Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 671

At this time, the practitioners who besieged the giant turtle were in a crazy state.

The life crystal in the giant turtle is too attractive to them. They did not consider that with their current combat power, they could not hurt the giant turtle at all.

Therefore, no one listens to the old man\'s words.

At this time, the smell from the giant turtle was even more fierce.

"Zizi... Boom ~"

Suddenly, countless messy and strong electric wires lit up on the huge body surface of the giant turtle. As soon as it appeared, it covered a distance of kilometers.

More than 1000 people besieged the giant turtle were naturally within the scope of electric shock.

The current intensity of this outbreak is thousands of times stronger than the one who attacked it just now!

After the explosion, the giant turtle finally quieted down. At the kilometer around the other body, the practitioners were completely cleaned up.

None of the practitioners hit by the current survived.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian opened his eyes wide and his eyes were full of horror! It was the first time he had seen such a strong current.

By this means, the giant turtle is invincible and worthy of being an alien from the star sea. More than 1000 practitioners in the realm of illusion and a small number of practitioners in the realm of enlightenment were killed by it.

After killing the human who attacked him, the giant turtle stretched out its head and limbs again.

At this time, it exudes a contempt for the world. This is the real beast. Its majesty cannot be violated.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

Suddenly, the giant turtle moved and crawled towards the underground gap where it climbed out not far away, as if to return to the underground again.

However, human practitioners can\'t make it come true.

Dozens of purple shadows flashed.

When these purple figures were clear, Yang Tian finally saw that these people were all old people in broad robes.

"They are... The people of the infinite temple!"

Seeing these purple robed people, hui\'e Miaomiao was suddenly surprised.

With that, she was quickly filled with: "look at their realm and age, they should all be the ministers of the temple."

A total of 18 people, all of whom are Temple ministers and practitioners of changeable realm.

Yang Tian knows the position setting of the temple. The secretary is second only to the temple Lord and has great power in the temple.

This time, the temple will send someone to come. Unexpectedly, as soon as it is dispatched, there are more than ten ministers, so the temple Lord didn\'t come.

"Let\'s go and have a look!"

At this time, Yang Tian finally couldn\'t help it.

Faie nodded.

Yang Tian grabbed Xiaoqinglong from the ground and stuffed him into Hui echan\'s arms, which made Hui echan very happy.

She finally touched the little green dragon.

Little Qinglong is "digesting" the life crystal he just swallowed. As long as there is no danger, he won\'t wake up for the time being.

The three soon got out of the cave and walked towards the giant turtle in front of them.

The remaining 1000 people, like Yang Tian, walked out of the hiding place until they stopped hundreds of meters away from the giant turtle.

This distance is already very dangerous. If the giant turtle sends out electricity again, it will suffer. However, they are all a group of fugitives and are not afraid. Moreover, the 18 ministers of the limitless temple are closer to the giant turtle!

After being surrounded by 18 Temple ministers, the giant turtle had stopped, moved his huge head and looked at the 18 people coldly.

After the officials surrounded the giant turtle, they did not act.

One of the elders bowed to the giant turtle and said something Yang Tian didn\'t understand.

As soon as the old man\'s voice fell, the giant turtle\'s eyes became more fierce.

Obviously, what the old man said dissatisfied the giant turtle.

"What did he say?" Yang Tian turned his head, looked at hui\'e Miaomiao and asked.

Hui\'e Miaomiao whispered, "what he said is an ancient saying, which can be understood by high-level monsters. The minister asked Xuanwu to go back to the Wuji temple with them and provide for it."

I see!

Yang Tianqiao raised his mouth and said with some disdain, "it\'s not so stupid! If you go to the Wuji temple with them, you may be under house arrest."

In order to prevent the giant turtle from discharging again, Yang Tian released his spiritual power and surrounded himself and his two sisters. The two sisters didn\'t know.

If such disrespectful words were heard by the ministers, Yang Tian would surely die. Hui Ermiao quickly said in a deep voice: "Yang Tian, don\'t talk nonsense. The ministers wouldn\'t do that?"

While talking, hui\'e Miaomiao winked at Angel Yang.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing. The voice he just spoke couldn\'t pass out at all.

Moreover, the attention of these ministers was focused on the giant turtle. It is estimated that even if they heard it, they would not do anything to Yang Tian.

These people must be given less weight.

Seeing Huie Miaomiao\'s cautious appearance, Yang Tian stopped talking.

The giant turtle didn\'t make a sound, but his eyes were more sharp, obviously refusing.

Giant turtles are not stupid.

The priests of the temple, who were originally arrogant people, were so polite to the giant turtle in exchange for the giant turtle\'s colder eyes. Their eyebrows wrinkled at once.

At this time, Yang Tian couldn\'t help saying, "it seems that my guess is right. The ministers of these temples really didn\'t have any good intentions."

Huie Miaomiao didn\'t comment on Yang Tian\'s words, because the secretary spoke to the giant turtle again.

Huie Miaomiao should not be familiar with the "old saying" and must listen carefully.

When the master had finished, hui\'e Miaomiao said, "the master said that if it doesn\'t agree, the limitless temple will forcibly invite it back."

As soon as Huie\'s wonderful voice fell, suddenly, there was a flash of white shadow in the tens, and then there were the tens again

Blue shadow.

Eighteen old people in blue robes and eighteen old people in white robes suddenly appeared. The position where they stood was also surrounded by the giant turtle.

Huie Miaomiao was surprised again and said to Yang Tian, "the blue robe is the steward of the starry sky temple, and the white robe is the steward of the heavenly temple."

Eighteen ministers of the three temples came at the same time, as if they had been discussed in advance.

Moreover, the ministers of the Wuji temple were not surprised by the arrival of the other two temples.

There are 48 ministers in total, and their standing positions are regular.

Obviously, the forty-eight secretaries are a group.

In order to defeat the giant turtle, although the three temples had differences and competition, they united at this time.

Forty eight practitioners with changeable realms are a powerful force. If they work together... I don\'t know if they can defeat this giant turtle.

So far, Yang Tian has not been able to judge what level the giant turtle is.

"Start ~"

When all the people arrived, suddenly the purple robed steward who had just spoken shouted loudly.

At the same time, forty-eight ministers raised their hands and put them together to form a residual shadow. Bursts of Rune energy radiated from their hands.

"There are space runes, time runes, life runes, and five element runes... They\'re setting up an array... Which should be a seal type Rune array."

After feeling the rune energy, the strange program said to Yang Tian in his mind.