Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 639

"How did you get into this world?" asked the mechanical beauty.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "have you ever heard of spiritual power?"

The beauty nodded, then smiled and said, "nice to meet you. My name is Mancy. How about you?"

"Yang Tian," Yang Tian replied.

"I hope I can see you again in the future." manci said, his figure faded and disappeared into the rune array.

The rune matrix she is in not only has the function of preserving consciousness, but also has the function of transmission.

Yang Tiandu felt a strong attraction when manci was transmitting. If he hadn\'t tried his best to control it, the ribbon with some spiritual power of consciousness would be transmitted with manci.

Yang Tian guessed that manci was sent back to the huge virtual world.

After mansy left, Yang Tian withdrew his consciousness from the red crystal.

Looking at the red crystal in his hand, Yang Tian breathed a sigh.

Originally, he thought that the mechanical family was a simple intelligent machine, just like the auxiliary device jingling.

But this is not the case.

The essence of the mechanical family is also human, but they are human consciousness and mechanical body. After a long time, the mechanical race, like the human race, the beast race and other races, has become a unique life in this world.

After putting the red crystal into the storage bracelet, Yang Tian began to pay attention to Xiaoqinglong.

It seems only a very short time to enter the red crystal world. In fact, it\'s almost 20 minutes.

Xiaoqinglong has "digested" the energy of the two life crystals. After Yang Tian waited for more than ten minutes, Xiaoqinglong\'s body sent out powerful energy fluctuations, then weakened and gradually stabilized.

Xiaoqinglong finally reached the level of returning to the source!

The reason why it is so fast is also because Xiaoqinglong, like Yang Tian, lacks energy in his body. If you have enough energy to supplement, you can advance quickly like the previous universe.

"Ow ~"

The little green dragon, who became more powerful, gave a low howl, with a strong sense of war.

Yang Tian immediately jumped onto Xiaoqinglong\'s back.

Xiaoqinglong carried Yang Tian and flew quickly over the herd.

One person, one dragon, once again joined the battle of hunting exotic animals.

In a few minutes.

Yang Tian met a huge beast.

This is a strange beast in the peak state of Guiyuan, which is a little stronger than the one killed by Yang Tian before.

Yang Tian used a special way to improve his combat power for a short time before he could cut the beast in half.

But not now. This guy\'s speed is equal to that of the Blue Leopard, and his strength is stronger than that of the Blue Leopard.

After fighting with it for less than a minute, Yang Tian\'s arm was scratched with his claws.

The covetous little green dragon seized the opportunity and rushed forward quickly.

"Boom ~"

The little green dragon, who became bigger, opened his mouth and spewed a light golden dragon flame towards the black beast.

After reaching the level of returning to the source, the little green dragon can spit out the Dragon flame again.

"Ow ~"

The beast shrouded in the pale golden dragon flame gave a scream, rushed out of the Dragon flame and hit a huge stone.

A loud noise from Peng.

Tons of boulders were smashed by this guy. It seems that its eyes were burned and lost the ability to see things.

The little green dragon rushed down quickly, opened his mouth and bit on its back. He directly lifted the giant beast weighing 1000 kilograms and shook his head.

"Poof ~".

On the back of the beast, a large piece was torn off by the little green dragon, and blood splashed everywhere.

This is so cruel!

The beast with a missing spine has lost its combat effectiveness. Yang Tian flashed forward and cut the beast\'s head with a knife, speeding up its pain.

Then Yang Tian cut open the chest of the beast with a knife and picked out a silver life crystal the size of a goose egg.

Immediately, Yang Tian took out a bag for holding scattered objects from the storage bracelet, put Mingjing into the bag and tied it around his waist.

Yang Tian naturally didn\'t want to hand in the life crystal he finally obtained, but now in this situation, he had to do so.

After collecting the life crystal, the Little Green Dragon flew into the sky and continued to look for the next target.

The monsters Xiaoqinglong is looking for are all from the source realm. It is not difficult to defeat such monsters. He can hunt them in a few minutes and obtain life crystals.

As for the higher level beasts, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are far away.

A few hours later, a large number of medium and high-level monsters were killed, and a howl sounded again in the distance, which sounded like the howl of the beast king.

After this sound, the herd immediately dispersed, returned towards the way, and soon fled to the wilderness far away.

This time, the animal tide is finally over.

Seeing that there were no other animals around, the little green dragon turned back into a mini dragon and fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Yang Tian took three bags and walked towards the clan land.

At this time, except for the practitioners above the magic world who continue to chase the fleeing animals and expand the harvest, the practitioners who return to the source realm return in twos and threes.

It\'s not easy to hunt middle and high-level monsters this time. A large number of practitioners returning to the source realm were swallowed up by monsters.

The returned practitioners, although their faces were full of the joy of harvest, could not hide their fatigue.

"You, stop!"

Yang Tiangang passed through the shortage of the first parapet wall, and a cold drink sounded next to him.

Yang Tian turned his head and saw a young man in black with a group of men who stopped a monk who had just returned.

What was stopped was a thin middle-aged man in white robe, a practitioner of the source realm.

After fighting with the beast for most of the day, the man\'s white robe was full of black blood.

The black robed young man can\'t even return to the source.

Even so, the practitioners were very afraid of the young man in black. Seeing this situation, they avoided him from afar.

"Ah ~ it\'s sixteen years old," said the middle-aged man in white with a smile when he saw the young man in black. The smile on his face looked very ugly.

"Gong" is a kind of honorific title, just like "Sir" on earth, the original "adult" of the universe.

Looking at the attitude of the white robed middle-aged man towards the black robed young man, we know that he has a high position in the hui\'e family.

"What are you carrying in your hand?" Sixteen male looked at the two bulging leather bags around the waist of the middle-aged man in white robe and asked with a smile.

"This... This is Mingjing." the white robed middle-aged man smiled.

"Mingjing..." Sixteen Gong sank and winked at a man beside him.

The man immediately came to the white robed middle-aged man and took off a leather bag.

In this process, the white robed middle-aged man didn\'t take any action. He looked at half of his life crystal taken away.

After going back, I have to hand in another half, which is equivalent to only a quarter of the harvest. It\'s really a big loss.