Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 637

The leader of the herd is very smart. When the practitioners go out, they can send flying monsters to attack the clan land, which can play a restraining role.

Ordinary humans and low-level practitioners in the clan saw the herds flying in the sky and hid in houses or underground bunkers like katcha.

Now, it\'s a war between powerful practitioners and monsters.

Xiaoqinglong rushed out of the clan area with Yang Tian, flew forward and landed in a place with relatively few herds.

Here, there is a strange animal with a sharp horn, a body length of seven meters, covered with light red fur, which looks like a cow.

Obviously, this is a herbivore, but in this animal tide, whether carnivores or herbivores, their enemy is only humans. After the animal tide is over, they will be preyed on by carnivores.

As soon as he landed, Yang Tian took his knife and rushed towards the beast.

This is also a strange beast in the source realm, which is the hunting object selected by little green dragon.

Without \'lighting up\' the body cells as before, Yang Tian\'s combat power is no longer so strong and his speed is much slower.

Facing Yang Tian, the beast lowered its head and hit Yang Tian.

When one person and one beast met, Yang Tian quickly dodged aside, and the knife in his hand scratched on the beast.

In the process, there was a \'poof\'.

This knife can\'t break the skin of this beast.

Yang Tian was surprised and flashed aside.

Because there was a \'woo\' sound in front of him, a dark shadow pulled towards him.

The beast has a long tail, which is also its weapon.

The tail of the beast crossed Yang Tian\'s cheek, and the air flow brought by it made Yang Tian\'s cheek feel pain.

If you are hit by this tail, you will be hurt.

This powerful tail is tantamount to making up for the problem that the beast can\'t turn flexibly, so that the enemy can\'t attack from its side and back.

It\'s not only Yang Tian, but also Xiaoqinglong who deals with this beast!

When Yang Tian dodged away, the little green dragon just rushed in and slapped his tail on the side of the beast\'s head. It looked like slapping the beast in the face.

"Peng ~" made a muffled sound.

Little green dragon\'s current state is not as high as this beast, but his physical strength is very powerful.

The unicorn was knocked to the ground by the tail of the little green dragon. Yang Tian grabbed the opportunity and flashed to the beast. Before it turned over, he stabbed it in the neck.

At this moment, the powerful force surged out of the blade and destroyed most of the organs in the unicorn in an instant.

With wide open eyes, the unicorn moved and died completely.

It took less than twenty seconds to attack the beast and kill it.

As soon as the unicorn was killed, a slender, cheetah shaped beast with light blue scales rushed over.

Yang Tiangen could not have taken the life crystal from the animal\'s body. He pulled out his knife and attacked the "Blue Leopard".

Little green dragon longed for the life crystal in the beast, and took the opportunity to fall to the ground.

"Silk ~"

At this time, Yang Tian cut the Blue Leopard with a knife. Under the control of his spiritual power, three red knife Qi cut the Blue Leopard from three different directions.

"Boom, boom..."

As Yang Tian expected, the Blue Leopard\'s speed was very fast. It twisted a few times and flashed to the side flexibly. The three knife Qi sent by Yang Tian fell into the air, hit the ground and cut the ground out of three trenches.

During the battle, Yang Tian took a look at Xiao Qinglong.

The little green dragon was lying next to the corpse, opened his mouth, bit on the neck of the corpse and tore off a large piece of meat.

Little green dragon seldom bites with his mouth when fighting. Unexpectedly, his mouth is so powerful!

After the Blue Leopard dodged Yang Tian\'s attack, it flashed and rushed to Yang Tian again.

Yang Tian welcomed him again.

One person, one beast, the figure kept flashing and entangled together.

There are also practitioners fighting with monsters nearby.

Practitioners who can fight with these monsters seem to be more powerful than Yang Tian. They easily kill a monster that only returns to the source realm and take out the life crystal from the beast\'s body.

Although they all have storage tools, these practitioners abide by the rules. After finding the life crystal, they put it in a leather bag hanging around their waist.

There are many powerful practitioners, and the leather bags around their waists are full.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian was envious of him.

The little green dragon soon tore up the corpse, found a life crystal the size of a goose egg and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Xiaoqinglong is eager to become stronger. Of course, it will not miss such an opportunity.

After swallowing Mingjing, Xiaoqinglong turned his head and dealt with the Blue Leopard with Yang Tian.

The Blue Leopard is very cunning. After the little green dragon joined the battle, it immediately turned and fled to the distance. However, before it could run far, suddenly an arrow flew from somewhere and inserted it on its forehead.

Then, a man in black with a bow came, cut the Blue Leopard\'s body with a knife, and took out a silver life crystal.

Yang Tian is very familiar with this black robed man. He is the black Xuanwen general who examined Yang Tian in the mine before.

After taking Mingjing in his hand, heixuanwen flashed a few and came to Yang Tian.

At this time, general heixuanwen exudes a strong breath. Yang Tian estimates that he is at least a practitioner above the realm of fantasy.

If we judge whether he is a practitioner of the illusory realm by whether there is an energy world in his body, Yang Tian is because he has the original realm in his body.

But now Yang Tian is just a practitioner of returning to the source realm.

It is estimated that only by breaking through the realm of returning to the source can we give full play to the combat power of the fantasy world.

"Not bad! In such a short time, you were promoted to the state of returning to the source! Did you take any pill?"

Heixuanwen looked at Yang Tian and asked curiously.

Yang Tian didn\'t know how to answer, so he just nodded.

"Work hard! I\'ll look after you. I\'ll take care of you when the battle is over." heixuanwen will finish and throw his life crystal to Xiaoqinglong.

For Mingjing, Xiaoqinglong did not refuse to come. He immediately took the Mingjing in his mouth, stretched his neck and swallowed it.

Heixuanwen smiled and flashed away.

After swallowing two life crystals in succession, the breath on the little green dragon became messy, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

You don\'t have to guess. Xiaoqinglong will be promoted soon.

"Bruce Lee, let\'s retreat." Yang Tian took a look at the situation around him and immediately said to Bruce Lee.

At this time, the flying beasts in the sky had circled over the clan land, and from time to time they swooped down in groups.

Many practitioners who attacked were ordered to retreat.

It\'s important to kill an alien to get life crystals, but more importantly, we should keep the clan land.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong had just retreated under a remnant wall. Suddenly, a "red cloud" appeared in the distant sky.

The speed of this\' red cloud \'was very fast. In a few blinks, it came over the clan land.

Seeing those red things, Yang Tian couldn\'t help opening his eyes in surprise.

Because the flying "red cloud" is actually a large piece of red mecha.

No, it should not be called a mecha, but a mechanical family.

When he was in the mine, Yang Tian heard the dead baisong say that there are mechanical families on this continent.

Yang Tian\'s understanding is that the mechanical family is a robot controlled by an intelligent program.

As soon as the robots arrived, they began to attack the herds flying in the sky.

Compared with practitioners, the mechanical family uses high-tech weapons with amazing lethality. Large tracts of flying monsters are killed and fall from the sky.

Of course, many of these "robots" fell from the sky and fell to the ground under the attack of exotic animals, exploding into a fireball, like high explosive bombs.