Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 692

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that Huie hundred stars would suddenly appear here.

It seems that hui\'e Baixing knew that Yang Tian was not dead.

"You\'re not dead. I guessed it long ago." hui\'e Baixing said with a smile when he came to Yang Tian\'s face.

Seeing hui\'e Baixing, Yang Tian was a little guilty because Xiao Qinglong stole a third of his family\'s warehouse.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this matter that Bruce Lee left some traces that Huie Baixing guessed something.

Sure enough, hui\'e Baixing said, "last time the warehouse was stolen, I saw the claw prints at the entrance and the melted stone crystals. In addition, the rune array of the warehouse was silently broken through. I guessed that it must be Bruce Lee."

Little green dragon couldn\'t help lowering his head when Huie Baixing said so. It\'s not clean enough!

"Hahaha..." seeing Yang Tian\'s embarrassed appearance, hui\'e Baixing smiled.

"Patriarch..." Yang Tian didn\'t know what to say.

Hui\'e Baixing said, "don\'t worry! What Bruce Lee took away should be your reward for building an underground city for our family."

Huie Baixing said that Bruce Lee was "taking", not stealing, which made Yang Tian very grateful. Moreover, the reward is too generous.

"How did you become like this?" after that, hui\'e Baixing looked at Yang Tian and asked curiously.

Yang Tiandao said, "although I escaped, I was hurt a lot and became like this. Fortunately, I will grow up every level I raise in the future."

Hui\'e Baixing nodded and said, "you\'re leaving. Why don\'t you say hello to me? Don\'t forget, she\'s your woman."

Yang Tian said, "I don\'t believe the patriarch, but I don\'t want more people to know that I\'m still alive. This will also cause you trouble."

Hui\'e Baixing sighed and said, "this is really a trouble. There are many people in the family, and there are people from other nationalities... In fact, I really want to keep you, but this matter is known to the temple, which is bad for our family, so I won\'t keep you."

Hui\'e Baixing finished, paused, and then said, "I know you are not familiar with the Yanyu. Take Miaomiao with you, and she will let you reach the Yunyu smoothly."

"This......" Yang Tian looked at hui\'e Miaomiao in surprise.

At this time, Huie Miaomiao was still in a daze!

Seeing Yang Tian\'s hesitation, hui\'e Baixing coughed twice and winked at his sister. Hui\'e Miaomiao responded and said to Yang Tian, "I\'m already your woman. I\'ll follow you wherever you go."

This is what it means to marry a chicken with a chicken and marry a dog with a dog.

Hui\'e Miaomiao said this in a very firm tone.

Yang Tian can\'t refuse this!

"That\'s it. I won\'t send you away. You\'d better hurry up while the people haven\'t found here!"

Hui\'e Baixing simply said that, then turned around, moved and appeared hundreds of meters away. He flashed again and disappeared in Yang Tian\'s sight

To be honest, seeing Yang Tian\'s current appearance, Huie Miaomiao is not used to it. Others are fine, but she and Yang Tian have had \'close contact\'

Yang Tian saw the disappearance direction of hui\'e hundred stars, thought about it, and some understood the meaning of hui\'e hundred stars.

Hui\'e hundred stars let hui\'e Miaomiao follow Yang Tian. Yang Tian will not join other families at least.

In addition, Yang Tianneng came out alive from the large array arranged by the temple ministers, which proved that Yang Tian\'s ability was stronger than he expected.

Huie Baixing believes that Yang Tian\'s future is unlimited.

If you abandon your family, it won\'t play a big role for hui\'e Miaomiao to stay in the hui\'e family. It\'s good for the hui\'e family if you let her stay with Yang Tian.

For Huie Miaomiao, she also hopes to follow Yang Tian.

As for the things that Xiaoqinglong "took" from the warehouse of Huie family, Huie Baixing knows that it is difficult to get back from Yang Tian. It\'s better to sell Yang Tian a favor.

If Yang Tian had built an underground city for Huie family, Huie Baixing would have been so generous and paid Yang Tian so much, Yang Tian would not have joined the hunting department.

Of course, if Huie Baixing really wants to pay Yang Tian so much, those elders will object.

"Well... Let\'s go!" Yang Tian looked at the direction of hui\'e hundred stars disappearing, shook his head and said helplessly.

Huie Miaomiao smiled and nodded.

Yang Tian agreed, and Huie Miaomiao was very happy.

Starting again, Xiaoqinglong turns into a giant dragon more than 20 meters long, ready to fly with the two

Walking on the ground is no faster than flying.

"Yang Tian, how are you going to go to the cloud region?" hui\'e Miaomiao asked with a smile when he saw Yang Tian sitting on the back of little green dragon.

Looking at Yang Tian now, Huie Miaomiao feels interesting.

"Keep flying to the East!" Yang Tiandao.

But hui\'e Miaomiao shook his head and said, "in this way, the speed is still very slow, and after leaving this area, you will encounter a large number of strange animals, which will be very troublesome."

Yang Tian thought about this problem. Whether on the ground or in the sky, there will be no fewer exotic animals along the way.

If it had been before, Yang Tian would have chosen this way to kill all the way and get a lot of life crystals by the way.

But now, he is not "poor" and is eager to get news about Qin Fei, so he must try to shorten the time.

"Miaomiao, tell me how to go. I\'ll listen to you." Yang Tian said with a smile.

Hui\'e Miaomiao said: "go to the West first, go to Lamu mountain, where there is a transmission array. As long as we pay some transmission fees, we can directly reach the Ganges River at the junction of Yanyu and Yunyu, and take a boat there to Yunyu."

It is convenient for someone to lead the way and save a lot of trouble. Yang Tian readily agreed.

Hui\'e Miaomiao saw that Yang Tian agreed to his route, so he sat on Xiao Qinglong\'s back. She sat behind Yang Tian and hugged him tightly.

Yang Tian was very depressed. Huie Miaomiao sat behind him, much taller than him. It is estimated that others thought he was Huie Miaomiao\'s son!

Xiaoqinglong turned his head and looked at it. His eyes were full of smiles.

After taking off, the Little Green Dragon flew in the direction indicated by Hui Ermiao.

About an hour later, a white mountain appeared in front of it.

Seen from a distance, the mountain is very strange. Its overall shape is like a huge sword stabbing from the ground to the sky, with its tip inserted into the clouds.

Hui\'e Miaomiao hugged Yang Tian, pointed to the strange mountain and said, "this is Lamu mountain. Most of the practitioners come and go through the transmission array here."

I had seen the mountain for a long time, but Xiaoqinglong flew fast for half an hour before he approached Lamu mountain. Yang Tian\'s eyes were slowly occupied by the mountain.

Lamu mountain is very big!

When you get close, you will find that a large number of spaceships and practitioners gather on the mountain, and a large number of spaceships and practitioners start from the mountain and fly to all directions.