Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 627

"Can he do it?" Yang Tian asked curiously after he left.

The black robed middle-aged man smiled and said, "I don\'t know. However, if he can really do it, his attainments in runes are good. I must recommend it to the top. Such talents can\'t be buried."


Half an hour later.

"Pa ~"

Standing at the foot of the low mountain, Yang Tian put a large talisman pen in his hand into the storage bracelet, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The low mountain with a radius of hundreds of meters in front of us suddenly disappeared in the sight of everyone. A wide mountain path appeared in the original position of the mountain.

If you are not familiar with here, you will never think that there will be an invisible mountain here.

It\'s so hidden!

The miners around opened their eyes when they saw this situation.

It\'s amazing for them.

After the mountain in front of him \'disappeared\', Yang Tian quickly returned to the middle-aged man in black robe and said with a smile, "OK."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, the hidden low mountain suddenly appeared again.

The black robed middle-aged man was about to praise Yang Tian, when he saw such a feeling, he frowned and asked, "what\'s going on?"

Yang Tian explained: "because I don\'t have enough energy, I use the energy of the air flow. As long as the air flow slows down and the energy is insufficient, the mountain will appear. Moreover, the rune array that hides the mountain will not exist for long."

When Yang Tian spoke, he saw that the mountain peak in front was gone again.

The black robed middle-aged man felt the change of air flow, nodded to Yang Tian and said, "OK! You passed the examination."

With that, the middle-aged man in black turned and said to his five men, "the assessment is over. We should go back."

When he heard that the middle-aged man in Black said he had passed the examination, Yang Tian couldn\'t help breathing a sigh.

Finally, we can leave the mining area!

In the envious eyes of the miners, Yang Tian and ten other miners who passed the examination boarded a huge aircraft.

After the aircraft took off, it soon disappeared into the eyes of the miners.

Yang Tian and ten other miners who passed the examination were in a dark cabin and could not see the outside.

After the aircraft took off, one of the young people smiled and said, "we finally came out of the mining area. This time is really lucky."

As soon as he finished, one of the short haired young people with a scar on his face said faintly, "don\'t be happy too early. You can live a peaceful life in the mining area, but you may die soon after entering hui\'e\'s house."

"Why do you say that?" Yang Tian asked.

The miners in the mining area are the lowest level people in the world and the group with the least amount of information in the world. After staying in the mining area for several months, Yang Tian still has no specific impression of the world.

He is very curious about everything.

Scar looked at Yang Tian and said, "you\'ll know then."

With that, Scarface closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Scar\'s face didn\'t say, and Yang Tian couldn\'t force it. He looked at his shoulder and closed his eyes after little Qinglong.

In fact, in this assessment, if you show the spiritual strength to the black robed middle-aged man, it is estimated that the black robed middle-aged man will pay more attention to Yang Tian.

But Yang Tian understands a truth, that is, the bottom card can\'t be exposed, so that it can play a role at the key time.


About ten minutes later, the aircraft vibrated and made a "boom" sound, like encountering a strong airflow.

The people in the cabin opened their eyes for fear that the aircraft would crash unexpectedly. That would be too unjust.

This situation makes Yang Tian think that the technology in this world is too backward!

He did not expect that because of the existence of mechanical family in this world, the human world is unwilling to use tools made by electronic technology.

The control system of this aircraft uses Rune energy. Human beings in this world are also very simple in the use of runes, which is far inferior to electronic technology.

Therefore, this kind of flying aircraft, like a spacecraft, is only an aircraft, not a spacecraft.

A spaceship is a flying device that can leave the planet\'s gravity and go to the sky.

This aircraft, which can\'t even withstand the strong airflow, is far from the spacecraft.

In the uneasy mood of the miners, the aircraft soon stopped shaking and returned to a stable flight state.

After more than ten minutes, the aircraft finally began to slow down and land slowly.

Dozens of seconds later, there was a "boom". The aircraft vibrated and then stopped moving.


After the hatch was opened, Yang Tian and his crew got off the aircraft soon.

Where the aircraft is parked, the terrain is relatively high, which is a huge circular platform with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

Because of the use of Rune energy, it is estimated that this kind of aircraft cannot collect storage tools. There are five other aircraft about 30 meters long on the parking lot.

Surrounding the circular platform are circular houses, which look like a huge eight trigrams figure.

The main color of the house is black, and the shape is also very exquisite. Green plants are planted between the houses.

A circle of houses, like a circle of water waves, extend to the distance. With Yang Tian\'s eyesight, he can\'t see the end.

The black robed middle-aged man stepped off the aircraft, looked at Yang TIANYAO, looked into the distance, smiled and said, "this is the hui\'e family, which covers an area of hundreds of miles, has tens of millions of strong practitioners and controls 55 big cities."

When saying these words, the middle-aged man in black looked very proud, just like the hui\'e family.

"Haven\'t you asked the elder\'s name yet?" said the middle-aged man in black robe. Yang Tian nodded and asked.

"My name is black Xuanwen general," said the middle-aged man in black robe.

Then he went down along the stone steps outside the round platform, and the people immediately followed.

The world also has a transmission array disk, but the shape is somewhat different.

In Yang Tian\'s original world, the transmission array is round. The transmission array of this world is hexagonal.

Black Xuanwen took Yang Tian and them to the conveyor. When he was ready to go on stage, a ring object on his wrist lit up red.

Seeing this thing lit up, black Xuanwen frowned and said to one of his men, "you take them to Yixing village to report. I have something to go first."

After the famous hand nodded, heixuanwen flashed and disappeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

The transmission process is no different from Yang Tian\'s previous experience. A blue light also lights up in front of him. After the blue light disappears, the transmission has been completed.

After leaving the transmission array, Yang Tian found that they had left the round platform where the aircraft had been parked and appeared in the middle of a low house.

General heixuanwen\'s men led Yang Tian into a courtyard and immediately turned away.

In this person\'s opinion, Yang Tian and his gang, who came from miners, don\'t need to pay attention at all. Just let the people at the lower level teach them.

As soon as heixuanwen\'s men left, a group of people in tight black clothes poured out of each room, surrounded Yang Tian and them, hugged his hands and looked at Yang Tian and them with disdain.

The leader was a fat middle-aged man who looked a little arrogant. He glanced at Yang Tian and others and said faintly: "from today on, you will be in my charge. You have to do whatever I ask you to do. If you don\'t obey, go back to the mine..."

The fat man said, waved his hand and said to a group of black men, "old rule, beat it first."

As soon as the voice fell, more than 20 people in black rushed towards Yang Tian and them.