Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 690

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that as soon as he woke up, he turned into a child!

Fortunately, although the body has become a child, the storage bracelet can still be used.


Yang Tian took out a black T-shirt from the storage bracelet and put it on him. He found it was the same as wearing a skirt. He couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

At this time, his height was only one meter two or three, and his height had been close to two meters before.

Anyway, it\'s a blessing in misfortune to finally have the flesh again.

After putting on the black T-shirt, Yang Tian sat on the ground and began to see the energy world.

The original boundary is the same as before, and there is no change.

All along, Yang Tian thought that the energy world of practitioners existed in the flesh. Through this disaster, he finally realized that the energy world was not as simple as he thought. It was probably like a storage space, which was separated from the practitioners themselves.

After observing the energy world, Yang Tian put his mind on the body cells.

From the microscopic point of view, he found that obvious changes have taken place in body cells, and each body cell is full of stronger vitality than before.

After some observation, Yang Tian suddenly understood why this flesh body would become a child.

Because, compared with the growth process of a dragon, Xiaoqinglong is still a young dragon. Most of Yang Tian\'s body and the cells that make up his body come from Xiaoqinglong.

The original body cells, combined with the body cells of Xiaoqinglong, have become what they are now.

In order to test his conjecture, Yang Tian raised his hands and moved his mind. His hands turned into a pair of dragon claws.

In the past, to turn both hands into dragon claws, it needed the force of dragon beads, but now, it only needs to be controlled by mind, and the speed of change is still very fast.

Yang Tian smiled, moved his mind again, and his hands recovered their original appearance.

Hands can be changed at will. What about the whole body?

As soon as the idea appeared, Yang Tian found that his body had changed. In a few seconds, he became a little dragon.

The little green dragon on one side was surprised to see this.

In the past, when Yang Tian turned into a dragon, he would burst out bursts of powerful energy fluctuations, but now? It seems very free and smooth, just like... Yang Tian is one head originally.

Yang Tian felt more clearly about the process of change.

In the past, there was always a feeling of obstruction when changing, but now it can be described by the word "Flowing Clouds and flowing water", which is very happy.

Yang Tian, who turned into a dragon, had the same ability as a little green dragon. He flew happily in the air for several times before landing on the ground.

"Bruce Lee, now, even if I\'m in the dragon clan, you dragon clan won\'t treat me as an outsider, will you?"

After changing back to human body, Yang Tian said with a smile.

The body becomes childish. Yang Tian\'s words are also childish.

Xiaoqinglong nodded seriously.

After swallowing a lot of life crystals, the little green dragon is about to break through. Before, because of Yang Tian\'s reason, Xiaoqinglong had been repressing himself and did not improve his realm. Now he is finally relieved.

And Yang Tian?

Although he is now a young body, he has reached the peak state of returning to the source. He feels that he can break through another step.

This is due to the fact that Xiaoqinglong delivered enough energy for him before he had a bleeding fetus. Yang Tiancai did not lose his grade in the process of rebirth.

After Xiaoqinglong swallowed a pill of Wuming level, he lay on the ground and closed his eyes.

Yang Tian sat on one side, holding his small head quietly waiting for Xiaoqinglong.

Three days later.

"Ow ~"

A dragon roar sounded in the secret room.

The powerful sound waves echoed in the whole secret room, making Yang Tian\'s ears buzzing.

This is Xiaoqinglong\'s happy roar after his promotion.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong has been promoted to the peak of the fantasy world, just as Yang Tian expected before.

Because there is an energy world in him and little green dragon.

After being promoted to the peak of the fantasy world, Xiaoqinglong\'s whole body has completely turned golden and become a real golden dragon.

When the little green dragon opened his eyes and roared, he exuded a contempt for the world.

After a happy vent, Xiaoqinglong shrunk his body, changed back to the look of a mini dragon, and came to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

This has become a habit of Xiaoqinglong.

After becoming smaller, the little green dragon is still blue, and his eyes are not as sharp as before.

Next, it\'s Yang Tian.

Yang Tian really longed for strength. If he was strong enough, he would not encounter such a crisis during his last trip to the beast cave.

He swore in his heart that it would never happen again.

Yang Tian\'s promotion speed is slower than that of Xiao Qinglong.

After swallowing two pills of enlightenment realm in ten days, Yang Tiancai was promoted to success.

The reason why it consumes twice as much energy as little green dragon is that most of the energy is absorbed by the original world.

The original boundary in Yang celestial body did not expand during this promotion, but there was a huge black hole in the original boundary!

The black hole is derived from a star.

Once a black hole is formed, a large number of stars around it are sucked into the black hole.

As soon as it appeared, Yang Tianjing lied for a while, because not only the stars, but also a small half of the energy in the original world was absorbed by the black hole.

Fortunately, the original world did not collapse because of the emergence of this black hole. The energy of the whole world gradually stabilized after the initial shock.

In fact, after the emergence of black holes, Yang Tian\'s original world is like a real cosmic world.

What\'s in the universe?

There are scattered meteorites, planets, stars, galaxies composed of many stars, and mysterious black holes.

Although the emergence of black holes has lost a lot of energy to the original world, Yang Tian\'s feeling is quite the opposite. The existence of black holes makes him feel a heavy power.

The emergence of this black hole made Yang Tian feel as if he had a new ability.

After the promotion, Yang Tian opened his eyes and a black light in his eyes flashed away. Seeing this situation, Xiao Qinglong was palpitating.

"Bruce Lee, you attack me with dragon flame."

Yang Tian said to Xiaoqinglong in order to try his idea.

Xiaoqinglong nodded and stepped back a distance, about 20 meters from Yang Tian.

Zhang opened his mouth, and the little green dragon spewed a golden flame towards Yang Tian.

Compared with the previous dragon flame, the temperature of the Dragon flame emitted by the little green dragon is higher. As soon as it appears, the temperature in the whole secret room suddenly rises by tens of degrees.

Facing the attacking dragon flame, Yang * * * * DRAGON flame raised his right hand and grabbed it. A black ball appeared in the palm of his hand.

The Dragon flame of little green dragon was sucked in by the black ball in an instant.

"Ha ha... Sure enough! Great!" Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing.

Later, Yang Tian had a new ability.

If the enemy attacks him, he can absorb the enemy\'s energy in this way.

Of course, this also has a degree. If the enemy\'s energy to attack him is too strong, this means can\'t be used.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s proud appearance, Xiaoqinglong raised his head and patted his paw on the ground. His small body suddenly turned into two, one left and one right, rushed towards Yang Tian and landed on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

The little green dragon has changed from one to two!

Yang Tian looked left and right at the two little green dragons. Judging from the breath, touch, taste and vision, he could not tell which was true.

However, because he was connected with Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian raised his hand and grabbed Xiaoqinglong on his left shoulder.

The little green dragon on his right shoulder suddenly disappeared.

Yang Tian can know who is true, others must not know.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have new abilities!