Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 700

In the Lamu temple, the patriarch and the twelve elders looked toward a corner outside the temple.

There is a clock hanging there.

The set Rune array starts from the second level. As long as it is broken, the clock will ring automatically.

"The sixth level is called chaos, and its difficulty changes at will. With good luck, it is easier to crack than the second level. On the contrary, it is estimated that the difficulty is no less than cracking the natural Rune array!"

In the breeze, the shape was similar to that of the wind bell bridge, but the clock that was many times larger shook. An elder looked for a long time and muttered.

Another humanity: "I, the ancestor of the Lamu nationality, claimed to be the master of talismans. I accidentally found this place, set up six levels, and then entered the space of natural talismans array. As my ancestors said, the sixth level tests Qi luck. However, Qi luck is vague, and even the gods can\'t detect it, and I don\'t know whether this person can pass this level."

The two talked and broke the silence. When the man finished, the other sighed and said, "we are all old. I hope this person can crack the sixth level. Don\'t let us down... We can\'t afford to wait!"

"I don\'t know if the Lord Fu is still alive. He never comes back. If the Lord Fu didn\'t leave suddenly, we Lamu people would be able to surpass the temple. Why should we be trapped on this Lamu mountain..."

"Shut up!"

When an elder talked about the temple, the patriarch frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

The elder who spoke shut up and smiled.

Just now, he talked about the taboo of Lamu nationality.

At first, the Lamu nationality was defeated by the temple and formed a deep hatred. It took thousands of years to resolve the hatred.

Because the Lamu people know that they are not the opponents of the temple at all. If they don\'t want to be destroyed, they should never mention the past.

The hall was silent again.

"What are these runes?" Yang Tian asked in his mind as he retreated.

The strange program said, "these runes remind me of something. It seems that I once ate them, and I didn\'t wake up at that time."

This sentence of strange program surprised Yang Tian and thought, "is this the process of the original Rune owner making Rune programs?"

Fuzhu Tianzong wizards created program life composed of runes in a special way. No one knows or understands the process of creation.

The original Rune program was destroyed when the rune master disappeared. Later generations of Rune geniuses have made countless attempts to create intelligent programs constructed with runes like the rune master, but they undoubtedly all failed.

Some people, even spend their whole life, can\'t get in.

The Fuzhu must have thought of a special way that others will never know.

Others speculate that the Fuzhu is not actually a human in this world, but comes from another world.

Countless runes poured in. Yang Tian didn\'t know whether these runes would hurt him. He kept retreating, but soon there was a rustle behind him.

How do you eat these runes?

After Yang Tian asked about the strange program, the strange program didn\'t answer for a long time.

Soon, Yang Tian found a problem.

That is, countless runes came with the cave wall, and there was no Rune in the air.

When countless runes came from behind, Yang Tian had to fly into the air and jumped over him along the cave wall.

Yang Tian has never heard of a rune with spiritual power. Even if there is a rune array that can affect people\'s spirit, it is realized through other energy.

In order to prevent hidden runes in the air, Yang Tian surrounded himself and Xiaoqinglong with spiritual strength.

Whether it is from the front or from the back, it looks dense. In fact, each rune is separated by a certain distance, unlike the collision of insects when crawling.

However, when the current and subsequent runes meet, they collide like two floods.

"Boom... Chi Chi... Chi la... Pu..."

Countless strange sounds sounded.

There was only sound, but there was no shock wave and air flow from the explosion.

Every time a strange sound sounded, a large piece of runes disappeared. They were like water meeting fire.

This situation is really strange. Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, suspended in the air, look at all this with wide eyes.

"I almost know..."

I don\'t know how long it took, the voice of strange order suddenly sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Almost know

It seems that the \'memory\' of the strange program has not been completely restored.

This is the first time that the strange program excitedly told Yang Tian something that seems unreliable. At the same time, it also shows that the strange program is more humanized and has its own emotions.

Seeing these moving runes, the strange program seemed very excited.

Runes constantly collide and disappear, but Yang Tian soon found that in the continuous collision, some runes did not disappear, but "survived" and became larger than before.

Yang Tian feels like he is having an absurd dream... Human beings use symbols to form words. Who has seen these words crawling all over the ground?

The larger runes are more "strong" than the smaller runes. Perhaps they have more powerful power. When they collide with other runes, they absorb energy. Their shapes not only become larger, but also change into another rune.

These runes have no wisdom, but with their constant collision, those larger runes seem to have wisdom.

Originally, these runes collided at will, and the larger runes actually had a sense of avoidance. All the runes that are contrary to their energy, move away, protect themselves from damage and swallow directly, and they rush forward.

In the cave, more and more runes grow in size.

I wonder if these runes will cause harm to human body?

Seeing countless runes\' crawling \'on the cave, Yang Tian had this idea in his heart.

If these runes won\'t hurt him, you can catch one and take a closer look.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing as soon as the idea appeared in his mind.

He saw a slowly moving space Rune and raised his hand to grasp it. The rune immediately flew up and fell into his hand.

In order not to be hurt by this rune, Yang Tian used spiritual power, and his whole hand was wrapped by spiritual energy. The rune he held in his hand actually did not contact Yang Tian\'s hand.

The spiritual power is connected with Yang Tian\'s consciousness. When this Rune was caught by him, Yang Tian\'s eyes opened wide.

Because this rune is actually composed of countless small particles made of unknown materials, and there are runes on each small particle.

This is really a wonderful structure. There are runes on runes!