Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 669

After the roar, the herd separated and took the initiative to give way to a road more than ten meters wide.

A giant beast with a length of more than ten meters and a height of five or six meters, shaped like a tiger, appeared in Yang Tian\'s sight.

Its whole body was covered with glittering golden scale hair, and it came towards the giant turtle with dignity.

This guy is the king of these animals.

Judging from the breath emanating from it, it is actually a strange beast in the realm of understanding life!

"What kind of beast is this?" Yang Tian asked curiously.

Hui echan said, "I know. It\'s called Yan beast. It\'s the most ferocious beast among the beasts and the king of the beasts."

This area is called Yanyu, and this beast is called Yanyu. From the name, we can know the status of this beast in the beast.

Just like on earth, when people mention the king of the forest, they first think of the tiger.

Seeing this burning beast, little green dragon\'s eyes were full of war. Although the realm is not as good as this burning beast, little green dragon also wants to fight it.

If this burning beast is regarded as a tiger, there are three of the four divine beasts.

Yang Tianzheng thought so, and a roar came.

Suddenly a huge blackbird came down from the sky.

The blackbird has a wingspan of 100 meters and looks like an eagle. There are too many flying animals in the sky. The giant bird flies at the highest place and has not been found before.

This time, before Yang Tian asked, Hui echan said, "this is Heiling, a very cunning and sinister beast."

Heiling fell on the opposite mountain, lowered his head and looked at the situation below.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing and finally got enough of the \'four divine beasts\'.

This black spirit is also a strange beast in the realm of understanding life.

The burning beast seemed to know that the black spirit was coming. When walking, he just turned his head and looked at it, and then continued to walk quickly towards the giant turtle.

The two beast kings seem to be united against the giant turtle. You know, their intelligence is no worse than that of adults.

The burning beast and Heiling are much smaller than the giant turtle, and they are far from being compared with the giant turtle in realm.

But sometimes it\'s hard to measure the fighting power of monsters by their realm

For example, a sheep who understands the realm of life may not be able to beat the tiger in the realm of fantasy!

After the burning beast approached the giant turtle for 100 meters, he stopped and looked cautious.

"Ow ~"

Suddenly, the burning beast opened his mouth and roared at the giant turtle.

The cry was full of a strong sense of war.

It seems that the burning beast is testing the giant turtle.

After the cry, the giant turtle didn\'t respond at all. It was like a huge stone.

Just after the body was turned over, the giant turtle just put out his head, looked around, and then shrank back.

Yang Tian now understands why describing the enemy as hiding in a city or fortress and not fighting is called "shrinking".

"What should the Xuanwu do now? It can\'t move, and there are so many enemies around."

At this time, Hui echan couldn\'t help worrying about the giant turtle.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "you\'ll know later. This giant turtle is not as simple as you think. It has many means!"

At this time, Yang Tian couldn\'t help thinking about the situation of facing a huge mutant turtle on the earth. The giant turtle can shoot enemies with water.

Where\'s this giant turtle?

There must be powerful means.

Yang Tian thought of another question at this time, that is, the tortoise activity is slow, and the Xinghai is very far away from here. How did it climb here?

At this time, other practitioners also stared at the following situation. Although I can\'t see the expression on their faces, Yang Tian can also think that many of these people have excited expressions on their faces.

Because after these three beasts fight each other and lose all three, they may be able to pick up a bargain!

In fact, Yang Tian also has this idea in his heart.

After the burning beast roared, the giant turtle didn\'t respond. It became bolder and began to approach the giant turtle slowly.

Until there was a distance of 30 meters from the giant turtle, the burning beast finally stopped. Then he began to pace around the burning beast, trying to know the weakness of the giant turtle.

Look at the black spirit resting on the mountain. At this time, he stretched his neck and half spread his wings, looking eager to try.

Humans want to get the life crystal of this giant turtle, and so do these monsters.

Although he knew that there were many human practitioners peeping aside, the two beast kings despised it because they had many subordinates.

The number of practitioners who come here is too small for them.

"Ow ~"

After walking around the giant turtle, the burning beast roared again.

It seems that it failed to find the flaw of the giant turtle.

This can not help but make Yang Tian think of a dialect: dogs bite turtles, there is no place to bite.

This strange beast with a high level seems to be in no danger... The cunning black spirit finally couldn\'t help but spread his wings and flew over.

This guy landed directly on the belly of the giant turtle.

The belly of the giant turtle was relatively flat. After Heiling fell, he scratched the shell on the belly of the giant turtle with a pair of sharp claws.

A "KaKa" sound sounded.

But the shell is too hard and thick. No matter how hard Heiling uses, he can only leave shallow scratches on the turtle shell.

Seeing such a situation, Hui echan giggled, "Yang Tian, aunt, you see, there\'s no way for those two strange animals to take Xuanwu!"

Yang Tian said that the giant turtle, like the little green dragon, is one of the four divine beasts. Hui echan is full of good feelings for the giant turtle.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly. He felt that the giant turtle was about to take action.

Yang Tian\'s feeling is always accurate.

Scratching with claws was no good. Heiling began to peck the shell of the giant turtle with its sharp mouth. A \'Bang Bang\' sound sounded.

The burning beast, without giving up, continued to pace around the giant turtle.

Finally, it found the place to attack, that is, the head of the giant turtle.

"Boom ~"

The burning beast opened its mouth and spewed a red flame towards the giant * *.

At this time, there was still no response.

As Yang Tian knows, the weakness of turtles lies in the head and tail, because there is soft tissue in that place, so that the head can stretch out and retract.

But the giant turtle seemed different. It was burned and still had no reaction at all.

Several flames were sprayed in a row. It was the same. The burning beast had to give up, turn around and walk to the other side.

At this time, the giant turtle finally moved. It suddenly stretched out its head and bit the burning beast with one bite. At the same time, a \'crackling\' sound sounded.

The head of the giant turtle flashed a bright current, just like lightning in the sky.

The burning beast didn\'t even have time to scream, so he was electrocuted directly.

The big guy stretched his head too fast! So fast that Yang Tian didn\'t see its head extension.

After killing the burning beast, there was a nasty black spirit. The black spirit was very cunning. When he saw that the burning beast was bitten by a giant turtle, he knew that the big thing was bad, and immediately flapped his wings and flew up.

The guy\'s reaction was fast enough, but he couldn\'t escape the attack of the giant turtle.

"Boom ~"

With a loud noise, a strong current was found between the two corners of the giant * * * * and hit the black spirit flying into the air.

The black spirit was not electrocuted, but he couldn\'t fly and fell from the sky.

At this time, the giant turtle stretched out four legs, turned and supported on the ground. As soon as the four legs bounced, he turned over his body.

This big guy\'s four legs can turn over, which is really beyond Yang Tian\'s expectation.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

The giant turtle crawled quickly, and the surrounding low-level animals dared not stop it and gave way one after another.

When he came to the black spirit, the giant turtle bit the undead black spirit with one bite, and the "click" sounded. After the black Spirit gave a sad cry, he dropped his head.

The beast kings were killed, and the herds in the sky and on the ground fled after a brief panic.

"Ah ~ unexpectedly, Xuanwu is so smart!" seeing this situation, Hui echan opened her eyes and shouted.