Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 638

"Boom ~"

A humanoid robot with a height of 10 meters holding a strange animal fell less than 100 meters from Yang Tian and exploded.

One of the pieces of mecha splashed down less than ten meters from Yang Tian.

Yang Tian rolled the fragment with his spiritual strength and took it in his hand.

This is a piece of red metal. It\'s the size of a palm. It\'s thinner than the palm. It\'s very light. It\'s less than one or two.

Although it was light, it was extremely hard. Yang Tian cut it with a knife, leaving a shallow scratch.

It seems that those huge robots are not as heavy as they think.

When Yang Tian was about to throw away the metal fragment, he suddenly found that it was double-layer.

The surface layer is very thin. Yang Tian scraped it with the tip of his knife, scraping off the thinnest layer, revealing dense runes.

Seeing these runes, Yang Tian opened his eyes wide. Unexpectedly, the mechanical family would also use Rune technology!

With the mechanical clan to join the battle, the herd in the sky was soon dispersed.

After destroying the monsters in the sky, tens of thousands of robots of the mechanical family gathered into a "red cloud" and flew away. They soon disappeared in Yang Tian\'s sight.

Yang Tian threw away the metal fragments in his hand and looked at the place where a robot exploded just now.

There, there was a big pit, and the sand on the ground was crystallized by the high temperature generated by the explosion.

The powerful practitioners have moved the battle outward and farther away from the clan land.

It seems that this time, the hui\'e family won the local war.

The surroundings had become quiet. Yang Tian immediately got up and hurried to the edge of the pit.

The explosion actually blew out a nearly ten meter pit on the hard ground. The pit was dark, emitting green smoke and full of a fishy smell.

There are several pieces of animal meat and some metal fragments at the bottom of the pit.

Yang Tian came just curious and looked around. When he was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, a red light came out from the bottom of the pit.

Yang Tian frowned, immediately jumped to the bottom of the pit and poked away a thick, black thing with a knife.

After the surface was removed, a finger sized, red crystal was exposed.

what is it?

Yang Tian opened his eyes wide.

He knew it wasn\'t fate.

If it is a life crystal, it will emit energy fluctuations, and this finger sized red crystal does not emit any energy.

Yang Tian thought and rolled it out with spiritual strength.

After grasping the red crystal, Yang Tian jumped out of the pit and returned to the residual wall.

At this time, little Qinglong was lying on his stomach, squinting slightly and "digesting" the two life crystals he had just swallowed.

From the energy fluctuation emitted by Xiaoqinglong, it can be judged that it will be promoted soon.

The little green dragon who reaches the Guiyuan realm will have very strong combat power, which can not be compared with those exotic animals in the Guiyuan realm.

Everywhere has calmed down. Many ordinary humans come out of their hiding places and look for animal corpses in the middle of broken buildings.

The carcasses of these animals are also food and nutritious food for ordinary humans.

They never mind that there are human bones in the belly of these animals.

Yang Tian put the red crystal in his hand in front of his eyes and looked again and again.

On the surface, this is just an ordinary red crystalline material, but Yang Tian\'s intuition tells him that this thing is by no means simple.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianjiang entered the red crystal with a trace of spiritual power.

Suddenly, Yang Tian opened his eyes.

What appeared in his vision were countless dense filaments of various colors. A red ball hung on these filaments at intervals.

It is because of the existence of these red spheres that the crystal looks red.

"This should be the brain of mechanical life." at this time, the voice of strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Yang Tian nodded, and his spiritual strength continued to deepen.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s spiritual power only stayed on the surface of the crystal.

When Yang Tian\'s spiritual power entered the center of the red crystal and saw the situation in the middle, he was surprised again.

Because in the center of this crystal, there is an array disk composed of countless runes suspended.

In this array plate, a beautiful woman with naked body and long red hair is lying in the middle of the array plate with her eyes closed. It looks like she is asleep.

There is a human in the brain of a mechanical family!

Is it

While Yang Tian was guessing, the beautiful young woman lying on the array suddenly opened her eyes.

She seems to have noticed that some energy has broken into her world.

The beautiful woman who woke up sat up and looked around.

Although she was aware of something breaking into the world, she couldn\'t see it.

Curious, Yang Tian imitated the body with spiritual strength and appeared in front of this beautiful woman.

"Who are you?" the beauty frowned and asked when she saw Yang Tian appear in front of her.

She also speaks human language, which makes Yang Tian feel that his previous conjecture is more accurate.

"I am human, and you?" Yang Tian asked with a smile.

For this beautiful woman, Yang Tian\'s answers and questions are strange.

For a time, the beauty didn\'t know how to answer Yang Tian\'s question.

Yang Tian also said, "you mechanical family are also human originally. In order to have strong ability, you transfer your consciousness to the machine. In this way, you can perfectly control the powerful machine."

When Yang Tian finished, the beauty couldn\'t help laughing and said, "you only guessed half right. In fact, we should also be half human. We have never really had a physical body like you in this world."

"What do you say?" Yang Tian asked.

The beauty said: "we are all born in a virtual world. Like you, we are still children at birth, and then grow up slowly. In that world, we can live, experience all kinds of things, feel happiness and pain like you human beings with flesh

If we don\'t all know that we are just program life and the world is illusory, it will be more perfect.

In order to see the real world, we use machines to come to this world and communicate and fight with you through machines... We are half human because our ancestors were human.

Before the death of the flesh, our ancestors transferred their consciousness to the virtual world you call and continued to survive. In this virtual world, we can also reproduce. In fact, this is another evolutionary means of life. We are homologous, aren\'t we? "

"So it is..." Yang Tian nodded.

The beauty looked at Yang Tian and asked, "how did you enter this world?"