Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 698

All the way, which one is not dangerous and dangerous, will have such achievements?

Yang Tian only hesitated and agreed to the proposal of strange procedure.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s agreement, the strange program said: "it\'s of great benefit to you. From the perspective of runes, your flesh body is better than before. Maybe in this process, your flesh body can have the same ability as me..."

"Don\'t talk nonsense, let\'s start!" the number of metal arrows hit is more and more, and the speed is faster and faster. Yang Tian feels that he can\'t bear it, and says loudly in his mind.

As soon as he finished, Yang Tian felt a stabbing pain in his brain, which made him almost out of control and hit by several metal arrows.

Fortunately, Yang Tian endured it and dodged dangerously. One of the metal arrows also cut his sleeve.

This attack is really not illusory.

After a stabbing pain, Yang Tian felt that there were more things in his brain, just like the information in his memory was suddenly awakened, and there was a sense of enlightenment.

Next, Yang Tian felt a crisp feeling all over his body and raised his hands uncontrollably.

"Boom ~"

Then, Yang Tian\'s head roared, and then he felt a whirl of heaven and earth, and almost fainted.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth again and held on.

At this time, the strange program had penetrated into his brain and connected his consciousness.

At this time, even if Yang Tian doesn\'t want to, the strange program can affect his action. Compared with the previous control method, the singular program is more active.

Yang Tian did not prevent the "fusion" of strange programs and his own consciousness, although he instinctively felt danger.

"Poof poof ~"

The fusion process still had some impact on Yang Tian\'s movements. Yang Tian hit two metal arrows in succession and chiseled a hole in his left shoulder and right arm.

For Yang Tian, this kind of injury was only a minor injury. The strong recovery ability of the flesh made his wound flow out only a small amount of blood and immediately closed.

Previously, with Yang Tian\'s permission, the strange program controlled Yang Tian\'s body countless times to complete the process of stimulating Rune energy. With these experiences at the bottom, the process of integration was not as complex as Yang Tian imagined, and was soon completed.

Controlling his body, Yang Tian jumped up and his figure flashed to avoid the metal arrow attacking him quickly.

Yang Tian\'s hands, controlled by a strange program, kept making all kinds of movements at an extremely fast speed. Even practitioners in the same realm could not see the movements of his hands at this time.

In the past, to stimulate Rune energy with both hands, Yang Tian needed a quiet environment, but now it\'s different. In the process of stimulating Rune energy, Yang Tian can also control his hands.

For example, when he noticed that he could not dodge a metal arrow, he raised his hand and clapped the metal arrow away. Then, his hand was put down and continued the unfinished process of stimulating Rune energy.

If the Fuwen masters see such a situation, they will be absolutely shocked.

Whether using gestures or depicting runes to stimulate Rune energy is a fine process. You must concentrate. If you don\'t pay attention, you will fail. There is no saying of one mind and two uses at all.

Yang Tian\'s current cracking process will certainly subvert their cognition.

Yang Tian\'s consciousness and strange programs are integrated, and the speed of transmitting information to each other is unknown many times faster, which makes the cracking process many times faster.

"All right ~"

A few minutes later, Yang Tian knew that the strange program had completed the process of stimulating Rune energy without reminding him of the strange program.

In an instant, Yang Tian\'s hands were together, and the energy lines that formed the rune array appeared in his mind.

Different from what I saw outside, in the array, the energy lines are all real, and the number is at least ten times less.

After fusion, the computing speed of singular programs is much faster. When the picture of Rune energy line appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind, the strange program had calculated the solution according to the detected results

Yang Tian\'s hands moved quickly again

In a few minutes.

"Broken ~"

Yang Tian suddenly stopped, put his hands on his chest, like a Buddhist ceremony, and drank loudly at the same time.

Powerful rune energy radiated from his hands, forming the rune energy line of the maze array, all of which broke in response to the sound.

This complex Rune array has been cracked, and even it has not started other attacks.


In the eyes of the public, Yang Tian\'s figure suddenly appeared. The place where he appeared was the center of the stone pillar. Hundreds of stone pillars surrounded him and exploded one after another.

In less than a minute, all the stone pillars were destroyed.

Even if you don\'t understand the rune, everyone knows that Yang Tian has broken the rune array.

"Dang... Dang... Dang..."

