Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 697

(two chapters in one)

This third level is much more difficult than the second level.

Ninety nine percent of the Fuwen masters who want to break through the level fail at this level. If Yang Tian can break through this level, at least he can be regarded as a senior Fuwen master.

Standing in front of the nine transmission platforms, Yang Tian closed his eyes again.

This is the first time KuMan has seen this way to crack the symbol array. Stand in front of the rune array, close your eyes and wait for a while. After you open your eyes, you can easily crack the rune array

Other Fuwen masters will never be like this. In order to crack the Fuwen array, they have a set of special tools. The first step is to explore the composition, orientation, strength and so on of the energy of the rune array through Rune tools.

The second step is to calculate the cracking method according to the detected information.

The third step is to crack. In this process, you may fail. After failure, you have to repeat the above cracking process until the symbol matrix is cracked.

When Yang Tian cracked the first two runes, he didn\'t take out the tools to crack the runes. He broke the two runes with only one hand.

Onlookers who don\'t know the rune array may not feel anything. But for KuMan, it was a big surprise.

Looking at Yang Tian with his eyes closed, KuMan couldn\'t help laughing. If Yang Tian could crack the rune array in front of her, she planned to take Yang Tian to the limitless Temple anyway.

At this time, in Yang Tian\'s mind, the rune energy graphics of nine transmission arrays appeared. Each array station is divided into nine Rune energy lines, which are connected with the other eight arrays and a point on the opposite path.

The line on the connection path looms and appears from time to time. When the rune energy line extended from one array station is connected with this point, the rune energy lines connected to this point by the other eight transmission arrays will disappear.

The color of each Rune energy line is constantly changing, that is, the transmission positions of the nine transmission arrays are constantly changing. For example, if you set foot on the nearest transmission array, it will be transmitted to the next array, but it will be transmitted to another array in advance or later

If you don\'t find out the rules and set foot on the transmission array station rashly, you will be constantly transmitted by the nine array stations and can\'t leave the array station.

In fact, this is also a trap.

The way to crack the trapped array created by using the transmission array is actually very simple. Just destroy them.

However, there are rules on the stone tablet, and it is not allowed to destroy any of the transmission arrays.

With this rule, it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of cracking countless times.

Although Yang Tian "saw" the rune energy line extending from the transmission array, he could not find out the law.

Because there are too many changes.

There are at least nine changes in the transmission position of one transmission array. The changes of the nine transmission arrays add up to nine times nine, and then nine

With the computing power of the human brain, it is impossible to find and remember the rules.

Yang Tian observed for more than ten minutes and wanted to remember the change law, but the more he remembered, the more he felt his head was big, so he had to give up.

Yang Tian can\'t do it, but strange programs can.

This time, Yang Tian closed his eyes for more than an hour.

The spectators were impatient for a long time, but KuMan stood aside and didn\'t dare to speak.

Many people can\'t help thinking that Yang Tian can only stop here.

Even so, many people admire Yang Tian very much. At a young age, he can break two levels in a row. If he practices runes together for decades or hundreds of years, his achievements will be unlimited.

There is a big difference between Rune and cultivation. If there is no outstanding talent on the way of cultivation, you can make up for it with diligence and time the day after tomorrow.

But the rune is different. It doesn\'t mean working hard.

Often a person\'s talent in runes can be seen from an early age.

Yang Tian\'s performance is that he has great talent in runes.

Finally, Yang Tian opened his eyes, turned his mouth, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the expression on Yang Tian\'s face, KuMan couldn\'t help but open his eyes.

At this time, Yang Tian finally moved.

After waiting for more than an hour, they finally saw Yang Tian move.

Yang Tian walked slowly towards a transmission array on the far left. His steps were very rhythmic, just like pinching time. The time spent in the previous step and the next step was almost the same.

In more than an hour, the strange program has found the change law of nine transmission arrays.

During the walk, Yang Tian counted the time.

One step, two steps, three steps

Some onlookers began to count Yang Tian\'s steps.

Finally, Yang Tian set foot on the transmission array.

The nine transmission arrays are all open. After Yang Tian stepped on the transmission array, his figure suddenly disappeared.

When Yang Tian appeared again, he had reached the opposite path.

