Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 693

Lamu mountain is like a huge beehive, and countless spaceships and practitioners go in and out like bees.

The terrain around Lamu mountain is relatively flat, which makes the high mountain look like an artificial one.

Although Lamu mountain has covered all the sights of Yang Tian and Hui Ermiao, it still looks very far away.

Hui\'e Miaomiao pointed to the mountain in front and said, "Yang Tian, do you know why there is such a wonderful scene as Lamu mountain?"

Yang Tian doesn\'t know much about the world. He can only shake his head about this problem.

Hui\'e Miaomiao said: "it is said that this mountain existed when the continent was formed. After countless years of terrain changes, it still stands on this land. Elsewhere, the mountains have disappeared or new mountains have appeared. It has not changed at all, because it is protected by a natural Rune array."

Natural Rune matrix?

Yang Tian was very surprised.

The so-called natural symbol array, as the name suggests, is a symbol array formed naturally, not artificially made.

Nature\'s uncanny workmanship and endless changes make it impossible for human beings to understand some wonders formed by chance.

"Yang Tian, I want to know about it."

Suddenly, the voice of strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.


Yang Tian agreed very simply.

Many times, because of the existence of strange programs, Yang Tian survived. If it weren\'t for strange programs, he might still be working hard in the original world and can\'t see such a broader world.

Of course, Yang Tian will help it meet the small requirement of strange program.

Yang Tian\'s departure from the hui\'e family was actually the second step in the world. Then, he slowly saw the wonders of the world.

Under the guidance of Huie Miaomiao, Xiaoqinglong landed on an artificial platform in the middle of the mountain.

Lamu mountain is very large. According to Yang Tian\'s estimation, the whole mountain covers an area of at least hundreds of square kilometers.

Three transmission arrays are arranged on the platform in a pin shape.

After landing, the little green dragon turned back into a mini dragon and landed on Yang Tian\'s shoulder. Because Yang Tian is now small, the little green dragon lying on his shoulder looks much larger.

From time to time, blue lights lit up on the three array platforms. Someone walked up the array platform and was transmitted away. Someone appeared on the array platform and walked down the stone steps around the array platform.

In less than a minute, at least dozens of people arrived and dozens left.

This is just a platform, and the whole Lamu mountain has at least hundreds of such platforms. Well, at least thousands of people come and go every minute.

The transfer platform is guarded by specially assigned personnel. Dozens of strong soldiers in silver armor, leaning on long guns, stand outside the platform and always pay attention to the coming and going practitioners.

In the innermost part of the platform, there was a cave. Huie Miaomiao pointed to the cave and said, "if you don\'t want to fly out of here, you can enter it. There is a high-speed slide that can go directly to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many passenger ships. As long as you pay the money, you can reach any place in Yanyu. "

If you want to leave with the transmission array, you need to pay. There is a toll office next to it, and it still charges automatically.

Yang Tian saw a practitioner. He came by a red giant bird. After landing on the platform, he took out ten lice crystals of standard volume from the storage bracelet and threw them into the square automatic toll machine engraved with runes. The automatic toll machine spit out a thin black sheet.

This two finger wide, about five centimeter long sheet is engraved with runes. Holding the black piece, the visitor and the red giant bird went to one of the transmission platforms. A few seconds later, the platform lit up blue, and the man and the giant bird disappeared on the transmission platform.

Huie Miaomiao was very familiar with this place and took out ten lice crystals from the storage bracelet.

The price of transmitting a person is five yuan.

Because Xiaoqinglong is very small, lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder saves the transmission cost.

Hui\'e Miaomiao took out the lice crystal and walked towards the automatic toll machine. Before she took a few steps, she was pulled by Yang Tian.

"What\'s the matter?" hui\'e Miaomiao turned and looked down at Yang Tian.

Looking down on Huie Miaomiao, Yang Tian said with a bitter smile, "I\'ve seen such a wonderful scene for the first time. I want to visit here. I don\'t know if I can?"

Hui\'e Miaomiao said with a smile, "of course, the whole Lamu mountain can be visited at will except the top layer."

"What about the natural Rune array?" Yang Tian asked with bright eyes.

Huie Miaomiao finally knows the purpose of Yang Tian\'s stay. It turns out that he is interested in the natural Rune array!

Hui\'e Miaomiao knows that Yang Tian is highly accomplished in runes and is particularly powerful. It is normal to be interested in natural Rune arrays.

Where is the natural Rune array?

Huie Miaomiao couldn\'t answer this question. She shook her head and said, "I have to ask the elders of the Lamu family."

"OK!" Yang Tian nodded, "now go to find the elder of Lamu family!"

Hui\'e Miaomiao said, "then we have to go to the top floor."

With that, Huie Miaomiao took Yang Tian and walked into the cave leading to the interior of the mountain.

After walking hundreds of meters into the cave and out of the cave, what appeared in front of Yang Tian was an extremely spectacular scene.

Originally, the center of Lamu mountain is actually empty, with a very wide space. In this space, there are hundreds of thousands of silver white metal columns with a diameter of at least one meter. They probe down in a spiral shape from above and extend to the invisible bottom. They look like thick springs.

On these metal pillars, there are pods that can hold two people.

The pod is on the periphery of the metal ring and is driven by Rune energy to move up or down at a very fast speed.

This is what hue miaomi calls a slide.

Huie Miaomiao pointed to these slides and said, "if you don\'t want to fly, or just want to play, you can take this slide up and down by paying three lice crystals. The process is very comfortable. Do you want to try?"

Yang Tian looked up and down again. He asked curiously, "it\'s fun. How do you go up?"

When Yang Tiangang asked, he saw thousands of spiral metal columns moving. They changed their positions at a very fast speed.

Soon, one of the metal pillars moved to the edge of the cave, and the pod fell from above. The metal arm on the upper pod protruded and put the pod close to the cave wall. A young couple walked into the pod.

Then, the metal arm of the pod moved, the pod moved away from the cave wall, and the pod began to rise at a very fast speed.

"Ha ha! It\'s fun. I\'ll try!"

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian smiled happily.

Yang Tian looked like a playful child. Huie Miaomiao couldn\'t help smiling.