Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 618

Little green dragon means to go to the Dragon tomb and take away the Dragon beads left by the dead dragons!

Those who can be buried in the Dragon tomb must be dragons with very high status and realm. The dragon balls they left behind contain powerful energy.

Maybe you can find the Dragon beads left by the dragon in the realm of big star God.

Longzhu is also a kind of internal alchemy, which can be made into high-level animal core.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s surprise, Xiaoqinglong said to Yang Tian that he hated the dragon in the star domain. Moreover, after these dragons die, there is nothing left. Putting the Dragon beads here is a waste

The little green dragon actually wants to pull out someone else\'s grave. It can be seen how much he hates the dragon in this star region.

It\'s no surprise that long Hao\'s gang of dragons actually want to hurt Xiaoqinglong\'s children. If it were Yang Tian, they would have to poke bones and ashes to solve their hatred.

Since Xiaoqinglong said so, Yang Tian has no opinion about it.

With the help of the strange program, Yang Tian quickly cracked the rune array at the entrance. Together with little green dragon, he fell from the entrance and entered the Dragon tomb.

From the entrance to the bottom, it looks like hundreds of meters, with an inclination angle of about 60 degrees.

After landing, in front of Yang Tian and them, there was a stone cave with a diameter of 50 meters and very smooth walls.

The surface of the cave is probably polished smooth by the dragon\'s body.

The dying dragon will climb in by itself, find a satisfactory place below, close his eyes and bid farewell to the world.

At intervals, there is a deep pit in the cave wall, in which luminous spar is placed.

With these luminous spars, the light in the cave is very bright.

The dragon is a creature that likes to be bright. Naturally, it will arrange bright light sources in the place of death.

Moving forward in the wide passage, Yang Tian suddenly smelled a strange smell. Immediately, he felt a numbness in his head and felt very tired. He wanted to fall to the ground and sleep.

It\'s poisonous here!

The toxicity is extremely severe. Its main effect is to paralyze the body and make the organisms feel very tired. As long as they fall asleep, they will never wake up.

This is a very strange toxin, which can not only kill invaders, but also make the old dragons who enter here die more comfortable.

You know, life is very painful when it dies.

Fortunately, both Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong had the force in their bodies, and soon removed the toxins that had invaded their bodies.

Just a moment later, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong woke up.

In order not to happen again, Yang Tian used his spiritual strength to form an energy shield around his body.

In this way, the external toxins could not invade him and the little green dragon.

There was no mechanism in the cave. Yang Tian quickened his pace. A few minutes later, he reached thousands of meters deep and finally came to the end.

This is a vast, endless underground space, just like another world.

This huge underground space is not cut, it is naturally formed, and the top and bottom of the cave are full of sharp stones.

These stones also emit light, emitting a faint blue light. The air is warm and moist, and there is fog. Coupled with the incomparable silence, Yang Tian feels like he has come to the ghost land.

In this vast space, there are complete dragon bones everywhere.

At the sight of these bones, a dignified look appeared in Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes.

Yang Tian is the same.

According to common sense, when a powerful dragon enters here and sucks poison gas, the body should not rot after death. How come it has become a bone?

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, who noticed something wrong, immediately became vigilant.

Yang Tian clenched his knife and walked forward slowly.

It was very quiet around. Yang Tian could only hear the slight footsteps when he was walking.

Walking, Yang Tian has been scanning the keel around.

Many of the colors of these keels are different, some are black, some are silver white, and some are golden

Although countless years have passed, each keel is still like metal.

Yang Tian stopped beside a silvery white dragon skeleton.

The skeleton is very large. When alive, the waist diameter of the dragon is about ten meters.

In order to see if the bone was very hard, Yang Tian cut it on a rib.

This rib is thicker than Yang Tian\'s thigh.

"Ka ~"

What Yang Tian didn\'t expect was that the keel was not hard. Yang Tian\'s knife didn\'t have much strength. He actually cut it to pieces.

No, it should not be said to be chopped, but smashed.

Then, something startled Yang Tian happened. After the keel broke, a large number of blue insects poured out from the fracture of the bone.

Each of these insects has the size of a finger and looks like a beetle.

As soon as they gushed out of the keel, they shook their wings, lit up a blue flame and rushed towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian didn\'t escape. These insects hit his spiritual energy shield, just like hitting a balloon, and soon bounced back.

Countless insects trembled their wings, just like igniting a powder keg. All the insects in the whole cave gushed out of the keel, dense and overwhelming.

"Bruce Lee, what kind of insects are there? There are so many!" Yang Tian asked as he walked quickly to avoid the attack of insects.

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder thought for a moment and told Yang Tian that this kind of insect is called "Mingyou". It lives by eating the bones of exotic animals. If there is a shortage of food, they will sleep in the bones of exotic animals. A little special noise can wake them up.

When Xiaoqinglong finished, Yang Tian felt that he had come in vain this time.

These insects will eat the bones of the dragon, and of course they will swallow the Dragon beads.

The depressed Yang Tian burst out a powerful spiritual force, formed a violent air flow in the cave, rolled countless insects and hit the cave wall.

The dense "pa pa" sound sounded, and the dark you rolled by the air hit the cave wall, and the body immediately broke.

This kind of insect\'s resistance to attack is not very strong!

After Mingyou\'s body was broken, it turned into a blue flame, and the whole body burned. Countless Mingyou corpses began to burn, forming a large blue flame under the cave wall.

The temperature of the blue flame was very high. Soon, the temperature of the underground space increased by tens of degrees, and the fog began to dissipate.

"Buzz ~"

When Yang Tian was slaughtering these insects, suddenly, there was a dull sound louder than thunder.

This sound hasn\'t disappeared yet. The whole space is still alive. The body suddenly burst and turned into a big fire.

"Boom ~"

There was another loud noise.

Countless insects, like powder particles, burned at the same time, making the gas in the whole underground space expand violently and explode violently.

Yang Tian, who was in such an explosive environment, was fine, but his body was out of control. He whirled with the air flow and rushed to the entrance when he came.

However, the entrance is too small for this huge space. The top of the whole cave suddenly rises and rushes upward.

If you are outside at this time, you can see the ground hundreds of miles around. They all tremble, first rise, and then fall.

Because Yang Tian was close to the entrance, with the rapid flow of air, he rushed out of the ground in the passage from time to time, and didn\'t control his body until he was several kilometers high.

At this time, looking down from the top, you can see that the ground hundreds of miles has collapsed, forming a huge, irregularly shaped pit.

The pit is 100 meters deep. If it rains, a huge lake will be formed here.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tianchang breathed a sigh. Unexpectedly, those strange insects would use this move.

Yang Tiangang wanted to land. Suddenly, the ground below suddenly vibrated, and then there was a loud noise of "Peng", and a huge dark dark came out from under the ground.

This is another giant creature. Only the insect eaten by Yang Tian can compare with it.