Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 696

"Who is he?" KuMan looked at Yang Tian and the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, turned his head and asked Huie Miaomiao.

When kuuman first came, Huie Miaomiao was still a little nervous.

But when she saw Yang Tian\'s present appearance, her nervous mood slowly relaxed.

Yang Tian now looks like a 12-year-old child.

"My name is Muyi."

Hui\'e Miaomiao didn\'t reply, Yang Tian said faintly.

Yang Tian took one side of the two words of his name. The characters in this world are completely different from Chinese characters. KuMan will not connect the names "Yang Tian" and "Muyi" anyway.

"Muyi... What\'s your relationship with her? And where does the beast on your shoulder come from?"

KuMan asked two questions in a row.

Since the arrival of KuMan, the people watching the excitement nearby dare not take a breath. The people in the temple are famous for being arrogant and overbearing. If they get angry, they can only be unlucky to be killed.

"Why should I answer you?" Yang Tian stared at KuMan and said, "I don\'t know you."


Kuo man snorted coldly, turned his head and looked at Hui e Miaomiao coldly.

Yang Tian now looks like a child. With so many people present, KuMan is embarrassed to bully Yang Tian, so he can only let Huie Miaomiao answer.

"He... Muyi is a member of the Huie family and works in the rune department." Huie Miaomiao replied.

"What about this strange beast?" KuMan asked again.

Hui\'e Miaomiao said, "Sir, you must think this is Yang Tian\'s beast? Obviously not. Look at their color and realm. The gap is too far."

Speaking of the realm, KuMan finally nodded.

When they were in the beast cave that day, the realm of little Qinglong and Yang Tian was the realm of returning to the source, and now Yang Tian and little Qinglong are the peak realm of the fantasy world.

How long has it been? It\'s impossible to be promoted.

Also, KuMan believes that it is impossible to survive in Yang Tian\'s realm under the fire array

However, seeing Xiaoqinglong\'s hate eyes with Xiaoqinglong, KuMan guessed that this strange animal must have something to do with the previous one.

"Don\'t you want to break the array? What are you doing?"

After dispelling a trace of doubt in his heart, KuMan turned his head and looked at Yang Tian with a smile.

Yang Tian humed with a disgruntled look, turned around and closed his eyes.

Just now he has calculated the swing law of the suspension bridge and the aggregation law of the rune matrix on the suspension bridge. As long as he throws the stones in the, he can break three Rune arrays.

At the critical moment, KuMan appeared, which disrupted the rhythm in his mind, and now he had to recalculate.

Hui\'e Miaomiao saw that KuMan didn\'t leave, but looked interested in Yang Tian. He didn\'t know what the old woman wanted to do. He was a little nervous when he just relaxed.

A group of people in the temple almost killed Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong. In Yang Tian\'s heart, they were full of hatred for the temple.

Although he is now a practitioner in the realm of fantasy, Yang Tian can only suppress his hatred at the bottom of his heart. He has long vowed to destroy the temple if he has the opportunity. Let the ministers of the inflammatory array also taste the taste of the inflammatory array.

Yang Tian had already practiced his happiness and anger. Although he hated, his expression and eyes didn\'t show it at all.

The reason why KuMan stayed at this time was to see if Yang Tian could break the rune array of this level.

At a young age, if you can break the rune array above the three levels of Lamu nationality, your future in runes is simply unlimited.

Some time ago, the star Temple got Hui echan, which is equivalent to indirectly getting a divine beast, which made KuMan very unhappy.

If a rune genius can be found here and brought back to the temple, it can at least make up for the \'loss\'.

In everyone\'s eyes, Yang Tian opened his eyes after closing his eyes for a moment, waved his hand and threw the stones out.

"Ding ~"

The stone hit the wind bell on the bottom metal chain on the left of the middle section of the bridge, making a clear impact.


Almost at the same time as the impact sound sounded, the wind bells hanging on the metal chain burst one by one.

The rune array on the suspension bridge is composed of the runes on these wind chimes. Once the wind chimes are destroyed, the rune array naturally does not exist.

Seeing that the rune array on the wind chime bridge was destroyed, KuMan was stunned and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The rune array on the wind chime bridge, she has seen the process of being cracked by people. Those people may have shorter preparation time than Yang Tian, but they are never as easy as Yang Tian.

Yang Tian used only one stone and threw it away, and the rune array was destroyed, which looked relaxed and freehand.

KuMan naturally didn\'t know Yang Tian\'s accomplishments in runes. Otherwise, he would have doubts again.

KuMan doesn\'t care much about the family affairs in Yanyu.




When all the wind chimes on the wind chime bridge burst, cheers came from the crowd on both sides.

The rune array of the first level is the simplest. As long as you practice runes for more than ten years, you can basically crack them.

The second level is different. There are not only three runes, but also the three runes are connected with each other. When the air velocity is uncertain, it is changeable.

To crack this level, it is impossible for ordinary Fuwen masters to do it.

Yang Tian also ignored the cheers of others. He didn\'t have any proud expression on his face. He looked old and serious. He stepped onto the wind chime bridge without wind chimes and walked opposite.

Huie Miaomiao immediately followed.

In order not to let KuMan find out anything, Huie Miaomiao decides to speak less from now on, otherwise he calls out the word "Yang" and KuMan hears it, and Yang Tian is really over.

Withered man turned his mouth and walked up.

When the spectators saw that KuMan had crossed the bridge, they stepped onto the bridge one by one and followed.

These people are more and more excited and want to see Yang Tian break the third level.

Yang Tian crossed the wind chime bridge, and a bell rang in the Lamu hall on the top of the mountain in the distance.

This is to remind the Lamu people that the rune array on the wind chime bridge has been broken.

Only by breaking through this pass can the Lamu people pay attention to it.

Yang Tian heard the bell and knew what it meant. He couldn\'t help smiling and was very happy at the bottom of his heart.

All along, Yang Tian has no talent in runes and has studied hard. Unfortunately, the learning process proves that he is really mediocre in runes.

But now it\'s different. The process of cracking these two levels makes Yang Tian feel an unspeakable pleasure.

After more than ten minutes of walking along the mountain road, a wide platform appeared in front.

On the platform, there are nine transmission arrays, each of which is in transmission state with blue light.

On the edge of the platform, there is also a stone tablet with four large characters of "nine array fan platform" and several lines of small characters.

The cracking of the first two levels was violent, and the carrier of the rune array was destroyed by Yang Tian.

The third requirement is: first, you can\'t destroy any transmission array. Second, it is transmitted to the opposite path through nine array stations.

There is a switch of Rune mechanism on the path. As long as you press it, nine array stations will go out. A stone gate at the end of the path will open.

Yang Tian has seen this maze, which is set by Feiyun grand sacrifice. Unexpectedly, he saw it again here.