As soon as the fourth Rune array was broken, three bells rang one after another in Lamu hall.

In the hall, the head of the Lamu clan and the twelve elders all smiled, and an excited light appeared in their eyes.

There are also two Rune arrays. If someone can crack them, they may be able to fulfill their wishes


Yang Tian breathed out and was about to walk out of the stone column group composed of half stone columns. Suddenly, his feet shook.

Yang Tian frowned and immediately dodged away from the vibration range.

In the middle of the square, a circular stone platform rose slowly.

The stone platform is made of bluestone. It is round and about 15 meters in diameter. I don\'t know how long it has existed. Some of the surrounding runes have become blurred. This kind of bluestone is very hard. It has also changed in the years, and the surface has become pitted.

When it rose to about three meters, the stone platform finally stopped. A moment later, the blue light lit up on it.

Originally, this is a transmission array, which leads to the next level.

Seeing that Yang Tian broke the amulet array of Lamu nationality, Xiao Qinglong jumped onto Yang Tian\'s shoulder excitedly. Yang Tian raised his hand, patted Xiaoqinglong\'s faucet and jumped to the transmission array.

At this time, people looked at Yang Tian\'s eyes as if they were looking at a monster, especially the practitioners who knew runes.

It was only a long time before this extremely difficult Rune array was destroyed in Yang Tian\'s hands.

In fact, what surprises people is not his speed of cracking these runes, but his current age. If Yang Zai were an old man, people might not be so surprised.

The more powerful Yang Tian is in the rune, the more happy KuMan is!

There are six levels in Lamu mountain. One level is more complex than another, and one level is more exquisite than another. KuMan is the Minister of the limitless temple and knows something unknown to the outside world.

In fact, these six runes are a way for Lamu people to find talents. If you can crack the six Rune arrays, you are qualified to know some secrets about Lamu mountain that the world does not know.

Seeing Yang Tian breaking four levels in a row, KuMan not only paid more attention to Yang Tian, but also looked forward to it.

In these countless years, the six Rune arrays of Lamu nationality have been successfully cracked by many Rune talents.

But in the end, they were all blocked out of a natural Rune array.

It is said that if you enter this natural Rune array, you can get the secret about the whole world. Of course, this is just a legend, because until now, no one has been able to break this natural Rune array.

Yang Tian\'s figure soon disappeared on the transmission array. Huie Miaomiao naturally followed immediately, and so did KuMan.

At this time, no one could stop everyone\'s curiosity and rushed to the transmission array. They were eager to reach the fifth level and wanted to see how Yang Tian cracked the rune array of the fifth level

When Yang Tian appeared again, he was in a big cave.

By feeling, Yang Tian found that he was transported to the bottom of Lamu mountain.

The space of the cave is very large. In front of him is a bottomless abyss. There is a cave opposite. Countless Rune arrays are depicted, and irregularly shaped gravel floats up and down.

This pass is called Wanyan cave. To reach the opposite side, you must walk on the floating gravel. The passing time... Calculated by Yang Tian, it can\'t exceed about ten minutes.

If the specified time is exceeded, all the stones floating in the air will burst. Without these floating stones, even practitioners in the realm of enlightenment will be wrapped in the strong attraction generated by the abyss, fall into the bottomless abyss and never get out again.

To get to the opposite cave and enter the next level, you must step on these gravel carved with runes.

The first level tests the "basic skills" of the runner in the rune.

The second level tests the mastery of the energy attribute of the rune array. It is difficult for practitioners who practice single Rune energy to pass this level.

The third Rune array tests the operation ability of the gatekeeper. Without strong operation ability, in front of astronomical changes, you can only break through by far Qi.

The fourth level tests the speed of the runner\'s sending runes. If the response is slow, there is no chance to crack the rune array.

This fifth pass tests the psychological quality of the people who break through the pass. Because once you fail, there is only a dead end.

What about the sixth level?

Yang Tian guessed that it was mostly the comprehensive ability of runes.

After the rune matrix of the fourth level was cracked, the strange program and Yang Tian\'s consciousness had been separated.

Yang Tian\'s worry didn\'t happen. He is still him, and the strange program is still a strange program. As the strange program said, Yang Tian got great benefits, and more Rune information appeared in his mind.

In the future, Yang Tian will cooperate with strange programs more. Even if strange programs leave Yang Tian, Yang Tian can at least have most of the capabilities of strange programs.

