Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 689

Looking at the blood fetus, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Xiaoqinglong\'s brain. That is, the blood fetus still needs one of its blood essence.

With this feeling, Xiaoqinglong did not hesitate. He scratched his eyebrows with his claws again, and the incomparably bright red blood soaked out of the wound.

The little green dragon rolled the blood into a blood bead with spiritual strength and fell on the blood fetus.

As soon as the blood essence was dropped on the blood fetus, it was immediately soaked in.

Then, a faint red halo appeared on the surface of the blood fetus.

After taking blood essence twice in a row, Xiaoqinglong felt extremely tired and didn\'t even want to open his eyes, but he insisted and stared at the blood fetus.

The blood fetus had changed, and the strange program also appeared at this time. I looked at the red ball with a diameter of about one meter curiously.

Soon after the red halo appeared on the surface of the blood fetus, it began to become more transparent, and the internal situation was very clear.

In the middle of the blood fetus is a humanoid baby as big as three or four years old. His eyes are tightly closed, his hands and feet haven\'t grown five fingers, and his face is also blurred.

It seems that Yang Tian\'s body has not fully grown.

Outside the baby\'s body, there are layers of tiny, red filaments that look like capillaries.

The outermost red hard shell is the darkest part of the color. Countless red filaments extend from the hard shell.

After more than ten minutes, Xiaoqinglong couldn\'t hold on. He rolled a black magic life crystal into his mouth, swallowed it, closed his eyes and began to rest.

The little dragon transformed by the strange program flew around the blood fetus, then stayed in the air, his eyes turned, as if he were thinking.

After a few minutes, the strange program flew on the blood fetal surface again.

The flight was very regular. Every once in a while, the strange program would touch the blood fetus.

In the process of this brief touch, you can see that runes emerge one by one, and then turn into a light blue light, flowing along the red filament to the baby in the middle of the blood fetus.

At the beginning, the speed of the strange program was not very fast. Ordinary people\'s naked eyes could see its flight path.

But before long, the flight path of the strange program could not be seen, and the blood fetus was wrapped in a blue halo.

This situation lasted about half an hour.

In this process, countless runes appeared and were transmitted to the baby in the blood fetus through red filaments.

In this way, the strange program passes all the rune information in the rune database to Yang Tian.

After the rest is passed, the little dragon transformed by the strange program becomes very light in color and soon returns to the insect brain pendant.

It has to be said that human talent is created in the womb. In this way, the strange program changes Yang Tian\'s talent in runes.

Strange programs are not sure to succeed, but it\'s better to do so than nothing?

Xiaoqinglong\'s short sleep, the strange program consumed a lot of energy and began to sleep. According to the time on earth, Yang Tian has been sleeping for several months.

Yang Tian has been dreaming for months.

The dream was messy. At the beginning, it was some of his experiences on earth. In the dream, there were a lot of fighting situations.

Then came to the universe, the same battle

For Yang Tian, such a dream is like going through all the battle processes again.

Finally, Yang Tian dreamed of dragons. The environment in the dream was like the ancient times of the earth. There were not only dragons, but also many huge beasts.

Yang Tian, who turned into a dragon, experienced countless battles again.

When the strange program conveys Rune information for Yang Tian, Yang Tian finds that he has returned to the superstar temple to learn runes at the side of the great sacrifice of Taiyu.

In this dream, there is no strange program in the dream. Yang Tian\'s talent in runes is also very high. He is often praised by Taiyu grand sacrifice.

The strange program transported runes for Yang Tian in less than an hour, but it was like thousands of years for Yang Tian in his dream.

Finally, his attainments in runes far exceeded his teacher Taiyu\'s great sacrifice.

The dream of runes is here.

Next, it\'s a pure nightmare.

The world in the dream is very similar to the tomb where Qin Fei is now

In the blood fetus, Yang Tian grew very fast. Ten days later, his face became clear, his hands and feet grew into fingers, and fine hair grew on his head.

At this time, as like as two peas, the appearance of Yang Tian was just the same as when he was five or six years old.

Xiaoqinglong has absorbed a magic life crystal and wakes up.

After the body grew into shape, Yang Tian\'s heartbeat came out of the blood fetus.

The rune array in the secret room can not only hide the breath of life, but also the energy will not be emitted.

Xiaoqinglong brought back a large number of life crystals and pills, which were emitting energy all the time, although slowly.

After Xiaoqinglong woke up, the energy density in the secret room was already very high. At this time, it was surprised to find that a lot of energy was absorbed by the blood fetus as soon as it came into contact with the blood fetus.

The blood fetus finally began to actively absorb external energy!

This is a good phenomenon!

Before, little Qinglong failed in his attempt. He thought that the blood fetus could only absorb its essence blood! Now that the blood fetus can absorb the energy of life crystal and pill, Xiaoqinglong can provide a lot for Yang Tian.

In the secret room, there are not many life crystals at the source level, and there are probably more than 100 pieces.

The little green dragon breathed it all into his mouth.

For Xiaoqinglong, the source level life crystal can\'t increase its energy rapidly. After the life crystal melts in the body, Xiaoqinglong opens his mouth and spits all these energy to the blood fetus.

Sure enough, it was different from before. As soon as these energies came into contact with the blood fetus, they were all absorbed by the blood fetus.

At this time, the blood fetus is like a bottomless hole.

Just start absorbing energy. Little green dragon is very happy. After the energy of more than 100 life crystals was absorbed by the blood fetus, the little green dragon swallowed a black magic world Life Crystal

For ten days, the little green dragon kept swallowing Mingjing and spitting all the energy of Mingjing to the blood fetus.

In the process of absorbing energy, Yang Tian in the blood fetus has not changed at all.

However, the breath of life emanating from Yang Tian is getting stronger and stronger.

When the third magic life crystal was absorbed by the blood fetus, the blood fetus finally began to change.

In Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes, the color of the blood fetus began to darken and soon became a dark sphere.

"Cluck... Hua..."

When the blood fetus was completely black, a strange sound came from the life crystal pile behind the little green dragon.

Xiaoqinglong turned around and saw that it was a black ball it had brought out of the warehouse and took the initiative to roll towards the black blood fetus.

Two black balls, like two planets, the small one was attracted by the big one.

When Xiaoqinglong saw such a situation, he looked hesitant.

Do you want to let this little black ball close to the blood fetus?

This may be an opportunity for Yang Tian. Or, the little black ball will cause devastating damage to the blood fetus.

Little Qinglong doesn\'t know what this little black ball is. To be on the safe side, it decided to stop the little black ball from approaching the blood fetus, opened its mouth and sucked the little black ball into its mouth.

"Peng ~"

Suddenly, the black blood fetus exploded, and a five or six-year-old boy appeared in Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes.

Yang Tian is out.

"Bruce Lee..."

The first thing Yang Tian did when he came out was to run to Xiaoqinglong, hold Xiaoqinglong\'s head and stick his face on Xiaoqinglong\'s face. Tears couldn\'t help flowing down.

After Yang Tian woke up, Xiao Qinglong appeared in his mind what he thought he had done for a while.