Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 701

If you look at these large runes as human bodies, these \'small particles\' are the cells that make up these large runes.

The space Rune seized by Yang Tian is about half the size of a palm and is flat. It looks like it is cut from a piece of thick cardboard, and there are no walking organs such as feet below.

Although it can move, it has no breath of life. It can only be regarded as a machine.

Yang Tianzheng is going to use his spiritual strength to go deep into the small particles that make up this rune. Look at the internal structure of these small particles. Unexpectedly, it suddenly dispersed, and the space around Yang Tian\'s palm fluctuated.

Space annihilation!

After the rune was scattered, it actually caused space annihilation, but the scope was very small, just covering Yang Tian\'s palm.

Fortunately, Yang Tian wrapped his palm with spiritual power and pulled it away in time, and the annihilation time of space is not long, otherwise, his palm will be annihilated.

This situation surprised Yang Tian. If this rune is dozens of times larger and becomes space annihilation after scattering... It\'s really terrible!

Strange program makes Yang Tian swallow these runes. Unexpectedly, these runes are so dangerous. Are they so easy to swallow?

Although these runes are very dangerous, Yang Tian didn\'t give up his idea of understanding them. He glanced at the dense runes below and grabbed them. A rune used to stimulate fire was sucked into his hand.

This rune is even more "unruly" than the space Rune just now. As soon as Yang Tian caught it, it dispersed and turned into a high-temperature flame.

Although the temperature of this flame is very high, it can\'t hurt Yang Tian.

Now, Yang Tian was more interested in these runes. He glanced at the nearby cave wall and sucked a rune to stimulate water power.

As before, as soon as it fell into Yang Tian\'s hand, the rune turned into a pool of water and flowed out from Yang Tian\'s five fingers.

This time, Yang Tian didn\'t even use spiritual power.

The damage caused by different types of power is also different. Some runes won\'t even hurt the human body.

After catching three runes in a row, Yang Tian stopped.

It takes some time to see the subtle structure of these runes, but except that the first space Rune stayed in Yang Tian\'s hand for a moment, the other two runes immediately disappeared as soon as they fell into Yang Tian\'s hand.

How can we keep these runes in hand for a long time?

Yang Tian thought.

At this time, where he stayed, a large space Rune appeared, with a length and width of one meter.

The larger the rune, the smarter it seems. It may feel that Yang Tian will hurt him. It is far away from Yang Tian and is not close to Yang Tian. As soon as the surrounding runes appear, they are attracted by an attraction from it, turn into its own energy and make its size bigger.

If such a large space rune is destroyed, the formed space will be annihilated. I don\'t know how large the scope is. Yang genius dare not provoke it.

Turning his head, Yang Tian flew towards the depths of the cave.

Countless runes first appeared in that direction.

"I see..."

Just then, the voice of the strange program sounded.

"Hoo ~"

The strange program finally remembered and said the method it thought of. Yang Tian was relieved.

Next, Yang Tian \'fused\' with the strange program again.

Under the control of the strange program, Yang Tian waved his hands quickly.

Yang Tian\'s action now is larger than the previous action similar to pinching algorithm. Not only his ten fingers, palm, wrist, but also his whole arm moved.

"Close ~"

When the rune array was completed, Yang Tian drank softly. Under him, a translucent and circular Rune array figure emerged.

As soon as this array appeared, the surrounding runes quickly gathered together like scrap iron attracted by a magnet.

The attraction of the array draws all the surrounding runes into the array.

Soon, countless particles of cells rushed out of the array.

The strange program has long told Yang Tian that these tiny particles engraved with runes can be directly absorbed by organisms because they are realized with corresponding energy.

Yang Tian doesn\'t have to absorb this energy deliberately. The particles formed by the Fu culture rush towards Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong.

At this time, the rune program also appears from the insect brain pendant.

As soon as the rune particles came into contact with Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong\'s body, they immediately immersed in Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong\'s body. The speed was strange.

"It\'s really comfortable ~"

Being touched by these Rune particles is crisp, just like being massaged by these small particles.

Yang Tian is like this, and so is Xiao Qinglong. His eyes are full of intoxication. It seems that he is more comfortable than Yang Tian.

As for the feeling of Rune program, Yang Tian doesn\'t know.

But soon, Yang Tian found that the strange program had changed. It was originally a virtual shadow in the shape of a small green dragon. After absorbing a large number of Rune particles, only some of these particles disappeared, and the rest began to stick to the virtual shadow

More and more runes are pouring in. Fortunately, the strange program thinks of a way to absorb these runes in time. Otherwise, when those big runes become larger, the array can\'t \'turn\' them into particles.

There are many runes, but they are also limited. Of course, the speed of production cannot be compared with the speed of destruction.

In less than half an hour, at least hundreds of millions of runes were absorbed by the array, fewer and fewer runes poured out, and finally disappeared.

"Scattered ~"

No Rune appeared again. Yang Tian drank lightly, and the array under him disappeared.

Yang Tian landed slowly and breathed a sigh.

At this time, as like as two peas, the little green dragon, which was transformed from a strange program, was actually an entity. It was almost the same as the little green dragon except the body was darker than the little green dragon.

The illusory little green dragon doesn\'t care, but it\'s different at this time. The strange program is tantamount to violating the portrait right of little green dragon. Of course, little green dragon is not happy.

Seeing the sharp eyes of the little green dragon, the strange program knew that the little green dragon was dissatisfied. The whole body suddenly dispersed, like sand, into a small gray particle, and then changed its shape and became a little green bird.

Looking at the reduced version of Qingniao, Xiaoqinglong is still unhappy.

The strange program had to become a little turtle, suspended in the air.

Xiaoqinglong finally withdrew his dissatisfied eyes.

In this way, the singular program achieves the purpose of realization.

Having a body is different from not having a body, so strange programs can stay out for a long time.

Compared with insect brain pendant, although these particles are also a container, they are much more free for strange programs.

After becoming a little turtle, strange order said to Yang Tian, "maybe I know how I was created."


After finishing the strange program, Yang Tiangang asked, and the cave suddenly shook.