Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 626

Assessment starts!

The first level is mining, which is very simple for miners.

Without the help of Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian passed the pass within the specified time. Of the thousands of miners who participated in the assessment, 3000 passed the pass.

In the second pass, 3000 people ran around the mountain road in the mining area. The first 500 people who completed a circle will enter the next round of assessment, and others will be eliminated.

The whole mining area is hundreds of kilometers around. It\'s not so easy to run around the mountain road of the mining area.

This level mainly tests endurance.

Huier family is not only this mine, but more than ten such large mines will be assessed at the same time every three years.

During the assessment process, the Huie family will naturally send professionals to take charge. The management of the miners in the mining area is OK. If they want to find someone with a little practice qualification among the miners... Forget it!

Judging from this assessment, the physical quality of human beings in this world is very good.

If it were not for the quota, at least half of the people would be able to complete the task of running a lap.

Each assessment takes three days. In these three days, the miners don\'t have to work, which is equivalent to a three-day holiday.

Although most people didn\'t sign up, they gathered in the middle of the mining area to watch the excitement. Some also made bets that some people participating in the assessment could pass several passes, or who could win in the end.

If you pay more money when signing up, you will naturally receive preferential treatment.

Yang Tian got a day\'s rest and several nutritious meals. If you have a good rest and are full, you will naturally have more energy to participate in the assessment.

The second pass, Yang Tian passed easily.

After coming to this world, although he lost most of his strength, his physical quality is still much better than ordinary humans in this world.

The third level is to test strength.

The people sent down from above put a black stone lock with a large basket on the field. As long as they can lift it and take ten steps, they can pass the assessment.

More than half of them were eliminated. Only 155 people passed the pass. Yang Tian was naturally among the more than 100 people.

According to Yang Tian\'s estimation, this kind of stone lock weighs about 500 kg to 600 kg.

The fourth level is to assess the cultivation talents and specialties.

As for the cultivation talent, there is no need for Yang Tian to do anything, just stand there. Then, several middle-aged men sent from above will touch Yang Tian\'s arms, shoulders, legs and other parts in turn.

Yang Tian estimated that this should be to look at muscles and bones.

In terms of cultivation talents, more than half of them were eliminated, and only ten passed in the end.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, he was considered to have no cultivation talent!

Those who are in charge of the assessment have no vision! Yang Tianxin thought. Yang Tian has no doubt about whether he can become a strong man.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong looked at each other, and then said to one of the tall middle-aged men in black, "I have special skills."

"What\'s your specialty?" the middle-aged man in black asked.

Yang Tian said, "I can write runes."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the black robed middle-aged man smiled: "knowing runes is not a simple understanding. You have to make them combine to produce power."

"No problem," Yang Tian replied confidently.

For runes, Yang Tian believes that no one can compare with strange programs. Even the masters of Rune in this world can\'t compare with strange programs.

What strange programs lack now is only runic information.

In Yang Tian\'s cosmic world, the rune information is certainly not as rich as this world.

From the collar around Yang Tian\'s neck, the strange program collected many runes it had never read.

Looking at Yang Tian\'s confident appearance, the black robed middle-aged man looked suspicious.

Because it is almost impossible for a rune to wander into the mining area and become a humble miner.

The black robed middle-aged man was silent and said to Yang Tian, "well, prove it to me. If you really have talent in runes, my Huie family will never bury talents."

"How to prove it?" Yang Tian asked.

The black robed middle-aged man said, "you see what to do!"

The most direct way is to remove the collar from your neck.

It won\'t take long, but Yang Tian thought about it and decided not to do such a shocking thing.

The collars worn by the miners\' necks must be designed by experts. If they are taken off easily, they will certainly shock the Huie family, and then doubt... What will happen later will be beyond Yang Tian\'s control.

Just show it a little.

"Do you have a talisman?" Yang Tian nodded and asked.

The black robed middle-aged man shook his head, "I can\'t write a rune. Naturally, I don\'t have a rune pen."

Then he looked at the other five companions.

The five also shook their heads.

Yang Tian said, "then give me back my storage bracelet. There is my talisman in it."

The middle-aged man nodded and glanced at a manager next to him.

The manager immediately turned and left. Half an hour later, he took Yang Tian\'s storage bracelet and insect brain pendant and returned them to Yang Tian.

Storage tools in this world, it seems that it is also very difficult to crack, otherwise, these things will not stay until now.

The management has been there for so long. It\'s estimated that it took a long time to find it in the sundry room.

It was good that these things were not lost. Yang Tian was relieved.

Yang Tian hung the insect brain pendant around his neck and put three storage bracelets on his wrists.

The middle-aged man in black robe was surprised to see that Yang Tian had three storage bracelets. Because the storage bracelet is not available to ordinary people.

The middle-aged man in black has some doubts about Yang Tian\'s identity.

However, the situation in the mining area is complex. In order to benefit, the mine owners in charge of the mine bought people. As long as they can dig the mine without threatening the safety of the mining area, they don\'t care who they bought and who they used to be.

In the curious eyes of the people, Yang Tian took out the talisman pen given to him by the great sacrifice of Taiyu from the storage bracelet.

This talisman pen is made of special materials. It hasn\'t been damaged after taking it out.

As long as it can be used, Yang Tian immediately went to the black stone lock that tested his strength before.

Since he allowed himself to play freely, Yang Tian communicated with the strange program in his mind and came up with a plan.

When the strange program controlled the body, it took more than half an hour. The black stone lock was engraved with large and small runes by Yang Tian.

After the depiction, Yang Tian put the rune pen into the storage bracelet, turned to the middle-aged man in black robe and said with a smile: "OK."

The black robed middle-aged man came forward, grabbed the handle of the stone lock and lifted the stone lock easily.

"Peng ~"

After twisting, the black robed middle-aged man threw the stone lock on the ground at random and said with a smile, "good! You reduced its weight by one third."

With that, the black robed middle-aged man immediately said, "but such means can\'t let you pass my assessment."

"Your assessment?" Yang Tian was surprised.

"Good!" the middle-aged man in the black robe said, "the assessment of this mine area has the final say, and I say no, I can\'t."

"Then you make a question! See if I can do it." Yang Tian said helplessly.

Yang Tian knew that the man in front of him was going to embarrass himself on purpose. This embarrassment may be that the other party doesn\'t like him, or it may be to force him out of his potential to see how deep his attainments in runes are.

The black robed middle-aged man smiled, pointed to the top of the mountain in front and said, "if you can make it disappear in my eyes, even if you pass."

This is to let Yang Tian arrange the magic array.

"No problem!"

These three words are not what Yang Tian said, but what the strange program said to Yang Tian in his mind.

Yang Tian nodded and walked towards the low mountain kilometers ahead.