Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 625

"You shouldn\'t help him!" the woman in black looked at Yang Tian with a gloomy face and suddenly said.

"Pa ~"

Before the words fell, the woman in black whipped Yang Tian without any sign.

Yang Tian was alert. When the whip came, he turned aside in time.

But after the whip hit the ground, the whip tip bounced and hit Yang Tian on the back.

Although it was only the spare power of a whip, Yang Tian couldn\'t stand it. He snorted and fell on the ground.

This made Yang Tian dizzy and swollen. He felt that his five internal organs were about to shift. He opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that Yang Tian was wounded, Xiaoqinglong was angry. He jumped up high and rushed to the face of the woman in black, but was patted aside by the woman in black.

This seems to be an understatement. In fact, it is so powerful that the little green dragon can\'t get up for half a day after landing.

After patting the little green dragon, the woman in black raised her whip again.

Look at her movements, it seems that she will beat Yang Tian.

Bai Song was so surprised that he rushed to Yang Tian and begged the woman in black for mercy: "it\'s all my fault! I shouldn\'t say that. If you want to hit me, hit me! If you kill him, the mine will lose a lot of money."

Yang Tian raised his head at this time. What was printed into his eyes was first the slender white and tender legs of the woman in black. Then he looked up and saw the slender waist... Finally, he saw the exquisite and expressionless face of the woman in black.

This is a very tall and cold woman.

Facing Bai Song\'s plea, the woman in black was unmoved and the whip was raised higher. This is a world that respects power. The weak cannot be sympathized by the strong.

If she whipped down again, Bai Song and Yang Tian would be killed.

"Cough... Beauty, do you have a man?" Yang Tian coughed a few times and asked with a smile.


As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, a guard behind the woman in black shouted and pulled out a long silver knife.

But before the guard came forward, the woman in black raised her hand to stop the guard\'s next action.

The woman in black looked at Yang Tian and said with a smile, "why do you ask?"

Yang Tian said, "if you don\'t have a man, killing me will be a great loss to you. You are so beautiful that as long as you are a normal man, you want to sleep. What\'s strange?"

Yang Tian said this and felt uneasy in his heart.

The woman in black looked at Yang again and said, "so you want to sleep with me?"

"Hmm!" Yang Tian nodded and said, "give me three years, and I can get you to bed!"

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the woman in black couldn\'t help giggling.

In Yang Tian\'s long wait, the woman in black finally stopped laughing and said, "OK! I\'ll give you three years. If you can\'t do it, I\'ll make your life worse than death!"

With that, the woman in black took the whip, turned around, headed for a mountain not far away, and continued to patrol the mine.

Yang Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally saved his life.

"Aunt, why do you want to save the boy\'s life?" after the woman in black walked some way, a guard dressed up as a young man behind the woman in black asked aloud.

The woman in Black said, "just for fun! It\'s easy to kill such a little man, but it\'s just to let him live three more years."

The teenager nodded, then smiled, "aunt, if three years later, that person becomes stronger than you and really wants to sleep with you, what should I do?"

"Is that ok?" the woman in black disdained.

"Er..." the boy scratched his head and said, "it\'s really impossible."

Yang Tian lay on the ground for a long time, waiting for the woman in black to get on the aircraft and leave before turning over and sitting up.

Xiaoqinglong was also hurt and looked a little depressed.

"Yang Tian, why did you just say that? She let you go." after seeing that the spaceship disappeared, the curious Bai Song dared to ask in a low voice.

Yang Tian said, "this is a very proud woman, and we are the most humble people in the world."

With these words, Yang Tian closed his eyes and began to look at the injury in his body.

Bai Song frowned and couldn\'t understand what Yang Tian meant. He didn\'t have the same experience as Yang Tian. Naturally, he didn\'t understand Yang Tian\'s words.

After a long time, Yang Tiancai opened his eyes.

Bai Song had endured it for a long time and asked, "I don\'t understand. Can you be more detailed?"

Yang Tian looked at the position of the stars in the sky. It will be started again in about half an hour.

Just when I didn\'t know how to explain to baisong, a small sand bug happened to pass by their feet.

Yang Tian picked up the sand worm as fragile as an ant, put it in the palm of his hand and said to Bai Song, "what would you feel if this sand stone told you that I can defeat you in three years?"

"I... I\'ll be curious to see how it beats me."

When Bai Song finished, he understood.

At this moment, their hearts are bitter.

Yang Tian threw the sand bug on the ground, covered his chest, stood up and said, "this psychological tactic is not useful to everyone. If it were the female managers in the mine, I dare say similar words to them. They will kill me without hesitation..."

The days in the mine continued.

Two months later.

Bai Song finally got his wish, died in the woman\'s belly and left the world in the most refreshing way.

According to the rules of the mine, Bai Song\'s body was thrown into a deep, abandoned pit.

In other people\'s eyes, Yang Tian finally lost a burden. However, for Yang Tian, he lost a person to talk to. He was sad for several days.

After all, the old man baisong was the first friend Yang Tian made after he came to the world.

Another month later, the assessment on the mine began.

Yang Tian signed up.

This is his chance to get out of this lice mine.

If he fails, Yang Tian decides to dig a mine and leave here directly.

There was baisong before. He couldn\'t bear to leave without baisong. He was hesitant all the time.

But why did Bai Song persist for so long after he died? After thinking about it, Yang Tian found that after so many things, he had become a proud man.

Even if the woman in black forgot him, he would remind her of herself and let her remember herself forever

He will get back ten times and a hundred times the Revenge of that whip!

For most miners, this assessment is like a decoration. Even if they sign up, they can\'t pass.

Because the assessment requirements are too harsh.

It\'s no problem to mine in the competition. After staying in the mine for so long, they take a look at the color of the ore and know whether there are lice crystals in it.

Physical fitness is no problem. Mining is a kind of physical work. As long as there is no lack of food, the body will always be strong.

What is difficult is the cultivation talent and specialty.

If you have the cultivation talent, can you still be sold to the mine? It\'s also good.

Of course, this specialty is not the specialty of life skills, but the specialty directly related to practice.

For example, proficient in runes, forged weapons and armor.

Therefore, although the mine announced the start of assessment and registration, less than one tenth of the people participated.

The number of people, about thousands.

Most of these applicants are new and have the hope of going out.

I have been in the mine for a long time. After several failures, I will lose heart. Unwilling to pay the registration fee.

With this money, you might as well find a woman to cheer up.

Yang Tian handed over all the bonuses to the management of the mine and signed up.

Three days later, the assessment finally began.