Beside, there is a stone pillar, which is the mechanism to close the nine array fan platform. Yang Tian raised his hand and pressed it down.

When the stone pillar moved, the nine transmission arrays went out at the same time.

"Dong... Dong..."

When the nine array fan stage was closed, two bells rang in the Lamu hall on the top floor.

At this time, KuMan looked at Yang Tian, his eyes became hot, and said to himself, "this young man, we must take him back!"

She was glad that there were no other temple people here at this moment, otherwise she would compete with him again.

This trip, Kuo man didn\'t want to come. Unexpectedly, he met such a rune genius. For her, this trip was worth it!

At this time, KuMan wanted to bring Yang Tian back to the limitless temple, but he didn\'t expect that the boy named Muyi was Yang Tian.

I don\'t know what expression she will have when she knows Yang Tian\'s real identity

Two bells rang in the Lamu hall, which finally attracted the attention of the Lamu clan leader.

Someone broke the third level!

In the Lamu hall, a thin old man sitting cross legged suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, a burst of dense footsteps sounded, and twelve old people entered the hall.

These people are the elders of the Lamu nationality, who are highly proficient in runes.

The twelve were all dressed in black robes and white hair. When they came in, the head of the imperial family bowed and sat down.

This is a way for Lamu people to wait for guests. If someone can break three Rune arrays in half a day, the elders will appear and wait here.

Such things have happened several times in these hundreds of years.

However, after two bells, there was no more three bells, and the elders had no choice but to leave.

Yang Tian broke three Rune arrays in a row. Two bells rang in Lamu hall. The bells echoed in the whole Lamu mountain. Although they didn\'t sound very loud, they attracted the attention of many people.

In particular, practitioners who specialize in runes almost all know the meaning represented by the two bells of Lamu mountain.

Therefore, whether they had just returned from a very far distance or were ready to leave through the transmission array on Lamu mountain, they all gathered towards the top of the mountain.

This situation has occurred many times. The Lamu nationality has long had a way to deal with it. The fourth pass is on a square.

The square can hold tens of thousands of people.

The rune array of the fourth level does not need such a broad space. The reason why it is so broad is for the spectators.

Otherwise, many practitioners are crowded together, and each one is angry. It is inevitable that there will be fighting. If the space is wide and the number of people is scattered, there will be no such problem.

In less than five minutes, thousands of people gathered in the square.

Being watched by so many people, Yang Tian\'s face still maintained a calm expression, which made KuMan more satisfied with Yang Tian.

She felt that at least at Yang Tian\'s age, she could not be as calm as water when she did such a thing and was stared at.

Yang Tian ignored others. Even if there were ten times more people, it had nothing to do with him. Yang Tian has seen this scene a lot.

Fan kill array!

The fourth Rune array, known as the miskill array, is built in the middle of the square and is composed of hundreds of stone columns with thick thighs and about one meter above the ground. The stone columns are engraved with runes and have different colors.

If you look from the sky, you will find that these hundreds of stone pillars form a spiral pattern.

Compared with the nine array fan stage in the third level, fan killing is more difficult to crack.

The rune array of the first three levels belongs to defensive Rune array and will not attack those who break the array.

The maze array is different. You can hear its name. It is both a maze array and a kill array. The stone tablet next to it reminds those who break the array that if they feel they can\'t cope with it, they can raise their hands and the maze array will be lifted naturally.

Of course, this is tantamount to admitting failure.

Like the previous three times, Yang Tian stood outside the array, closed his eyes and felt the rune energy of the rune array.

In his mind, the runic energy of the rune array reappeared.

Hundreds of stone pillars, each of which extends countless small Rune energy lines, are entangled together irregularly, looking like a colored mess.

Similarly, these energy lines are also changing, not only the color, but also the connecting bars are moving.

so many!

The strange program tells Yang Tian that in fact, these energy lines are a kind of disguised energy lines to prevent those who crack the rune array from seeing the real key Rune energy lines that constitute the rune array.

You can\'t see through it from the outside, so you can only go into the array to see it.

Yang Tian closed his eyes and opened them again in less than five minutes.

Yang Tian made a look at the little green dragon on his shoulder.

Xiaoqinglong understood Yang Tian\'s meaning and immediately jumped down from Yang Tian\'s shoulder and squatted down to Huie Miaomiao\'s side.