Excited, Yang Tian had a strange hunch about the future, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was hazy

This feeling appeared. Yang Tian deliberated carefully, got nothing, and gave up directly.

"Let\'s come again!"

Looking at the countless floating rubble engraved with runes in front of him, Yang Tian smiled.


The strange program agreed immediately.

The first integration made Yang Tian have a short and uncomfortable process, and the second time was much easier.

This time, Yang Tian only felt a slight dizziness in his mind and completed the fusion process.

Yang Tian moved and stepped on the nearest piece of gravel floating in the air.

After the fusion, Yang Tian could clearly see the rune array on the rubble.

On each floating gravel, there is an exquisite Rune array.

The rune array on thousands of rubble is completely different. Some are composed of space runes, some are composed of time runes, some are life runes, and five line runes

These Rune arrays are trapped arrays. At the same time, they can also prevent the surrounding gravel from colliding.

This level tests not only the psychological quality of the barrier breaker, but also the comprehensive ability of the barrier breaker in the rune.

When Yang Tian acted, Huie Miaomiao just appeared, and then KuMan

The first piece of gravel Yang Tian stepped on was the time symbol array.

This Rune array changes the passage of time. Under the package of this Rune array, one minute has passed inside, but two minutes have passed outside.

However, as soon as Yang Tianyi stepped on the rune array, he cracked the rune array on the gravel in less than ten seconds.

In other words, Yang Tian broke the rune array in about five seconds.

As soon as the rune array was broken, Yang Tian rushed to the next piece of gravel.

In the eyes of Huie Miaomiao and KuMan, Yang Tian will not stay on each floating gravel for more than two seconds.

In less than five minutes, Yang Tian went more than half the way. He is cracking the rune array faster and faster

In less than ten minutes, Yang Tian jumped to the cave mouth opposite.

There is also a cylindrical Rune switch at the hole. Yang Tian pressed it down.

As soon as Yang Tiangang pressed it, the rubble floating in the air suddenly began to gather. Soon, a solid stone bridge was formed.

This is really a magical process. The process of machinery family using intelligent programs to control the combination of precision parts is not so wonderful.

Yang Tian cracked this level very quickly, which shocked the old clan leaders and elders of Lamu nationality. They were even more excited.

Nevertheless, they sat in the temple and waited patiently.

The bell in Lamu hall rang four times.

Once the stone bridge is completed, hui\'e Miaomiao runs towards Yang Tian.

The more powerful Yang Tian is, the more proud she is. Who calls Yang Tian his man?

Yang Tian didn\'t go into the cave.

Because the cave is the sixth pass.

This level is called "chaos".

The stone tablet at the entrance of the cave is engraved with a word without any other explanation.

What\'s the meaning of this?

Yang Tian doesn\'t understand. It seems that he can only know when he enters the array.

The stone bridge is strong and broad, and there is no problem carrying tens of thousands of people.

Yang Tian stood at the entrance of the cave, not waiting for Huie Miaomiao, but after breaking the array, he needed to be separated from the strange program.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want long-term integration. After a long time, he may have unexpected changes, and the strange program agrees with this.

After a few minutes\' rest, Yang Tiancai stepped into the cave.

Entering the cave also means that Yang Tian entered the rune array called "chaos".

In fact, this sixth pass is also a magic array. As soon as Yang Tianyi entered, the situation in front of him changed.

Countless messy scenes appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

The first scene is actually the situation that the mighty air ship breaks through the star sky and appears in this world.

When people in this world see the weikong ship, they may think it is just an ordinary ship. Yang Tian opened his eyes when he saw it.

Since he came to this world, Yang Tian still doesn\'t know the news of those people. He doesn\'t know where they have gone?

Before, Yang Tian also thought about this problem and guessed that the goddess of Xi Chen might not appear in the inflammatory domain.

At this time, Yang Tian finally knew where they were.

Cold regions!

Yes, it\'s the cold region.

Although the picture appeared only for a moment, Yang Tian saw that it was a world of ice and snow.

This is the case only in cold regions.

After coming to this world, I didn\'t see a group of Goddess Xichen. You Yinxi, an undead girl who came with Yang Tian, also left him, which made Yang Tian feel a little lonely at the bottom of his heart. If Xiao Qinglong wasn\'t around, this loneliness might be stronger.