Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 641

"After going back, you are not allowed to come out again unless you practice to the level of returning to the source." the three families old frowned, glanced at their son hui\'e Taichang, and said faintly.

"Ah ~" hui\'e Taichang exclaimed in surprise and said, "Dad, I didn\'t make any mistakes. Isn\'t that right?"

"Um ~"

The three clan elders, uh huh, looked at hui\'e Taichang, and their eyes became sharp.

"All right!" hui\'e Taichang lowered his head helplessly and said helplessly.

"Sixteen, let\'s go!" at this time, a close subordinate of hui\'e Taichang came to hui\'e Taichang and whispered in his ear.

In fact, those who are most afraid of the three families are the people under hui\'e Taichang.

Hui\'e Taichang nodded, looked at Yang Tian, sneered and said, "I remember you, you wait!"

With that, hui\'e Taichang left with a group of his men.

For Huie Taichang\'s threat, Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly. Now Yang Tian is extremely tired of being threatened by others.

After hui\'e Taichang left, the three elders took a deep look at Yang Tian, didn\'t say anything, and dodged away.

Maybe it\'s just a small matter for the old people of the three ethnic groups. I happened to meet them when I passed by. Now that the animal tide has just passed, there are many things to deal with

After the three elders left, Kata couldn\'t help breathing a sigh of relief for Yang Tian.

Just now, when the three elders came, he was sweating for Yang Tian. You know, in the family, the clan always has great power. If the three clan old excuses to kill Yang Tian, no one dares to say anything.

After the three families left, the little green dragon changed back to a mini dragon and fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder. Kata walked over quickly.

"Yang Tian, I was so worried just now." when he came to Yang Tian\'s face, Kata said with lingering fear.

"Are the three old people bad?" Yang Tian asked.

Facing Yang Tian\'s problem, Kata looked around and whispered to Yang Tian, "it\'s not bad on the surface, but what they do is a hundred times worse than bad people. You should understand."

Yang Tian nodded.

Indeed, so many ordinary humans were sacrificed in order to obtain a large number of life crystals. If Yang Tianshen was in that position, he would never be able to do it.

"Let\'s go! There are many things to do later. You are now a practitioner of the source returning realm. The people above will certainly give you an independent courtyard. Do you lack a housekeeper?"

Cacha said to Yang Tian with a smile.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "don\'t worry! I won\'t leave you alone."

Cacha smiled and was very happy.

Although Kacha has no talent in practice, he is extremely smart in dealing with people. He knows he can\'t do it, so he has to find a backer.

It\'s not the first time for Kata to treat the newcomers like Yang Tian before in so many years.

However, those people didn\'t have Yang Tian\'s talent. At the beginning, they showed a very powerful appearance, and then they slowly fell silent.

Or if you are successful in practice and rise to a higher position than katcha, you will forget katcha.

Kata was very familiar with the internal affairs of the clan land. He took Yang Tian to the Management Office of the clan land and handed over half of his life crystal.

With the help of Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian obtained 36 life crystals. After half of them were handed in, there were 18 left.

In the management office, Yang Tian saw a silver life crystal pile piled like a hill. These lowest life crystals are stacked together at random, which seems to be ignored.

In addition to the silver white life crystals, there are black and golden ones.

Black life crystals and golden life crystals are all packed in silver white metal boxes, and the number is not large.

Different grades of life crystals must have different colors. Without the explanation of katcha, Yang Tian can judge their approximate level from the energy fluctuations emitted by these life crystals.

Silvery white, is the lowest return source life crystal.

Before he came to this world, the life crystal of the beast killed by Yang Tian belongs to the source level. Maybe the world is different. The shape of the life crystal in the beast has changed.

The life crystal higher than the silver white life crystal is black, that is, the fantasy life crystal. Another higher level is golden, Wuming crystal.

As for the higher realm of Mingjing, Yang Tian didn\'t find it in the management office.

Seeing the black and golden life crystals, little green dragon\'s eyes were full of desire, but he knew that if he robbed these life crystals regardless of the consequences, there would be great trouble.

Finally, Xiaoqinglong\'s reason defeated his desire to swallow, and the saliva wet Yang Tian\'s shoulders.

After handing in 18 life crystals, Yang Tian, who was heartbroken, collected all the remaining life crystals into the storage bracelet.

Fortunately, the two life crystals swallowed by little green dragon were not included.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the hui\'e family to monitor every practitioner.

"Katcha, take me to other places!" Yang Tian said to katcha with a smile after coming out of the management office.

Katcha immediately nodded and said, "there are only a few places for people to visit. Let me take you to the temple!"

"Temple? Is there a temple in the clan?" Yang Tian asked curiously.

Katcha said, "every clan has a temple. You can see it when you go to see it."

Under the guidance of Kacha, about half an hour later, Yang Tian stood in front of a huge building.

The building is not high. Its shape is like the Confucius Temple Yang Tian once saw in cities on earth.

Although the building is not high, it covers a wide area.

In front of the temple, there are two strange human statues with wings, wearing broad robes and holding Trident.

"What is this?" Yang Tian looked at the two statues and asked katcha curiously.

Katcha said, "this is the servant of the gods. I haven\'t really seen the upright God servants. However, I heard that the head of the Huie family has seen the God servants show their true bodies."

As soon as the animal tide passed, the temple looked very cold. With that, Kata led Yang Tian through two statues, stepping on the stone steps to the main door.

There are two columns of guards on both sides of the main gate.

These guards are very strong and dressed in gorgeous golden armor. Although they look majestic, they are just goods, because they are not practitioners.

Cacali ignored the guards and took Yang Tian into the wide temple gate.

"Get out!"

Just across the high threshold, a cold drink came from the side.

Yang Tian turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in white robe, holding a carving knife and carving a statue.

Yang Tian opened his eyes when he saw the statue.

Because this unfinished statue is actually what Qin Fei looked like when she left.

What\'s going on?

A big question mark appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Kata didn\'t see Yang Tian\'s appearance. At this time, he smiled and said to the middle-aged man in white robe, "we just come to have a look and leave after reading."

The white robed middle-aged man frowned and said, "you\'re too dirty. Come back after washing."

Yang Tian just reacted.

Indeed, he is too dirty now, and there is a strange smell on his body. After listening to the white robed middle-aged man, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to take a bath.

Katcha is no better than Yang Tianlai

PS: add more tomorrow! The update speed is faster in the future!