Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 691

"Look at the move ~"

Yang Tian drank softly, raised his hand and grabbed Xiaoqinglong across the air. Xiaoqinglong\'s small figure was attracted by the strong attraction in his palm and disappeared into the black hole in his palm.

However, this is not a real little green dragon, just a part of little green dragon.

Yang Tiangang withdrew his hand. Two green shadows rushed towards him from left to right. They were very fast. Yang Tian had to dodge again and again.

In the process, Yang Tian\'s neck was scratched by Xiaoqinglong with his claws, and blood immediately flowed out.

Yang Tian was injured and the contest ended in his failure.

Although he failed, Yang Tian smiled happily.

As long as he doesn\'t rely on intuition to judge which little dragon is real, he can\'t attack the real little green dragon.

More than ten days have passed since the successful promotion of one person and one dragon.

Yang Tian didn\'t leave immediately, but became familiar with his new abilities with Xiao Qinglong.

In this process, Yang Tian was surprised to find that he had grown a lot taller. When he first came out, he looked like a child of six or seven years old. In more than ten days after promotion, he had grown at least ten centimeters taller and reached a height of one meter four. He looked like a child of twelve or thirteen years old.

As for the clothes on his body, Xiaoqinglong went out several times, stole some cloth and some sewing tools from others\' stores, and made some sets of clothes by himself.

They are all top-grade fabrics woven from soft animal hair. They are breathable, warm and as smooth as silk.

Today, Yang Tian is dressed in a black robe, with a beautiful animal belt around his waist and a bald head.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Yang Tianxin wants to return to the earth. With his handsome appearance now, he can shoot ancient costume TV dramas. He must be fascinated by a large number of Huaichun girls.

The life crystal and pill that Xiaoqinglong stole from the warehouse of Huie family were cleaned up by Yang Tian and collected into the storage bracelet.

There are 95 black magic level life crystals, 52 Guiyuan level pills, 30 magic level pills and 16 Wuming level pills.

And a black ball that doesn\'t know what it is.

This is a huge fortune.

Take these things out and make sure they are popular and spicy. There is no problem. In addition, Yang Tian also has a lot of colored spar.

The colored crystal stone left after the death of the giant turtle contains much more energy than the ordinary life crystal.

After staying in the secret room for another seven days, Yang Tian found that his body had not grown again, so he planned to leave the secret room and go outside.

Promoted to the realm of fantasy, with new abilities, his combat effectiveness with little green dragon, at least few people can defeat them in the inflammatory domain.

Everything in the secret room has been put into the storage bracelet

Yang Tian glanced at the secret room where he had stayed for several months and started the transmission symbol array in the secret room.

When the blue light disappeared, Yang Tian appeared in the woods near the dungeon.

There are many people in the Huie family. When Yang Tian appeared in the woods, there were many guards of the Huie family and some practitioners who had just come out or were about to enter the dungeon.

This situation surprised Yang Tian.

But think about it, it\'s probably because the warehouse was stolen! People in and out will be checked.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong hid in Yang Tian\'s wide long sleeves. In addition, Yang Tian\'s appearance has changed. No one knows him.

After coming out of the transmission array, Yang Tian walked directly out of the woods.


Seeing Yang Tian\'s strange clothes and appearance, a guard captain frowned and shouted.

The captain of the guard is just a practitioner of the source returning realm. How can he stop Yang Tian? Yang Tian smiled and looked at the captain of the guard. His body moved, turned into a dark shadow and rushed to the woods in front.

In fact, this forest is transformed by Rune array or designed by strange program. It is of no use to Yang Tian.

When the captain of the guard rushed out of the woods with a team of his men, Yang Tian had long disappeared.

There was an abnormal situation. When the captain of the guard was chasing, he had people give an alarm. Shortly after Yang Tiangang left the forest, an old man of the hui\'e family took people to the forest.

In order to prevent Yang Tian from hiding in the woods, the old clan asked people to close the magic array. What appeared in their eyes was a bare flat land. There was no figure of Yang Tian.

"You can\'t be mistaken?" the clan old man looked at the surprised captain of the guard and asked with a frown.

The captain of the guard said, "we can see clearly that it\'s a child in black. I told him to stop, and he rushed into the woods. His speed is very fast. It\'s reasonable to say that he shouldn\'t disappear so soon when entering this magic array. Unless he is very familiar with the route in the magic array..."

The captain of the guard said, "people shouldn\'t have run far. Let\'s go out and have a look."

The Huie family reacted quickly. It has been less than three minutes since Yang Tian appeared.

Although it took only three minutes, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong had long been away from the hui\'e family. At this time, little Qinglong was flying rapidly in the sky with Yang Tian.

After being promoted to the peak state of the fantasy world, little Qinglong camel Yang Tian already felt that it was not very laborious. He could fly for a few days.

After flying for more than ten minutes, the ragged clan land of the Huie family could not be seen, and the little green dragon landed on the ground.

When he came out, Xiaoqinglong chose a direction to fly at will.

The world is very big. If there is no map, it is very difficult to reach the destination.

Yang Tian stood on a hill and looked around.

Where are you going?

Yang Tian is going to Yunyu.

Last time at the beast cave, those people in the temple must have thought he was dead. Now Yang Tian looks like a child again. No one can connect him with the former Yang Tian.

As long as the little green dragon does not appear, Yang Tian can appear in the cloud area and even near the temple.

Looking at the vast area around, Yang Tian was in a very comfortable mood and had a feeling of freedom.

It\'s a big world. You can go anywhere.

"Bruce Lee, let\'s go to Yunyu." Yang Tian looked around and said with a smile.

With that, he took out a direction indicating instrument from the storage bracelet.

At this time, the star is hanging in the middle of the sky, so we can\'t judge the direction in a short time. We can only rely on the instrument indicating the direction.

The instrument in Yang Tian\'s hand does not rely on the magnetic field of the earth to judge the direction, but uses runes.

Looking at the pointer on the instrument, Yang Tian turned his body, pointed to the front and said, "Bruce Lee, see, fly in that direction!"

If it is in the morning, Yang Tian can let Xiaoqinglong fly in the direction of the rising star, which is absolutely not wrong.

"Wait a minute!"

Yang Tian\'s voice just fell, and Yang Tian\'s familiar voice sounded nearby.

Huie hundred stars!

All of a sudden, it was Huie hundred stars.

"If it weren\'t for Bruce Lee and Yang Tian, I really wouldn\'t recognize you." Hui Er Baixing said with a smile as he walked towards Yang Tian.

Behind hui\'e hundred stars is hui\'e Miao with an excited face.