Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 636

After a circle in the air, the little green dragon changed into a dragon more than ten meters long.

Although he swallowed a life crystal, his size is now the limit of Xiaoqinglong\'s transformation. It can\'t turn into a giant dragon tens of meters long as before.

After swallowing Mingjing, Xiaoqinglong also regained his ability to fly.

Xiao Qinglong is different from Yang Tian.

Yang Tian needs complex cultivation to continuously improve his realm, but it is much simpler for Xiaoqinglong. He only needs to swallow Mingjing, just like the original universe.

"Ow ~"

After getting bigger, the little green dragon let out a deep howl.

Yang Tian took kata and jumped onto the back of little green dragon.

Xiaoqinglong immediately took Yang Tian and Kata to the second parapet.

Seeing a dragon flying over, the man on the second parapet almost shot Xiaoqinglong. Fortunately, he saw Yang Tian on Xiaoqinglong\'s back.

At this time, everyone\'s nerves are very sensitive.

After falling on the second retaining wall, the people around were far away, and some were afraid of the little green dragon.

After carrying katcha on the back of the little green dragon, Yang Tian picked up a bow from the ground, joined the battle and shot at the monsters below.

Although he swallowed a life crystal, the realm of little green dragon failed to rise to the realm of returning to the source. After Yang Tian and Kacha camel came over, he was very tired.

With Xiaoqinglong\'s current ability, he can only bring Yang Tian and Kacha camel over. Can\'t save more people.

More than ten minutes later, opposite Yang Tian, the people on the first parapet finally couldn\'t hold on under the attack of strange animals and jumped off the parapet one after another.

They would rather fall to death than be torn alive by strange animals

The first defense of Huie\'s clan land completely disappeared.

Next is the second parapet.

In less than half an hour, the second parapet also broke a gap under the impact of strange animals, and the same situation happened again.

Xiaoqinglong carried Yang Tian and Kata to the third parapet.

The family land is very large. What Yang Tian sees is only a small part.

Two parapets were breached, killing at least millions of people.

The world is so cruel that ordinary human life is not worth mentioning in the eyes of practitioners.

When the animal tide came, if practitioners came to ordinary humans to help defend, they would not die so many people. The parapet can\'t be broken down one by one so soon.

A row of four parapets have been broken, and the \'sun\' in the sky has risen to mid air.

With the help of Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian, who withdrew to the fifth parapet, couldn\'t bear to take care of the situation under the wall.

Yang Tian understood that the practitioners of Huie family consumed the number of strange animals in this way.

When monsters kill many people, their number decreases a lot.

On the other side of the beast, first drive the low-level beast to attack, and finally, the high-level beast will appear. The thoughts of those practitioners of the hui\'e family are the same as those of the animal leaders.

There seems to be no difference between man and beast in this regard.

After fighting for more than half a day, Yang Tian shot and killed thousands of ferocious beasts with bows and arrows, although he didn\'t have direct contact with them.

At this time, Yang Tian\'s hands were numb.

When the fifth parapet was about to be broken, the practitioners finally set out.

When the herd broke through four retaining walls in a row, at least 70% of the casualties had been killed, and the high-level monster finally appeared.

"We... Survived..."

Seeing that the practitioners finally set out, Kata murmured.

Then he patted Yang Tian on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Yang Tian, I can survive this time, thanks to you."

Kata\'s eyes were full of gratitude.

Yang Tian said with a smile, "it\'s just a little effort. I want to know why exotic animals gather together to attack the human station."

Katcha said: "in the inflamed area where we live, the largest number of aliens are. In order to obtain life crystals, practitioners kill a large number of aliens. In fact, high-level aliens are as smart as humans. They can\'t stand such things. Under the command of the beast king, aliens began to attack human settlements in groups.

At the beginning, the scale was not very large. Later, as humans occupied more and more areas in this area, more and more herds gathered. Now, it has developed into a beast tide.

What you see in front of you is the animal tide faced by the Huie family, and in other family territories far away, they are also facing the attack of the herd.

For countless years, in every animal tide, many families have disappeared in this vast area. After the animal tide, new families will rise. People and animals consume each other like this. Do you know why? "

Katcha finally asked.

Yang Tian thought carefully and said, "because in this world, humans and animals will not have diseases. As long as they are born and don\'t encounter accidents, they can die."

Yang Tian was stunned when he finished, and then said, "disease is already a legend. You\'re right. Both animals and humans need to consume each other in this way. In fact, what I want to say is that the families want to get a lot of life crystals.

At ordinary times, strange animals break in the vast area of the whole inflammatory region. It takes a long way to get life crystals.

With the beast tide, it\'s different. After the low-level beasts are consumed, the middle and high-level beasts will appear. A large number of them will gather together, and the family can get a large number of life crystals at one time. "

With that, Yang Tian nodded. He knows that the root cause is what he thought before.

Katcha\'s statement can be guessed by a slightly smarter person.

Life, old age, disease and death are the ways of nature, but no one wants aging, illness and death except life.

However, the lack of any of the four violates the laws of nature. A group of people at the top of the world naturally understand this truth, so they can only make up for it through the day after tomorrow.

This idea was soon thrown out of his mind, because for him, even if these are true, what can he do?

While they were talking, thousands of practitioners jumped over their heads and rushed to the herd.

The combat effectiveness of practitioners is not comparable to that of ordinary humans.

Before the emergence of herds, ordinary humans were soon submerged by them.

But now it\'s the opposite. Under the attack of practitioners, more exotic animals than practitioners die in pieces.

Yang Tian heard all the roars and screams of strange animals

Looking at the situation under the parapet, Kata smiled and said to Yang Tian, "Yang Tian, go! According to the rules, all those who participate in the battle, after killing the beast, give half of the life crystal, and the rest belongs to themselves. Remember, don\'t use storage tools, because they are watching!"

Yang Tian had enough rest at this time, nodded to Kacha, and then jumped onto Xiaoqinglong\'s back with a knife.

Carrying Yang Tian, Xiaoqinglong flew quickly towards a group of high-level monsters in the distance.

At this time, there were already practitioners fighting against those high-level monsters.

At this time, Kata took a look at the horizon, immediately turned down the parapet and hid in the storage room in the parapet.

A "black line" appeared in the sky, and a large number of flying animals appeared again.