Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 642

Although the white robed middle-aged man didn\'t look like a practitioner and couldn\'t feel the slightest energy fluctuation from him, Yang Tian and Kacha could only withdraw from the temple after looking at each other.

Katcha took Yang Tian to a bathhouse not far from the temple, washed his whole body up and down, changed his clean clothes, and then came out of the bathhouse.

After the two washed up, they entered the temple again.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, the white robed middle-aged man they saw before has finished carving the statue.

The statue completed is as like as two peas of human life, two times the size of Qin Fei, with a red dot between the brows.

The statue is in a standing posture, holding a divine staff in his right hand, lifting his left hand and pinching his orchid finger. A ball is suspended over his left hand, emitting bursts of Rune energy fluctuations.

In addition to this statue, there are dozens of other statues in the temple, each of which is twice the size of a real person.

However, all the statues do not depict Qin Fei\'s statue.

Yang Tian was stunned for a long time when he saw the statue. He felt that the real Qin Fei was standing in front of him.

At this time, looking back on the meeting with Qin Fei in the temple, it was still like what happened yesterday.

The white robed middle-aged man who finished the statue looked at the statue with some confusion in his eyes. Yang Tian and Kacha came behind him. He seemed not to notice.

Katcha also opened his eyes wide, looked at the statue and indulged in it for a time.

"Cough!" Yang Tian woke up first and deliberately coughed twice.

The white robed middle-aged man and Kacha woke up.

"Perfect! It\'s perfect! Hahaha..." the white robed middle-aged man said and laughed.

Yang Tian frowned.

The white robed middle-aged man laughed for a long time. After he stopped, he said, "I can\'t carve such a good work in my life. I decided to seal the knife."

With that, the white robed middle-aged man broke his carving knife.

After destroying the knife, the middle-aged man in white turned and walked outside the temple.

Yang Tian immediately dodged and stopped in front of the white robed middle-aged man.

Stopped by Yang Tian, the white robed middle-aged man frowned and said faintly, "what do you want to do?"

Yang Tian said with a smile, "master, I just have a few questions for you?"

"You said." seeing that Yang Tian had no hostility, the white robed middle-aged man said faintly.

Yang Tian said, "I want to ask, who is this statue you just carved?"

The white robed middle-aged man said, "the statues placed in the temple describe gods. This God is a new God."

"Where is she?" Yang Tian asked nervously.

After coming to this world, he was first exposed to the news about Qin Fei.

The white robed middle-aged man said, "in another mysterious continent."

Yang Tian frowned and said, "are you... From that continent?"

The white robed middle-aged man smiled, "of course not."

After that, seeing the puzzled look in Yang Tian\'s eyes, the white robed middle-aged man said again: "but I\'ve seen her. She\'s the most beautiful God I\'ve ever seen in my life. Although I just saw her, she was deeply imprinted in my mind..."

With that, the eyes of the white robed middle-aged man became confused again, as if recalling the original situation.

Yang Tian asked again, "how do you get to that continent?"

The white robed middle-aged man returned to his senses, looked at Yang Tian, and said in a disdainful tone, "it\'s up to you. You\'d better not think about it. To go to that continent, you have to spend an endless sea of stars. There are countless powerful monsters in the sea of stars, and no one can cross it except gods. This land leads to that continent, but there is no transmission array."

With that, the middle-aged man in white didn\'t want to talk nonsense with Yang Tian anymore. His body turned into a white shadow and disappeared in a flash.

"Ah ~"

On one side, Kata cried out in surprise when he saw such a situation.

He did not expect that this white robed middle-aged man who looked like an ordinary human was a very powerful practitioner.

Yang Tiandao didn\'t find it strange, which was completely in his expectation.

"Bruce Lee, we must cross the sea of stars!" after being stunned, Yang Tian gritted his teeth and said.

The little green dragon immediately nodded, and his eyes were also firm.

After receiving some news from Qin Fei, Yang Tian seems calm, but in fact, he is more worried about Qin Fei.

The God who came to Qin Fei seems to have never left Qin Fei\'s body

Yang Tian had no interest in other statues in the temple and immediately went out of the temple.

"Yang Tian, what\'s the matter with you?"

After walking some distance out of the temple gate, katcha saw something wrong with Yang Tian and asked quickly.

Yang Tian smiled and shook his head, "nothing."

Yang Tian didn\'t want to say, and Kata couldn\'t ask again, but he saw that Yang Tian was so sensitive to the statue and wondered what relationship Yang Tian had with the God.

As soon as the idea appeared in his mind, he was denied by Kata.

Because Yang Tian is just an ordinary practitioner, how can he be related to the gods?

When Yang Tianman walks aimlessly, suddenly, black Xuanwen will appear in Yang Tianyan\'s eyes again.

After seeing Yang Tian, heixuanwen walked straight towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian immediately greeted him.

Before Yang Tian could speak, heixuanwen would ask with a smile, "Yang Tian, are you interested in working in the Fuwen department?"

"Where is the Fuwen department?" Yang Tian asked.

General heixuanwen said, "this is the place where we Huie people manage runes and create Rune arrays and rune mechanisms. I think you are very suitable. I tell you, the treatment of the rune department is very good and things are very easy. The rune department is directly responsible to the clan leader. If you have high attainments in runes, you will be valued by the clan leader and your future will be unlimited."

When heixuanwen said this, Yang Tian could guess what kind of organization the rune division was. It\'s a place where you deal with runes all day. Now the clan land is broken. There must be busy behind.

But after a busy period of time, it should be very easy later.

After a short consideration, Yang Tian neither agreed nor refused. Instead, he asked general heixuanwen, "is there a better place than the rune division? Don\'t get me wrong. I mean, I can improve my practice level as soon as possible."

Yang Tian said so, and heixuanwen frowned.

He suddenly felt that Yang Tian was a little arrogant. What he saw was Yang Tian\'s talent in runes.

"Improve the realm as soon as possible... There\'s a place. I don\'t know if you dare?" heixuanwen became a little cold when he said this.

"Please go ahead." Yang Tian said with a smile.

General Hei Xuanwen said, "the hunting department is a hunting department specialized in eliminating exotic animals. Although the tide of animals has passed, there are still many powerful exotic animals in the periphery of the clan land, which pose a threat to the clan land, so it is necessary for the people of the hunting department to eliminate them.

In addition to this, the above will often assign special tasks to the hunting department. In addition to hunting and killing exotic animals, they also have to deal with other practitioners, and even go to some dangerous places to explore secrets.

People from the hunting department often need to reach very far places, such as sand and cold areas outside the inflammatory area.

Although the practitioners of the hunting division can get rich returns, they are always in danger. Over the years, few people can retreat completely except some people at the top of the hunting division. "

With that, heixuanwen will sneer at Yang Tiandao: "do you want to go to such a place?"

When heixuanwen was about to finish, Yang Tian said, "you said danger. What are the benefits? It seems that one can hunt and kill exotic animals or explore the secret land without joining the hunting department?"

When Yang Tian said this, heixuanwen snorted coldly: "if there is no family to provide you with relevant information, you will be blind in this world. Benefits! There are rich rewards for each task, depending on whether you dare to take it."

Yang Tian thought about it and said resolutely, "OK! I\'ll go to the hunting department!"

Yang Tian feels that this way of practice is the most suitable for him. He has been doing this since he became an intensifier.

Go to the rune department. It\'s like providing for the aged.