Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 615

After a loud noise, the dragons turned into dragons one after another and looked coldly at Yang Tian who rushed out of countless palace fragments.

"Ow ~"

Yang Tian was suspended in the air. The little green dragon on his shoulder gave a low roar to hundreds of dragons in front of him.

With this roar, Xiaoqinglong didn\'t tell the dragons, but told Yang Tian to kill them all!

Because these dragons have defiled the dignity of dragons and can not be called dragons!

As soon as the little green dragon\'s cry fell, a black dragon rushed towards Yang Tian, opened its mouth, and a black dragon flame rolled towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian lifted his knife and cut it.

A sharp wind blade cut out and broke through the black flame.

"Poof ~"

The black dragon was trying to dodge. Unexpectedly, the knife Qi suddenly accelerated and fell on its head with a dull noise.

Then the black dragon lost consciousness, and its huge body fell from the sky and hit the ground with a loud noise.

In Yang Tian\'s power, there is the force. As long as he is invaded by the force, even the dragon will die immediately.

The force is Yang Tian\'s most powerful weapon. This force can\'t work on the little green dragon, but these dragons can\'t resist it.

He killed a black dragon with a knife, which shocked all the other dragons. Suddenly he understood that they underestimated Yang Tian\'s combat effectiveness.

"Ow ~"

Suddenly, a golden dragon roared.

The dragons suddenly dispersed and flew quickly around Yang Tian.

In this process, these powerful "domains" released by the Dragon release united together, forming a strong pressure on Yang Tian.

Yang Tian was so trapped that he could hardly move.

You should know that these dragons are all in the realm of big stars and gods. Once they unite, their combat power is very terrible.

The space around Yang Tian\'s body was infinitely compressed. His armor released the greatest Rune power and began to make a \'cluck\' sound, which would be broken at any time.

These dragons, in this way, want to crush Yang Tiansheng with space power.

Yang Tian can\'t move, but he still has spiritual power.

The powerful spiritual force rushed out of Yang Tian\'s force world in an instant, forming a powerful defense shield around him.

At the same time, Yang Tian used his spiritual power to form a dreamland.

In the eyes of these dragons, Yang Tian suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding scene became a strange planet environment. Not far away is a large volcano. Surrounded by red rocks, below is a magma pool, and the air is full of a smell of sulfur.

At the same time, countless blue dragons suddenly appeared around and rushed here

This move is really useful. These dragons find that the situation around them has changed. Countless cyan congeners rush in, and the formation is chaotic.

Yang Tian\'s pressure was relieved and he took the opportunity to escape from the siege of the Dragon elders.

When Yang Tiangang left, a golden dragon roared.

In this roar, Yang Tian\'s spiritual power was unstable, and the dreamland was broken at once.

"Chi ~"

Yang Tian took advantage of the moment when the dragons were stunned, came to the top of a golden dragon and cut it off with a knife.

"Poof ~ ow ~"

With a dull sound, the beheaded Golden Dragon gave a wail, and his body fell down and fell to the ground.

The dragons reacted very quickly and surrounded Yang Tian again.

With the lesson just learned, Yang Tian quickly waved several knives, and dozens of red knife Qi came out, attacking several giant dragons in a fan.

Faced with this red knife gas, the dragons had to dodge aside.

Two companions have been cut off by Yang Tian. These dragons are afraid of the knife in Yang Tian\'s hand.

This knife is so strange that it can easily break the energy defense around the dragon\'s body.

Of course, Yang Tian also found this. He suddenly understood that the knife named 15 was made to kill dragons. It was a dragon killing weapon.

While several dragons dodged, Yang Tian rushed out of the encirclement of more than 200 dragons.

However, Yang Tiangang rushed out of the encirclement. A black dragon appeared in front of him and hit him.

Impacted by the powerful force, Yang Tian\'s blue armor sent out a bright blue light and removed most of his power.

Unable to unload his power, he took Yang Tian to hit the ground quickly.

"Peng ~"

A loud noise.

Yang Tian\'s body fell on the top of a palace, smashed through the top of the palace and fell into the palace.

The dragons reacted quickly. Before Yang Tian rushed out of the palace, he surrounded the palace and spewed out all kinds of dragon flames.

The Dragon flame from more than 200 giant dragons wrapped the whole palace in one fell swoop.

Yang Tian, who was in the palace, just got up from the ground and wanted to rush out, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

In this palace, there were many maidens of other nationalities. In front of Yang Tian, the whole palace and the bodies of the maidens turned black and coke.

Yang Tian used his spiritual strength to form an energy defense outside his body, which was the only way to resist the high temperature.

Although these dragon flames are not as powerful as Xiaoqinglong\'s, the temperature is very high, and Yang Tian\'s spiritual power is consumed at a very fast speed.

Of course, Yang Tian could not wait to die. Although surrounded by the Dragon flame, he also waved dozens of times around and cut hundreds of red knife Qi.

These Sabre Qi rushed into the Dragon flame in an instant.

Soon, there was a dragon outside, howling with pain. There was a gap in the Dragon flame, and Yang Tian took the opportunity to rush out.

In this series of battles, the little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder kept his eyes open and his spirit was getting better and better.

Little Qinglong knew that Yang Tian could not defeat the same kind of hundreds of big stars and gods. He began to gain strength by "burning" dragon beads.

In this case, Xiaoqinglong will drop the grade afterwards.

Yang Tian didn\'t notice the changes in Xiaoqinglong during his dedicated battle.

After Yang Tian rushed out of the Dragon flame, a black dragon appeared in front of him again.

The black dragon was carrying a rune weapon. It was with this rune weapon that the black dragon who was killed by Xiaoqinglong hurt Xiaoqinglong.

There has been a lesson. Yang Tian was already on guard. After he rushed out of the Dragon flame, he flashed aside and cut a few knives at will.

This is Yang Tian\'s defensive action. He is not sure that the black dragon that hit him before will appear.

However, the black dragon really appeared.

The suddenly appeared black dragon didn\'t force Yang Tian back to the Dragon flame. It passed by Yang Tian\'s side and suffered several knife Qi cut by Yang Tian. Its body was out of control and plunged into the Dragon flame that hadn\'t been extinguished.

"Ow ~"

After a wail, the huge body of the black dragon immediately turned to ashes.

"Boom ~"

With a loud noise, the black dragon\'s Dragon Ball exploded, blowing the Dragon flame around.

Yang Tian seized this opportunity, protected himself with spiritual strength and rushed out of the encirclement of more than 200 dragons again.

The dragon is a dragon. Yang Tian killed three of them. Although the remaining dragons were afraid, they still insisted. They haven\'t lost the ferocity that dragons should have.

After rushing out of the encirclement of the dragons, Yang Tian felt a burst of fatigue.

Yang Tian consumed a lot in a series of battles.

Although the knife in his hand is sharp and can easily break the dragon\'s energy defense, it consumes a lot of power.

If you don\'t get killed by these dragons, you will die at your best.

At this time, the idea of escape appeared in Yang Tian\'s heart.

But this is the Dragon Star domain, where can it escape.

At this time, Yang Tian finally realized that there was a strong energy fluctuation in Xiaoqinglong\'s body.

"Bruce Lee, you can\'t do that!" Yang Tian knew what Bruce Lee was going to do and said to him with spiritual strength.

However, Xiaoqinglong didn\'t listen to advice at all.

Yang Tian understood that even if the little green dragon regained its strength, they were not the opponents of these dragons.

"唳 ~"

Just then, as the sky darkened, an eagle like cry sounded.

Yang Tian looked up and saw countless huge green birds in the sky!