Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 673

The strong energy shock wave lasted for several minutes, which quickly scattered Yang Tian\'s spiritual energy.

When Yang Tian was about to lose his grip, he finally stopped.

For the first time, Yang Tian jumped up from the ground.

What appeared in his eyes was a huge pit, which was left by the giant turtle after it exploded.

The blood of the giant turtle was strange. After the explosion, it did not disperse with the air flow, but formed a light red fog in this small area, and the air was full of a thick smell of blood.

At the edge of the pit, there are large pieces of turtle meat and shell, as well as some internal organs of giant turtles.


Yang Tianzheng wanted to step forward. Suddenly, a cough came from the edge of the pit.

Then there was a sound of "Peng".

An old man in purple robe stood up from the rubble and was about to fall.

Such a strong explosion didn\'t kill the minister! Yang Tian was very surprised.

Looking carefully, Yang Tiancai found that runes flashed on the purple robe of the minister.

As the Minister of the temple, second only to the temple affairs, he naturally has high-level Rune magic weapons. This purple robe is undoubtedly a very powerful defense magic weapon.

After the old man came out, several secretaries climbed out of the hole at the edge of the hole.

Although they were not dead, it seems that they were also seriously injured, coughing one by one, and some vomited blood.

Of the 48 ministers, less than 10 stood up. The other ministers did not know whether they were dead or unconscious.

The practitioners who watched the war around gathered around the pit for a moment as the explosion disappeared.

Although the giant turtle died, it may have left something good. Even the turtle meat can be taken back to study

"Hoo... Hoo... Hoo..."

A moment later, there was a roar in the sky.

Don\'t look up. Yang Tian knows that those family leaders who have been waiting outside must have arrived in a spaceship.

Maybe the chiefs of these families are also in the ship.

These people are extremely smart, like the Yellow finch behind the mantis. They always show up at the critical time.

Dozens of hundreds of huge spaceships landed on the edge of the flat land.

The ship of hui\'e family landed not far from Yang Tian. Hui\'e hundred stars and the main leader of the hunting Department stepped off the ship.

Further away, Bai Ming Siyun, the patriarch of the Baiming family whom Yang Tian knew, hurried over surrounded by a group of his men.

"Yang Tian, where\'s the little guy?" Hui echan looked around and asked with a frown.

Yang * * * * took a look at the place where the little green turtle was before. It was covered by the sand and stone produced by the explosion. He sighed and said faintly, "it\'s estimated that it was blown away by the airflow!"

"So small, so poor!" Hui echan\'s eyes turned red.

After a large number of practitioners arrived, they surrounded the huge pit. Naturally, no one cared about the little green turtle.

After the giant turtle exploded, in addition to broken shells and flesh, it still left good things. At the bottom of the pit more than ten meters deep, there are a large number of colored crystals.

These crystals always release light energy into space, which looks very similar to the life crystals produced in other exotic animals.

Is this the life crystal left in the giant turtle!

Looking at the large amount of this crystal in the pit, everyone\'s eyes showed the color of greed.

If it weren\'t for the priests of the temple who were still here, they would all rush up and rob.

Yang Tian, Hui echan and Hui Ermiao passed by.

"Please make way, make way!"

The edge of the hole was already full of people. Hui echan held the sleeping little green dragon, shouting and squeezing towards the front.

Others saw her as a little girl and didn\'t care about her.

Yang Tian and Huie Miaomiao followed Huie Chan and squeezed to the edge of the pit.

"Wow, look at these crystal stones!"

When she saw the colored crystals at the bottom of the pit, Hui echan opened her eyes and said in surprise.

No one spoke at this time, and Hui echan\'s voice was very loud.

"These things should be the life crystals of the giant beast! There are so many, I don\'t know what level of life crystals."

"So many, everyone can get a piece!"

"Don\'t even think about it. Several ministers in the temple paid a huge price to kill the beast. These life crystals should be obtained by several ministers."


As soon as Hui echan\'s voice fell, many people began to express their opinions.

Some people want to test the reaction of several ministers, while others flatter the temple in the hope of gaining the favor of the temple.

But everyone\'s eyes showed greed.

"Stand back!"

Suddenly, the old man in purple robe drank loudly.

After this sound, they all shut their mouths and retreated a few steps obediently.

At this time, several ministers finally calmed down the energy fluctuations in their bodies and began to look for companions.

After a while, they found several ministers who fainted and didn\'t die from the rubble, while the other ministers were blown to pieces and only part of their bodies were found.

Although the giant turtle died, he was buried with more than 20 Temple officials.

"Damn it!"

When a steward saw his companion\'s body, he gritted his teeth and said.

"How to deal with these spars?"

Suddenly, a woman\'s voice sounded.

Yang Tian raised his head and looked aside. He was talking about Baiming Siyun of Baiming family.

Asked the head of a family, and the look on the faces of several ministers became dignified.

It seems that it is impossible for the temple to take all these spars away.

All families have sent people to open the way for the ministers. If they don\'t get benefits, they will complain.

Although the strength of these families is very weak, the temple has done too much, and the consequences are not good for the temple.

The purple robed steward was silent for a moment. When he was about to speak, Hui echan shouted again, "look, there\'s the little guy!"

Yang Tian didn\'t find it. Hui echan saw the little green turtle again and shouted in surprise.

After the giant turtle died, the sad little green turtle climbed back. It rubbed the colored crystal stones with its head in the pit.

On these crystal stones, there is the breath of life of giant turtles.

Looking at the little green turtle, the purple robed steward\'s eyes were full of cold light. He suddenly raised his hand to kill the little green turtle.

Hui echan didn\'t notice the purple robe steward\'s action. Suddenly, he held the little green dragon who had just opened his eyes and jumped into the pit.

Seeing Hui echan jumping into the pit, the purple robed steward narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hand. He thought Hui echan jumped into the pit to rob the crystal stones.

Well, it happened that she and little green turtle were killed together.

This is the purple robed steward\'s angry palm. Hui echan didn\'t expect that the purple robed steward would give her a hand at this time.

A powerful invisible energy came towards Hui echan.

The little green dragon, who just woke up, sensed the danger, rushed out of Hui echan\'s arms and hit the energy that rushed to Hui echan.

"Peng ~"

A dull noise.

Although Xiaoqinglong has been promoted to the top of the fantasy world, he can\'t resist the palm of the purple robe steward.

Hit by the powerful energy, the little green dragon\'s body swept over Hui echan\'s head, hit one side of the pit, hit a big pit, and then was buried by gravel.

"Bruce Lee ~"

Seeing this situation, Yang Tianmu was about to crack his canthus. He drank loudly and rushed into the pit.

At this time, Hui echan just picked up the little green turtle. She didn\'t know what had just happened.

Yang Tian is connected with Xiaoqinglong. Naturally, he knows that Xiaoqinglong has been seriously injured at this time, and anxiously digs Xiaoqinglong out of the pit.

It is the subconscious behavior of little green dragon to block the energy from the bombardment for Hui echan. It doesn\'t want Hui echan, a lively and kind-hearted girl, to die.

To this end, Xiaoqinglong paid the price of serious injury.

After Xiaoqinglong was dug out of the rubble by Yang Tian, Xiaoqinglong had closed his eyes and his breath was very weak.

Looking at the purple robed steward, Yang Tian\'s face had been distorted angrily and said coldly: "those who hurt Bruce Lee... Die!"