Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 640

After taking a leather bag, sixteen male waved to the white robed middle-aged man and asked him to leave.

The white robed middle-aged man sighed helplessly, shook his head slightly, turned and left, and walked towards the center of the clan. After the animal tide subsided, the fifth retaining wall and the back retaining walls had fallen down.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian understood that this sixteen male couldn\'t provoke him. It\'s better to stay away.

Although Yang Tian didn\'t want to annoy sixteen Gong, sixteen Gong saw him at this time.

Yang Tian is actually very conspicuous, because his clothes are messy and his body is full of black scabs formed by plasma, but the bag around his waist is red. The life crystal obtained is filled with three big red bags.

With the help of Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian harvested a large number of life crystals, at least more than 30 silver life crystals.

Although they are all the lowest silver life crystals, they are very rich for practitioners who return to the source realm.

"You! Stop!" Sixteen male drank Yang Tian like a middle-aged man in white robe before.

Yang Tian just glanced askance at Liu Gong and continued to walk forward quickly.

At this time, the gang of sixteen men were about 50 meters away from Yang Tian.

After the animal tide subsided, Kata came out to see if Yang Tian was still alive. At this time, he just saw this scene. He was just about to say hello to Yang Tian, but he had to stop.

After staying in this clan for a long time, Kata naturally knew that sixteen princes were not easy to provoke. At this time, he couldn\'t help worrying about Yang Tian.

Although he had not been in contact with Yang Tian for a long time, Kata knew that Yang Tian was stubborn and a soft man.

At this time, Kata hoped Yang Tian would give in

"Eh ~ he pretended to ignore me. You give it to me!" seeing that Yang Tian didn\'t stop, he immediately asked his opponent.

Although shisigong was not a practitioner of Guiyuan realm, there were two of his more than ten masters of Guiyuan realm. With an order, the two men dodged to a distance of 20 meters from Yang Tian and blocked Yang Tian\'s way.

For practitioners who do not say hello, this is a safe distance. No matter how close, it is equivalent to a direct declaration of war.

Yang Tian had to stop.

It\'s too late to bother your upper body at this time.

Yang Tian regretted that he had stopped here too long. He thought it was curiosity that killed people!

After two practitioners in Guiyuan realm stopped Yang Tian, more than a dozen others surrounded Yang Tian.

Sixteen Gong walked slowly through the rubble formed after the parapet wall collapsed, and stopped between the two men in Guiyuan realm.

"Hey, what\'s your name? Why do you want to run when you see me?" Sixteen male stopped and proudly asked Yang Tian.

Yang Tian glanced around and saw many people looking here not far away, just like Yang Tian before.

"Yang Tian." Yang Tian reported his name and then said, "because these life crystals are hard for me to get, I don\'t want to make you cheap."

More than half of the more than a dozen men in the 16th Duke had bags in their hands. It seems that many people knew his way before Yang Tian came.

Yang Tian was telling the truth. When he heard this, he couldn\'t help opening his eyes.

It was the first time he had heard such an honest story in front of him.

"Since you know, leave one bag, no, two bags of life crystals, and then go away!" Sixteen Gong was stunned and said with a sneer.

Yang Tian shook his head, "This is my labor income and I can\'t give it to you. You know what? You\'re wrong to do this. Even if you\'re the son of the head of the hui\'e family, you shouldn\'t do this, because it will ruin the reputation of the head. If you\'re not the son of the head, it\'s even worse, because your Lao Tzu is not the most powerful, and doing so will cause trouble for your family..."

"Shut up!" before Yang Tian\'s words were finished, 16 Gong raised his hand and stopped Yang Tian from talking again.

Yang Tian\'s words sounded like a lesson to the sixteenth Duke.

Yang Tian shut up.

Sixteen male was still very young. He stared at Yang Tian coldly. He was too angry to speak for a moment. No one had taught him such a lesson since he was young.

"I\'m Yang Tian." Yang Tian said faintly, "but I don\'t know who you are. Excuse me, who are you?"

"Sixteen Duke is the sixteenth son of the three families of hui\'e family, whose name is hui\'e Taichang." as soon as Yang Tian said something, one of his men said.

His subordinates reported the identity and name of sixteen male. Sixteen male suddenly snorted coldly and looked arrogant.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "it\'s really disrespectful to be the 16th son of the three clan elders. No, you have nothing to be feared by others. Those practitioners who leave life crystal are not afraid of you, but don\'t want to offend your Lao Tzu. If your Lao Tzu is not the three clan elders, but an ordinary practitioner, ah ~"

Yang Tian finished and walked to one side.

One of the 16 male\'s men immediately came forward and reached out to stop Yang Tian.

"Peng ~"

Yang Tian raised his foot, kicked the man of 16 Gong up and fell at least ten meters away.

After falling to the ground, the man covered his stomach and cried out in pain.

"Kill him! You two kill him for me!" seeing such a situation, sixteen male was furious and roared at Yang Tian.

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Two winds sounded.

The two hands of sixteen Gong moved and rushed towards Yang Tian with the roaring wind.

It\'s time to fight again. Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes are full of war. He immediately flew into the air and turned into a giant dragon.

With little green dragon, Yang Tiancai is not afraid to face two practitioners who return to the source realm at the same time!

After settling down and digesting the obtained life crystal, Yang Tian\'s realm can be raised to the realm of fantasy.

Moreover, once you enter this realm, it will be the peak realm of the fantasy world!

"Chi ~"

Seeing the two people coming, Yang Tian\'s figure flashed, waved a knife and cut a red wind blade towards one of them.

The other party\'s body was flexible, and he flashed aside before the knife Qi arrived.

"Silk ~"

At the same time, a black silk thread cut towards Yang Tian.

Another practitioner made a move to Yang Tian.

This black line is very strange. It is not only fast, but also like a snake when flying. It moves forward in a curved line, up and down, left and right, which is difficult to avoid.

Yang Tianzheng wanted to use his spiritual strength to stop this attack. He heard a "bang" on his head and a burning breath rushed over.

It turned out that the little green dragon spewed a dragon flame downward.

As soon as the black thread was burned by the Dragon flame, it lit up like the filament of a light bulb.

It turned out to be a kind of metal wire.

Because the temperature of the Dragon flame is too high, the heat is transferred along the silk thread to the hands of the people who make the thread.

Feeling the burning energy, the guy who attacked Yang Tian with silk thread had to throw away this strange weapon.


Another person next to him was about to jump on Yang Tian. Suddenly, a powerful cry sounded.

Before the sound fell, a middle-aged man in red robes and silver hair appeared next to him.

When Huie Taichang\'s men saw the man, they immediately stopped, flashed aside, and then lowered their heads, afraid to look at the middle-aged man.

"Dad ~"

Seeing the silver haired middle-aged man, hui\'e Taichang shouted coquettishly. The sound made Yang Tian feel sour.

It turned out that the silver haired middle-aged man was an old man of the three families of the hui\'e family.