Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 614

Yang Tian takes Xiaoqinglong back to the palace arranged by Long Hao for him and Xiaoqinglong.

Yang Tian is very worried about Xiaoqinglong\'s current state.

Will this be the case after dragons mate?

If so, I\'m really tired! Yang Tianxin thought.

After a long rest, Xiaoqinglong finally woke up. But it still looks listless.

Yang Tian immediately took out a super star warrior level animal core from the storage bracelet and stuffed it into Xiaoqinglong\'s mouth.

After a while, the little green dragon, who digested the animal\'s nuclear energy, looked stronger, but his expression was still depressed.

This is the first time Yang Tian has seen Xiaoqinglong so weak.

"Bruce Lee, what\'s going on?" Yang Tian finally felt something wrong. Because Xiaoqinglong hasn\'t spoken to him since he came back.

When Yang Tian asked, Xiaoqinglong finally whispered a few times. It told Yang Tian that there was a strange medicine in the wine he drank, which could arouse his desire.

After a cloud feather, it lost a lot of blood essence, which is not a normal thing. Under the effect, it lost control, and the other party asked for it

When Xiaoqinglong said this, Yang Tian couldn\'t help laughing and thought that even if it is a dragon, it\'s too much to do, and it\'s the same as human beings!

At this time, Yang Tian did not doubt others.

But soon, hundreds of powerful smells appeared outside.

Yang Tian can\'t be more familiar with these smells. The visitors must be the elders of the Dragon nationality who participated in the banquet before.

The smile on Yang Tian\'s face solidified and gave birth to an alarm in his heart.

Those dragon elders outside surrounded the small palace. They certainly didn\'t come to greet little green dragon?

Seeing Xiaoqinglong\'s appearance now, Yang Tian understood that Xiaoqinglong had been plotted by the dragon family.

Why did the Dragon do this

Yang Tian thought quickly in his brain and suddenly remembered what happened in the blood pool that day.

Knowing that Xiaoqinglong is the descendant of ZuLong, Long Hao\'s attitude towards them changed greatly and became very enthusiastic.

In addition, Yu Jiu appeared the night before yesterday... It seems that all this has been arranged.

Their goal should be to get the blood of Xiaoqinglong.

When Yang Tian thought it over, Long Hao, dressed in gold armor and smiling, stepped in.

Behind Long Hao, there are dozens of elders of other dragon families. Among them. The number of black dragons is the largest.

Long Hao\'s strategy is killing two birds with one stone. They can not only get Xiaoqinglong\'s blood, but also make Xiaoqinglong lose combat effectiveness for a period of time and remove the biggest threat to them.

The remaining Yang Tian is just a human in the realm of big star God, far from their opponent.

This is just long Hao\'s judgment of ordinary human practitioners. They don\'t know that Yang Tian\'s current combat power is not much worse than that of Xiao Qinglong

Looking at Long Hao and his gang coming, Yang Tian put little Qinglong on the carpet, took out the blue armor from the storage bracelet and put it on his body.

Then he took out the long red knife.

Due to the relationship of Xiao Qinglong, Yang Tian is very fond of the dragon family, but this time, he has to kill a lot of dragons.

After preparing for the battle, Yang Tian put Xiaoqinglong on his shoulder and tried the long knife named 15 with a tablecloth.

Looking at the knife in front of him, Yang Tian felt like fate. Someone used it to kill a dragon. This time it was his turn.

This knife is spiritual. After realizing Yang Tian\'s intention to kill the dragon, it actually "buzzed" and died with dense runes on its body.

This is the first time Yang Tian has seen this strange situation with this knife.

But there was no time to study, because Long Hao and his gang had come to him, less than 30 meters away from him.

Aware of the fierce killing intention on Yang Tiandao, Long Hao frowned. He felt that this killing intention was not Yang Tian\'s, but on the knife.

This is a knife specially used to kill dragons!

In the long past, when the dragon people enslaved mankind, many powerful practitioners were born in mankind.

In order to defeat the dragon clan, these gifted practitioners have made many weapons against the dragon clan.

Practitioners with these weapons are called real dragon slayer.

Finally, the dragon clan was defeated and forced to stay away from the human world.

Because the reproductive ability of the dragon family is much worse than that of human beings. In fact, human beings defeated the dragon with quantity.

A pair of dragons can only give birth to a young dragon for hundreds of thousands of years, and the number of humans can increase thousands of times in a period of time.

After coming to Yang Tian, Long Hao didn\'t speak, but a black dragon elder behind him stood up, pointed to Yang Tian and little green dragon and sneered: "you killed our black dragon elder, don\'t want to leave the Dragon Star region alive!"

Yang Tian ignored the black dragon elder. He looked at Long Hao and asked, "what have you done to Bruce Lee? What\'s good for you?"

Long Hao said with a smile, "we just want to get its blood, you know? With his blood, most of our dragons can become the descendants of ZuLong. In this way, we can go to another world instead of waiting to die in this world. We have been waiting for this opportunity for many years."

"How did you get Bruce Lee\'s blood?" Yang Tian asked again.

As soon as his voice fell, the elder of the black dragon family said to Long Hao, "let\'s not talk nonsense with him?"

Long Hao shook his head and said, "it\'s better to let them die plainly. After all, if you take other people\'s things, you have to give them an explanation, don\'t you?"

With that, Long Hao said, "it\'s actually very simple. When our dragon family breeds offspring, we will leave part of our blood in the female dragon\'s body. Of course, the probability of giving birth to offspring among dragon families in different realms is very small..."

When Long Hao finished, Yang Tian finally understood.

Under normal circumstances, the dragon clan will only combine with dragons in the same realm and give birth to offspring. The damage to the body will be borne by the young dragon\'s parents, but Bruce Lee... Because the realm of Yu Jiu is lower than Bruce Lee, the blood provided must be borne by Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee\'s blood and some of his strength will form a dragon egg in Yujiu\'s stomach.

Because this dragon egg is condensed from the blood of little green dragon, as long as this dragon egg is just condensed and formed, take it out of Yu Jiu\'s stomach, and then put this immature dragon egg into the dragon pool.

After that, these dragon elders can destroy the current flesh and condense the flesh again in the dragon pool.

The new body has the blood of ZuLong.

Any parents love their children. When Xiaoqinglong heard that long Hao and his gang wanted to hurt his children, his eyes looked very angry.

If it weren\'t for his weakness at this time, Xiaoqinglong would jump up and kill all Longhao and them.

Yang Tian also clenched his teeth at this time. He didn\'t expect that in order to achieve this goal, these dragons were even more cruel than humans.

"What about Yu Jiu? Does she know the result?" Yang Tian asked again in a deep voice.

Long Hao didn\'t care when he saw Xiao Qinglong and Yang Tianqi angry. He said, "of course she doesn\'t know now, but she was imprisoned by us. After 99 days, take the formed ones out of her body..."

"Chi ~"

As soon as long Hao said this, Yang Tian couldn\'t help cutting Long Hao with a knife. Carrying Yang Tian\'s angry knife Qi, he gave a shrill scream and rushed towards Long Hao.

Long Hao and a group of dragons behind him are already ready.

When Yang Tian used his knife, they flashed away and scattered.

"Boom ~"

With a loud noise, Yang Tian\'s scattered knife Qi shook the palace down.