It takes a risk to crack this Rune array. Yang Tian doesn\'t want Xiaoqinglong to be in danger. In addition, once trapped in the array, if he and Xiaoqinglong are separated by the rune array, there will be more trouble.

"Ah ~ so fast!"

"Yes! Is this Rune array simpler than the one before?"

"Impossible! Otherwise, many people would have broken through this fourth level."


Through the previous three levels, everyone thought that Yang Tianyi knew the solution immediately as soon as he closed his eyes and opened his eyes. Therefore, there was such a discussion.

In the crowd, an old man with a white beard stroked his long beard, smiled and said, "because this array needs to be broken inside. The outside of the rune array is like a shell. The people who designed this Rune array are really powerful!"

As soon as the old man\'s voice fell, someone asked, "how do you know?"

The old man said with a smile, "because I once broke through this array and almost died in it. Even now, I don\'t have a complete grasp of it. It\'s amazing! I can\'t crack it outside, but if I enter the array, I will be attacked by the rune array. I don\'t have time to crack it."

After Xiaoqinglong left, Yang Tian walked into the stone pillar without hesitation.

In everyone\'s eyes, Yang Tian disappeared after entering the stone pillar.

With the naked eye, you can\'t see the situation in the rune array, which is also the strength of this Rune array. If these stone pillars are arranged very secretly and practitioners without runes break in, they don\'t know how they died.

After Yang Tian crossed the gap between the two stone pillars, the scene in front of him changed.

The light disappeared, the air disappeared, I couldn\'t breathe, I couldn\'t see my fingers.

"Whew ~"

Suddenly, a wind sounded.

A sharp metal arrow shot at Yang Tian. Yang Tian had spiritual power and could not be affected by light. His head deviated from the metal arrow.

The peripheral situation clearly appeared in his mind.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, using his spiritual strength, he actually "saw" the surrounding stone pillars. These stone pillars are arranged in the same way as he saw outside the array.

To put it bluntly, this Rune array is actually a magic array. The magic array is mainly used to confuse people through senses. Yang Tian\'s five senses are affected by the magic array.

However, his spiritual power is not affected by this Rune energy, or has little effect on his spiritual power.

There were so many metal arrows that Yang Tian kept dodging.

He had to avoid it.

Although it is a magic array, there is truth in the magic. Although these metal arrows are fake, they are not real metals, but are transformed by Rune energy, and their destructive power is stronger than that of real metal arrows.

Now that everyone has seen the stone pillars, if one of them is destroyed, the rune array will be cracked.

But Yang Tian was unwilling to do so.

He wants to use runes to crack the rune array.

Otherwise, what\'s the point?

In the process of constantly dodging, Yang Tian realized that his spiritual power seemed to have changed.

At least until he has this new physical body, his spiritual power can not clearly see the carrier constituting the rune array in the magic array.

For a healthy person, the energy in the body is kept in balance. One energy changes, and the other energy will change. If it is unbalanced, it will get sick and die.

The change of mental power must be due to the strange program. The rune information is also a kind of energy. When this energy enters Yang Tian\'s body, other energy in Yang celestial body will also be affected and changed.

Of course, this is only Yang Tian\'s guess.

"I think we can use a new way of cooperation." Yang Tian quickly dodged, and the strange program suddenly said.

"What way?" Yang Tian asked immediately.

The strange program said: "before, I completely controlled your body. Now, change to local control!"

"Is this OK?" Yang Tiandao.

The actions of every part of the human body are controlled by the brain. The meaning of strange program is that it takes over part of the nervous system in Yang Tian\'s brain to achieve the state of you have me and I have you.

This is equivalent to a preliminary fusion of Yang Tian and singular program.

To understand this, Yang Tian is a little worried. He and strange program are two kinds of life, and consciousness must not be really integrated.

There is no need to worry that after the integration, he will become another person. Yang Tian is worried about whether an accident will damage his consciousness.

The physical injury can be recovered. If his consciousness is destroyed, he doesn\'t know what to do.

The relationship between human consciousness and the physical body is equivalent to the operating system of the computer. Like the host computer, a computer without an operating system is no different from a piece of scrap iron.