Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 672

Forty eight ministers jointly arranged a seal array.

Suddenly, countless blue lights appeared, forming a big net and covering the giant turtle.

At this time, Yang Tianxin raised a tight.

If these Temple ministers were to take the giant turtle seal away, how would he ask the giant turtle Qin Fei for information?

"Boom ~"

Of course, the giant turtle will not bind his hands. Suddenly, a strong electric wire shines on its body surface and makes a loud noise.

These thick wires collided violently with the blue light of the seal array.

Forty eight ministers kept their fixed gestures, clenched their teeth and kept retreating slowly.

The current on the giant turtle is getting wider and wider, forcing the blue light of the seal array more and more open.

"Hold on, everyone. This beast is hurt. It\'s not as powerful as it was in its heyday. It can\'t last long!" a superintendent clenched his teeth and reminded his companions.

As soon as the voice fell, the steward couldn\'t help but cheer up. Their eyes opened wide and tried to stick to it. They retreated more and more slowly. In the end, they actually stopped, and then began to move towards the giant turtle again bit by bit.

In this process, the current released by the giant turtle is suppressed by the blue light, and the range is getting smaller and smaller

Seeing this, the giant turtle will be completely suppressed.

"Buzz ~"

Suddenly, there was a dull noise.

Then there was a loud bang.

From the giant turtle\'s body, a strange energy suddenly broke out, breaking the blue light at once.

The strong explosion made the bodies of the forty-eight ministers fly.

"Pengpeng... Pengpeng..."

"Poof... Poof... Poof..."

The officials fell to the ground and collided with the hard star stone. They opened their mouths and spewed blood.

How powerful was this giant turtle in its heyday when it was injured and could force 48 practitioners of changeable realms to be injured?

After the ministers sprayed blood, they immediately got up from the ground one by one, looked very depressed, and the energy fluctuations emitted from their bodies were also very messy.

Nevertheless, they still have the power of war.

"Kill ~"

A purple robed old man in the limitless Temple covered his chest and stood up from the ground. He looked at the giant turtle coldly and drank loudly.

Before that, they wanted to seal the giant turtle and take it back for "research".

Now, they have a strong intention to kill the giant turtle.

In the eyes of these people, giant turtles are actually like exotic animals.

Yang Tian has practiced spiritual energy. Naturally, he understands that the energy suddenly erupted by the giant turtle is spiritual energy.

Forty eight Temple ministers were wounded, but they still had the power of a war.

Looking at the giant turtle, its originally high head has slightly drooped down, and there is no longer the fierce light in its eyes.

Just as the minister said before, it was injured and its energy was greatly damaged. If it hadn\'t swallowed an alien beast in the realm of understanding life, it would have been unable to support it.

Forty eight justices flashed to their original positions and moved their hands again.

Before, they jointly issued the seal Rune array, just want to trap the giant turtle and make it yield. Now, they use the kill array.

From between their hands, a red light appeared, forming a ring of red light, sweeping towards the giant turtle.

"Peng ~"

The red light was like a circle of tightened rope, which collided with the giant turtle and made a dull noise.

This red light has a strong cutting ability. The giant turtle\'s hard shell was cut more than one meter deep by this red light.

"Peng... Peng... Peng..."

The red light was constantly emitted from the ministers\' hands, like ripples, tightened in circles and collided with the shell of the giant turtle.

These red lights cut almost the same part of the giant turtle. Seeing that the hole is getting deeper and deeper, they are about to cut through the giant turtle\'s shell.

At this time, Yang Tian clenched his fist.

If the giant turtle is killed, who will he find to know about Qin Fei?

Yang Tian\'s hope rests on this giant turtle.

"Ah ~ Yang Tian, look!"

Suddenly, Hui echan pointed to the position under the belly of the giant turtle and screamed.

Yang Tianshun looked at the position pointed by Hui echan and opened his eyes.

Under the belly of the giant turtle, a small green turtle the size of a palm climbed out.

Compared with the giant turtle, the little turtle is too small. If it is not found by chance, it is really difficult to see it!

Hui echan is really sharp eyed!

The giant turtle may be a female turtle, and the little turtle is its child.

The little green turtle crawled very fast and soon climbed out from under the belly of the giant turtle. It climbed tens of meters away from the giant turtle, turned around, looked at the giant turtle in front of him, and refused to leave.

The giant turtle turned his huge head and looked at the little turtle with loving light in his eyes.

Several priests in the temple naturally found the existence of the little turtle. Seeing the eyes of the giant turtle, they naturally understood that the Little Turtle was very important to the giant turtle.

Looking at the little turtle, the giant turtle\'s eyes suddenly became severe.

Seeing the giant turtle\'s eyes, the little turtle naturally understood the meaning of the mother turtle, turned his head reluctantly, turned his small head, and began to climb in the direction of Yang Tian and them.

"Poof ~"

At this time, the red light from the ministers suddenly cut through the shell of the giant turtle.

A lot of blood flowed out of the cut turtle shell.

"Ow ~"

At this time, the giant turtle finally made its first roar in the world.

It no longer stays where it is, and powerful spiritual power is sent out again, forming a huge spiritual energy mask around it.

At this time, the little green turtle had climbed through the surrounding circle composed of 48 secretaries, and the spiritual energy just shrouded the 48 secretaries.

These generals are well-informed and naturally understand that the energy used by the giant turtle is a strange spiritual power. After they feel it, they immediately retreat.

But it\'s late!

"Boom ~"

With a loud noise, the huge body of the giant turtle suddenly exploded.

At that moment, the forty-eight ministers were shrouded in its spiritual power, thus forming a closed space.

Everyone didn\'t expect that the giant turtle was so fierce that he wanted to die with the ministers.

Yang Tian understands these divine beasts. Like the little green dragon, they are more arrogant than humans. Humans despise them, but they also despise humans and think that humans are small creatures

Yang Tian\'s eyes were full of red blood mist, huge pieces of meat and tortoise shell fragments, and suddenly came over.

Yang Tian opened his eyes and burst out the most powerful spiritual force. He knocked Hui echan and Hui Ermiao to the ground.

As soon as the three fell down, the shock wave passed them