Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 699

After the picture disappeared, Yang Tian wondered why this picture appeared in front of him.

He can be sure that this picture must be true, not a scene simulated by magic array using his memory.

Because Yang Tian had never seen such a situation before

After the picture disappears, the surrounding light is dark, and a fuzzy red dot appears in front.

Seeing the red dot, Yang Tian frowned and walked carefully with slow steps.

As it gets closer and closer, the red becomes bigger and bigger, becoming a big red ball.

In the rune array, anything can happen. Yang Tian was careful and stopped dozens of meters away from the red ball.

The diameter of this red ball is about one meter. Yang Tian feels very familiar with it.

After thinking about it, Yang Tian finally realized that the red ball was too similar to the blood fetus that "bred" his body.

"Peng ~"

The idea as like as two peas came out, and suddenly the red ball burst, and a child came out of it.

The child as like as two peas, is as like as two peas.

Moreover, as like as two peas, Yang Tian, on the shoulder, still lies on another little green dragon.

This must be an illusion!

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing, and the little green dragon on his shoulder opened his eyes in surprise when he saw another little green dragon.

They say they are illusions, but this person is a dragon, but his body exudes the breath of life, as if he existed alive.

Seeing the real Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, the child who just came out of the red ball and Xiaolong on his shoulder, his eyes were full of surprise, but immediately, his eyes were full of anger.

It\'s alive. It\'s not a replica, is it? Yang Tianxin thought.

What the universe is as like as two peas, and what is happening is possible. Yang once heard of a star field, which is another mirror image of the star domain. The life and events in the two worlds are exactly the same.

Later, after human\'s continuous exploration, we finally found that the formation of mirror image star domain is actually the distortion and bifurcation of space and time. The events in the two star domains actually differ by about two seconds.

In order to make the mirror image star domain disappear, man destroyed a star, because it is the existence of this star that changes the space and time of the whole star domain.

Unfortunately, the mirror image star region has been destroyed, otherwise Yang Tian will go to see it.

Now, is the as like as two peas and the little green dragon facing the opposite?

Seeing each other\'s expression, Yang Tian knew it wasn\'t.

"Whew ~"

Suddenly, the little green dragon on the opposite child\'s shoulder moved and rushed towards Yang Tian.

The little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder was already ready to fight. The fake little green dragon opposite moved, and it rushed forward.

"Peng ~"

Two little green dragons met in the air and collided with each other, making a dull noise.

Fake is fake. It is not the real opponent of Xiaoqinglong. After the collision, it disappears and there is no residue left.

"Bruce Lee ~"

The boy opposite saw his little green "death" and made a sad cry. His hands suddenly changed into dragon claws. His body moved and rushed towards Yang Tian.

In this process, a powerful energy wave broke out on the little boy. But the realm is not as good as Yang Tian, just the appearance of returning to the source realm.

Without Yang Tian\'s hand, the little green dragon moved, opened his mouth and ejected a golden dragon flame towards the boy.

"Ow ~"

The child was shrouded in the Golden Dragon flame. Suddenly, a beast roared from the large dragon flame. Then a strange beast rushed out of the Dragon flame.

This is a strange animal with a body like a cat. It has a pair of meat wings on its back, a hairy triangle on its head and a red one eye on its forehead.

After rushing out of the package of the Dragon flame, the only eye of the beast was full of fierce light. As soon as it flapped its wings, it rushed towards the little green dragon, with a very fast speed.

Seeing this strange beast, Yang Tian suddenly understood that this strange beast is probably a kind of strange beast that can use illusion.

"Peng ~"

No matter how fierce the beast is, it is not Xiaoqinglong\'s opponent. As soon as Xiaoqinglong swings his tail and slaps it on his head, the beast hits the ground like a stone, explodes and splashes red liquid around.

At that moment, Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian used their spiritual power to block the red liquid from splashing on their bodies.

Strange things happened again. After the red liquid fell on the ground, it turned into pieces of red worms. It looked like countless small red earthworms gathered together and kept wriggling.

"Boom ~"

The little green dragon squirted out the Dragon flame again, enveloping all the red insects. A squeak sounded. In the Golden Dragon flame, countless insects turned into black slag, and they didn\'t even have time to change.

Yang Tian saw this for the first time.

At this time, he finally understood why this level was called "chaos". This... NIMA is really chaotic.


After countless red insects were eliminated, a burst of "rustling" sound suddenly sounded in the cave. It sounded like the sound of countless insects crawling on the ground.

The direction of the sound was dark. Yang Tian couldn\'t see it. He looked at Xiao Qinglong and retreated slowly.

More than ten seconds later, Yang Tian opened his eyes, shook his head hard and rubbed his eyes involuntarily.

There was something crawling towards him, and there were a lot of them.

They are not beasts, nor insects... But runes!

Yes, it\'s runes!

Countless strange runes, one by one, seemed to be alive, pouring down the cave wall towards Yang Tian.

"Boom ~"

The little green dragon spewed out the Dragon flame again.

Strange things happened. After the Dragon flame disappeared, some runes disappeared, but others grew larger.

The missing runes are life runes and water runes, while the larger runes are fire runes.

Yang Tian suddenly felt that he was going crazy. He had never heard of or seen runes. Runes would be alive.

"Wheezing ~ boom ~"

Seeing that the Dragon flame was useless, the little green dragon sent out a strong current and split it on the cave wall. Runes splashed everywhere in the current split. As last time, some runes disappeared and some became larger.

What should I do?

Yang Tian felt very distressed.

There are many kinds of runes. They correspond to all kinds of energy. If one part is destroyed, the other part will become larger.

When Yang Tian didn\'t know what to do, the voice of the strange program suddenly sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind: "Yang Tian, come on! Eat them and make a big tonic!"

"What?" Yang Tian was surprised. Are these things... Edible? How do you eat?