Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 670

Seeing the giant turtle, they were about to swallow the black spirit of the realm of understanding life. The greedy practitioners finally couldn\'t help but rush towards the giant turtle.

The giant turtle had long been aware of the existence of human beings, but he despised it. He raised his head, opened his mouth, shrugged his neck, and swallowed most of the black spirit in his mouth. Only two long wings were still exposed at the corners of his mouth.

"Ah ~"

A practitioner came first, drank loudly, and cut the head of the giant turtle with the big knife in his hand.

The giant turtle didn\'t escape. He let the knife cut his head and made a loud noise.

The giant turtle didn\'t do anything at all, but the practitioner was shocked back, and the big knife was out of his hand.

"Wheezing ~ boom ~"

Before the man landed, the giant turtle split a thick current and hit the man. The strong current directly killed the man. The body fell to the ground and burst into a series of black smoke, which seemed to be burned by the current.

Then, the giant turtle stirred his neck again and finally swallowed the huge black spirit into his stomach.

This process is extremely short, that is, a few seconds.

At this time, another practitioner had flashed to the body of the burning beast and cut the chest of the burning beast with a knife.

Soon, a golden life crystal that realized the realm of life was taken out.

For practitioners who come here, this is a very precious life crystal. In the last animal tide, so many people died in the Huie family, paid a great price, and did not get more than 100 life crystals in the realm of understanding life.

In order to get this life crystal, practitioners fought.

The practitioner who picked out the life crystal with a knife was wearing yellow armor. He didn\'t know which family he was. As soon as he took out the life crystal, before he could put the life crystal into the storage bracelet, he was beheaded by the practitioner who was also wearing yellow armor.

Huang Jia, who just killed his companion, had a hard time. He was soon besieged by two black Jia people

Under the scuffle, Mingjing kept beating in the crowd, and no one allowed the other party to take Mingjing into the storage tool.


Seeing this, Xiaoqinglong shouted excitedly, jumped up from Yang Tian\'s shoulder and flew quickly towards the group of people.

Although this life crystal is precious, Yang Tian doesn\'t want to compete with these people. His goal is the giant turtle.

Of course, Yang Tian doesn\'t want to kill it, but wants to get Qin Fei\'s news from it. The giant turtle is as smart as a man. Yang Tian believes he should be able to communicate with it.

But it seems that we have to wait.

Look at the giant turtle, now leaning to the brain belt, looking at dozens of practitioners competing in a group. Although the distance is far away, Yang Tian can\'t see his eyes, but he can also guess that the giant turtle\'s eyes must be full of disdain.

The little green dragon is fast and small. He is unknowingly close to the crowd fighting for life crystal.

Suddenly, Mingjing was thrown into the air!

Xiaoqinglong seized the opportunity and jumped up. After flying into the air, he hugged Mingjing with two claws.

This guy is very cunning. After getting the life crystal, he immediately flew to a high place, then turned a corner in the air and rushed into a cave.

Little green dragon came suddenly, which made these people have no time to react.

This is Xiaoqinglong\'s advantage.

Previously, Xiaoqinglong had explored the cave and soon returned to the entrance of Yang Tian\'s cave through the cave network.

This process didn\'t take three minutes.

When he came back, the little green dragon ate with the golden life crystal and made a "cluck" sound.

At this time, Yang Tian had squatted down and hid behind a big stone at the mouth of the cave.

"Bruce Lee, you\'re great! Is it delicious? Can you give me a bite?" Hui echan squatted in front of little green dragon and teased little green dragon.

Hui echan thought Xiao Qinglong didn\'t want to. Unexpectedly, this guy handed Hui echan the life crystal that had bitten a gap. He looked very generous.

Hui echan was amused by the lovely appearance of little green dragon and giggled.

Yang Tian also smiled. Xiaoqinglong naturally knew that practitioners could not directly swallow Mingjing, so he was so generous.

"What a lovely dragon. What will you do with me in the future? I must be better to you than Yang Tian."

Hui echan has dug up a corner. She likes little green dragon. It\'s not a day or two.

Hearing this, Xiaoqinglong angrily retracted his claws, stopped paying attention to Hui echan and continued to eat Mingjing

While Hui echan was talking, the following group of people finally stopped fighting and looked at the surrounding caves to find Yang Tian\'s place.

After nothing, they shook their heads and gave up.

At this time, it is estimated that it is useless to find Yang Tian, because Yang Tian has enough time to put Mingjing into his portable storage tools. It\'s no use killing Yang Tian. It\'s just bad luck

In a few minutes, more than ten bodies were left due to the scramble for life crystal. In this way, Xiaoqinglong took Mingjing and avoided more deaths.

Mingjing was taken away by the little green dragon. Now, they all turn their attention to the giant turtle.

"Kill ~"

I don\'t know who is full of murderous cheers, hundreds of practitioners began to siege the giant turtle.

As before, the giant turtle retracted its head, tail and four legs into the hard shell.

If you can kill this giant turtle and get the life crystal in its body, you will be really rich. With this life crystal, you can enter one of the three temples in the cloud region and spend the rest of your life comfortably.

Among the thousands of people who besieged the giant turtle, the realm was not very high. The real strong were watching.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."


The sound of blasting and violent impact kept ringing.

The practitioners wanted to destroy the shell of the giant turtle, but they attacked for most of the day and used all kinds of means, but it was useless at all.

On the contrary, the smell from the giant turtle\'s body is getting stronger and stronger. It is like a hard mountain, which can not be shaken by manpower.

Obviously, the giant turtle may become more powerful after swallowing an alien in the realm of enlightenment and adding some energy.

With the passage of time, more and more practitioners joined in attacking the giant turtle, and some people of the same race even United.

Hui echan has a good feeling for the giant turtle. Seeing the situation ahead, her eyes don\'t blink. She looks worried.

The life crystal in the realm of understanding life contains a huge amount of energy. Little Qinglong can\'t eat it. He only chews half and gives the remaining half to Yang Tian.

Then, the little green dragon rolled up his body and closed his eyes. His body sent out bursts of chaotic energy fluctuations.

After swallowing enough energy, Xiaoqinglong began to advance.

The number of practitioners increased, and the attack power became stronger and stronger. The huge turtle began to shake.

"Stop it ~"

At this time, an old man stopped.

However, the practitioners who besieged the giant turtle did not stop.