Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 617

At the sight of the dragon egg, the little green dragon opened his eyes, stood up and flew over quickly.

This dragon egg is bigger than little green dragon.

Don\'t guess, little green dragon knows that this dragon egg is its child. It can be determined from the smell emitted by this dragon egg.

Yang Tian quickly came over. When he saw the close look of little green dragon holding dragon eggs, Yang Tian understood.

The hatching of dragon eggs requires special conditions. Judging from the current appearance of the planet, it is obviously not suitable.

Yang Tian thought for a moment and said to little green dragon, "little dragon, put it in the superstar temple!"

Xiaoqinglong hesitated and nodded.

Yang Tian also thought about putting the dragon egg in yuyangtian, but the boy\'s temperament is not calm enough, and the Yuyang family is not a safe place. If the dragon egg is damaged, it will be difficult to do. It can only be placed in the superstar temple.

Now there is no safer place in the universe than the superstar temple.

With two claws, Xiaoqinglong carefully picked up the dragon egg and handed it to Yang Tian. Yang Tian squatted down and held the dragon egg in his hand.

This dragon egg is bigger than the one that little green dragon was born. It is as big as an ostrich egg and heavier.

This is because when Xiaoqinglong\'s parents gave birth to Xiaoqinglong, the realm was not as high as Xiaoqinglong now.

After wiping the dried blood off the dragon egg, Yang Tian took out a piece of clothing from the storage bracelet and wrapped it heavily to prevent it from being damaged.

This dragon egg is alive. Naturally, it can\'t be put into the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian hugged the dragon\'s egg in one hand and a knife in the other. Together with little green dragon, he looked at the planet.

What happened before made Yang Tian understand that when he was strong enough to control the power of time, he could do almost anything.

For example, cut a dead or disappeared object from another space-time and store it in a specific space-time.

This... Doesn\'t seem to be true.

Yang Tian looked up at the sky and suddenly realized something about time.

The magnificent palace once built by the dragon family has become ruins and covered with weeds. When Yang Tian walks, he can constantly see some dragon skeletons and other strange animal flat skeletons.

Most of these bones are surrounded by tall weeds.

Some keels are covered with light red vines, which bear red fruits, the size of fingers.


Xiaoqinglong told Yang Tian that these are the legendary "dragon vein fruits". Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies and get rid of all diseases

This kind of fruit is actually produced by these vines after absorbing the bone marrow in the keel.

Although the things were good, Yang Tian didn\'t pick them.

These things are of little value to him.

However, in the future, a large number of human beings on earth can migrate here, so that this closed star region can become a paradise for human beings on earth.

If you can, you can even restore this star field to the same beauty as before.

Out of a grass, a huge broken array appeared in Yang Tian\'s eyes.

This is the array platform where the dragons once slept. They also really existed. However, all of them were destroyed, and none of them was complete

It was when these arrays were destroyed that Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong returned to the normal period of time.

Yang Tian thought that if he guessed right, he and Xiaoqinglong had been in this star domain a long time ago.

The reason why it has become this scene is also because of their relationship.

This is called cause and effect.

As for the dragon egg in his arms, it must have been done by the man in black and masked. Then, the female dragon named Yu Jiu must still be alive

With this conjecture, Yang Tian was happy for Xiaoqinglong.

After passing through several array platforms, a huge building heavily wrapped by vines appeared in front.

What\'s that?

Yang Tian became curious.

Although the dragons that live in this star region no longer exist, they have left many good things.

Yang Tian immediately accelerated and came to the huge building.

The little green dragon, who recovered most of his energy, turned into a giant dragon and blew out a dragon flame to burn the vines wrapping the giant building, revealing the true face of the building.

This is a pyramid shaped building built of gold, covering several miles. Under the light of the stars, there is a golden light.

This is a real "pyramid". The main material is gold.

On the surface of this pyramid, there are many vivid dragons, showing the scene of a dead dragon resurrecting here.

Dragon pool!

Yang Tian couldn\'t help opening his eyes.

There is no entrance at the bottom, on the top.

Just now, little green dragon saw it in the air after burning the vines with dragon flame.

Yang Tian jumped to the top of the pyramid.

The top of the tower is flat, with a square entrance. Looking down, you can see that there is a golden liquid emitting halo.

The square entrance on the top is five meters long and wide. Yang Tian entered from the entrance, fell into the tower, suspended in the air and looked down.

After entering, Yang Tian found that what was surrounded by the tower was a round tripod. It was more than ten meters high. In the big tripod with an opening of nearly ten meters, it was the golden liquid he had seen outside.

This golden liquid should be the key to the resurrection of the dragon.

The tripod is engraved with runes and lit up from time to time.

At this time, the strange program tells Yang Tian that these are life runes.

Yang Tian smiled, landed under the tripod, held a tripod foot and raised the tripod with great strength.

In a roaring sound, the tripod foot trapped in the rock finally broke away from the ground, and the whole tripod was held in the air by Yang Tian.

Xiaoqinglong had become smaller and fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Yang Tian\'s face was not red and out of breath. He smiled and said to little Qinglong, "this is a good thing. Let\'s take it away. In case you encounter danger and your body is destroyed in the future, this is a life-saving thing."

Xiaoqinglong nodded.

Then Yang Tian put the big tripod into the storage bracelet.

After receiving the tripod, Yang Tian came out of the pyramid and examined the graphics on the tower again. The above figure actually describes how the dragon clan resurrected.

Yang Tian has to remember this process clearly.

Next, Yang Tian searched the whole Golden Dragon Star again.

The whole Golden Dragon Star has only such a perfect dragon pool, and the others have been destroyed. Not only the tower, but also the big tripod doesn\'t exist.

When Yang Tian was about to leave, Xiaoqinglong seemed to find something. He left Yang Tian\'s shoulder and rushed to a piece of gravel belt in front.

Yang Tian immediately followed.

After arriving at this place, the little green dragon turned into a giant dragon, dived down and began to throw it up with his two claws.

More than ten minutes later, a hole covered by gravel appeared.

The hole is round with a diameter of 30 meters, just like a well. On the bluestone at the edge of the cave, circle after circle of runes are engraved.

Until this time, these runes are still playing a role.

Yang Tian took a look at these runes, and the strange program told him that this is a space rune.

After the hole was pulled out by the little green dragon, the little green dragon opened his eyes and looked again and again. He wanted to enter, but he was blocked by invisible forces.

"What\'s inside?" Yang Tian turned around the hole and asked curiously.

Xiaoqinglong told Yang Tian that this is the Dragon tomb. The flesh left by the dead dragon will be placed inside to keep the flesh from decay.

It turned out to be the Dragon tomb. Yang Tian didn\'t want to pull out the Dragon tomb. He smiled and said, "Bruce Lee, let\'s leave!"

The little green dragon shook his head and said, "there are many dragon beads in it!"

Yang Tian opened his eyes and said, "Bruce Lee, isn\'t that good?"