Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 616

Seeing so many green birds suddenly appear, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, as well as the dragons who besieged Yang Tian, were suddenly stunned.

What is this?

Each of these giant bluebirds has a wingspan of tens of meters, has a sharp mouth, and a pair of claws are not inferior to the dragon\'s claws.

More importantly, these green birds are the realm of big stars and gods.

When did so many creatures in the realm of big stars and gods appear in this universe?

You should know that in the outside human world, there are more powerful people in the realm of big stars and gods after they have "protocells".

If the dragons here, the green birds, and even other alien races can rule the whole universe


Suddenly, a familiar voice of the little green dragon sounded among the green birds.

A green bird with a head smaller than other green birds, but with a colored halo, flew over.

Little green dragon can\'t be more familiar with this green bird.

Across the distance, little green dragon saw the green bird and suddenly felt at ease and stopped burning inner alchemy.

These green birds came, obviously with hostility, to besiege Yang Tian\'s Dragon. Most of them flew towards the green bird, and the rest of the dragon still rushed towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian turned around, moved, dodged the claws of a red dragon, cut it off with a knife, and opened the red dragon.

Another blue dragon pounced, opened its mouth and spewed a blue smoke towards Yang Tian.

This blue smoke is highly corrosive. After being sprayed out by the blue dragon, it covers Yang Tian at a very fast speed.

Yang Tian gathered his spiritual strength and formed defense energy outside his body. He moved and broke through the blue fog. His body was like a lightning bolt and rushed into the mouth of the blue dragon.

Then there was a loud noise from Peng. The huge head of the blue dragon exploded, and Yang Tian rushed out of it.

After killing two more dragons, Yang Tian\'s energy has been almost consumed. Land on the ground immediately.

At this time, more than 200 dragons had no energy to attack Yang Tian. Hundreds of green birds had flown to and began to fight with the dragons.

The most powerful, of course, is the green bird that Xiao Qinglong and Yang Tian know. Although it is small, it is fast. In the "domain" of the dragon family, it can move like lightning. Where it passes, the giant dragons fall down one after another, hit the ground and lose their combat ability.

The realm of this green bird has far exceeded the realm of the great star God.

Other green birds are also very fierce. Their number is very large, almost three or two siege a giant dragon.

If one-on-one, these green birds are by no means the opponents of these dragons, but with group attack, the dragons can\'t defeat them.

On the ground, Yang Tian raised his head and opened his eyes to see all this.

The green bird and the dragon are very large, and the battle is very fierce. Dragons can spit fire. These green birds can also spit fire, and they can control the airflow around their bodies and sweep away the incoming dragon flame.

The four claws of the dragon are very sharp, and the claws of the green bird are not inferior. If one claw goes down, it can also hurt the dragon.

Fresh blood dripped down from the sky like rain, dyed the ground red, and filled the air with a strong smell of blood.

The feathers of the bluebird\'s hair fell off, and were burned by the Dragon flame, turned into a flame and fell to the ground, igniting a large number of buildings

Fortunately, in this place, low-level dragons and other enslaved orcs have long been far away.

"Ow ~"

Seeing the green bird, a golden dragon suddenly roared.

After this howling, a large number of golden dragons flew from all over the planet.

Although these golden dragons were not in the realm of big stars and gods, they won in a large number. They soon surrounded the green birds and began to siege the green birds.

Not only that, the sleeping dragons on the array platform also began to wake up, and then vaguely joined the battle.

Not only this planet, but also the Dragons of other planets flew here.

For a time, tens of thousands of giant dragons appeared in the sky of Golden Dragon Star.

If it goes on like this, the green birds will be defeated.

"Tweet ~"

The golden dragon can summon his men, and so can the green bird. Suddenly, it looked up and shouted.

After this sound, the wing families of all planets, as if they had received the signal of rebellion, turned into giant birds and gathered here.

The wing clan began to resist, and other orcs began to riot. They turned into giant beasts and began to attack the dragon clan.

These orcs and wings have been oppressed by the dragon for many years. At this time, they finally realize that the time to resist is coming.

As long as the dragon clan is killed, this star domain will be theirs.

After enough rest, Yang Tian, who swallowed several animal cores and restored some strength, joined the battle with a knife.

The whole galaxy is in a mess.

When the sleeping dragons woke up, they left their sleeping platforms, which were destroyed by other orcs and wingers one by one.

In their view, these arrays are the most hateful, because the sleeping dragons also need power supplement, and the source of power is their animal core.

With the destruction of the array, the Dragon Star domain gradually lost its nine color, and the central star gradually became dim.

As soon as he killed a silver dragon, Yang Tian felt ashamed and in a trance. The situation in front of him became unreal.

Not only Yang Tian, but also Xiao Qinglong\'s eyes showed a confused look.

This feeling, in fact, is like a dream, which is becoming more and more unreal.

The bright colors in front of us gradually became gray. The green birds and Dragons became more and more illusory, and the sounds heard in our ears became more and more blurred

What\'s going on?

Is it poisoned?

Yang Tian was very surprised!

"Wake up!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Yang Tian\'s ear.

Hearing this sound, Yang Tian\'s eyes darkened and his mind became clear.

After waking up, the scene in front of Yang Tian has changed greatly.

What appeared in his eyes was broken walls and messy weeds. There were no colored clouds in the sky, but gray color

The dragon is gone and the green bird is gone. In the weeds, you can see the bones of a dragon.

"Ah ~"

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian couldn\'t help exclaiming.

Even the little green dragon looked surprised in his eyes.

In retrospect, since entering the Dragon Star domain, all the experiences are really like a dream.

A sad look suddenly appeared in Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes.

It turned out that all this was false.

The dragon clan is fake. They died long ago. Yu Jiu is also fake. He didn\'t conceive offspring for it

"Ha ha..."

Just then, a burst of laughter came.

Yang tianmeng turned around and saw a huge piece of gravel with one person and one bird standing on it.

The man is a man in black and the bird is the green bird that Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have seen.

The green bird looked at the little green dragon and his eyes were full of banter.

"Just now, were we dreaming?" Yang Tian looked at the man in black and frowned.

The man in black came to Yang Tian and said with a smile, "it\'s true and false."

This sounds like Yang Tian\'s head is big. It\'s like a monk playing Zen.

As soon as he heard the masked man in black say "really", little Qinglong\'s eyes lit up. For him, Yujiu is a female dragon that has moved her true feelings.

If it\'s fake, it\'s a pity.

Seeing that Yang Tian didn\'t understand, he masked in black and said, "whether dragons or other exotic animals in this star region are the ones you humans have killed. Seeing that they are poor, I settled them here and sealed them... What a pity!"

When the man in Black said that, Yang Tian still didn\'t understand and shook his head.

"You are so stupid!" said the man in black. "I cut them from a period of time and put them in this special star domain so that they can survive well. Therefore, they are true. But for you, because they are at different times, they are false."


As soon as the masked man in black finished, little green dragon cried eagerly.

Of course, the masked man in black could understand what little green dragon was talking about. He smiled and said, "look for the female dragon. Wait until you have enough strength to do it!"

When the man in Black said that, he turned around and disappeared with the green bird.

After the masked man in black left for a long time, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong woke up.

The Little Green Dragon flew into the air and circled for several times. Suddenly, it shouted excitedly. Because it saw a golden dragon egg not far away.

Blood remains on the dragon\'s eggs, as if they had just been born by a female dragon.