the blue light ball.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian thought of the word "heart".

The blue light ball is very much like a beating heart, and the invisible Rune energy is like blood vessels. It seems that it is transporting energy for the blue ball.

"Peng ~"

Just then, KuMan slapped on Lamu Lan\'s chest and made a dull noise.

This palm made Lamu blue fly and hit the blue light ball.

KuMan\'s combat power is a little stronger than Lamu LAN. If Lamu Lan\'s black robe was not a powerful rune weapon that could offset some of KuMan\'s attacks, he would have been defeated.

After hitting lamulan, KuMan didn\'t let his opponent go. He immediately bullied him and raised his palm at lamulan\'s head.

It seems that Lamu blue will die this time.

But in the world, no one can be sure until the end.

When lamulan\'s body was a few feet away from the blue ball, he suddenly stopped. At this time, KuMan had clapped his hand again and rushed to lamulan\'s head.

"Peng ~"

A dull noise.

It wasn\'t KuMan\'s palm power that hit the sound made by lamulan, but a powerful force suddenly appeared to block KuMan\'s palm power.


Lamulan suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.