Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 609

The black dragon family wants to keep Yang Tian.

Among the nine dragon families in the Dragon Star region, the black dragon family has the lowest status and especially values face.

Obviously, the black dragon family can\'t deal with the little green dragon, because the level of the little green dragon is much higher than that of the black dragon family.

Therefore, the black dragon family wanted to find face in Yang Tian.

Jinjia middle-aged man frowned and felt that things were difficult to do.

"Ow ~"

Facing the unreasonable request of the old man in black armor, Xiaoqinglong roared and stared at the old man in black armor coldly.

This roar means that little green dragon declares war on the old black armour.

The dragon clan is aggressive. The most direct way to solve the problem is to fight.

"You... Good! Good!" facing Xiaoqinglong\'s declaration of war, old man heijia pointed to Xiaoqinglong and said two words "good" in a row.

This is an agreement to Xiaoqinglong\'s invitation to fight.

The elder heijia is the elder of the black dragon family and is also the strong one in the realm of big star God. Unfortunately, in the process of upgrading his realm, he did not degenerate into a golden dragon.

In other words, his body did not reach the strongest state of the dragon family.

The reason why the Golden Dragon has the highest status in the dragon family is that in the same realm, their flesh evolved most perfectly.

Under the crowd of dragons, a black light lit up on the old black armour. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a black dragon the same size as the little green dragon.

"Ow ~"

After the transformation, the black dragon roared at the little green dragon.

A sneer appeared in the little green dragon\'s double front. His huge body flashed and rushed towards the black dragon. In an instant, it appeared above the black dragon\'s head, and a claw patted the black dragon\'s head.

The black dragon bowed his head, swung his tail, flashed aside and avoided a claw of the little green dragon. Then he turned around, opened his mouth and spewed out a black dragon flame towards the little green dragon.

The temperature of this black dragon flame is very high. As soon as it appears, the surrounding space becomes distorted.

Facing the attack of the Dragon flame, the little green dragon opened his mouth and ejected a golden dragon flame.

"Boom ~"

With a dull sound, the Golden Dragon flame dispersed the black dragon flame and shrouded the black dragon.

Under the competition of dragon flame, the black dragon flame of black dragon obviously fell behind.

Looking at the Golden Dragon flame covering himself, a fierce look flashed in the black dragon\'s eyes.

Suddenly, its huge body trembled and disappeared in place.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian became nervous.

Because when the two dragons fight, the space around them is solidified, forming a \'domain\'.

Only the strong in the big star realm can move freely when fighting in this "domain". However, it is extremely difficult to reach the speed of blinking.

The black dragon suddenly disappeared, violating the \'common sense\'.

This must be some special means used by the black dragon.

Dragons are as smart as people. When fighting, they will also use weapons, Rune treasures and other auxiliary items.

"It breaks the space and has the power of runes." at this time, the voice of strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Sure enough, as Yang Tian expected, the black dragon used the rune treasure.

The dragon race has existed in the universe for a long time. Long ago, they were very active in the universe and even enslaved human beings.

It is normal for such an ancient and powerful race to have Rune treasures.

When the black dragon appeared again, he came to Xiaoqinglong\'s side and bit Xiaoqinglong\'s neck.

The black dragon\'s speed was very fast. In addition, it was too sudden. Little green dragon didn\'t respond in time. He was bitten by the black dragon on his neck.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian opened his eyes and wanted to help, but the middle-aged man in Jinjia suddenly appeared beside Yang Tian and said to Yang Tian, "you\'d better not interfere in the battle between them."

Yang Tian glanced at the middle-aged man in Jinjia and snorted coldly.

"Ow ~"

The little green dragon, who was bitten by the black dragon, gave a roar of anger and pain.

The black dragon took the little green dragon\'s neck and tore it hard.

At this time, you can see a lot of dragon blood flowing out of the black dragon\'s mouth. This is obviously not the blood of the black dragon, but the blood of the little green dragon after its neck was bitten out of the hole.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tianmu was about to crack his canthus and clenched his teeth.

The Jinjia middle-aged man who always pays attention to Yang Tian flashed in front of Yang Tian and looked at Yang Tian expressionless.

Yang Tian clenched his fist and prepared for the next battle.

However, before he moved, a bolt of lightning struck the black dragon between the Dragon horns of the little green dragon.

At this time, the black dragon\'s mouth spewed out a black dragon flame.

The strong current made the black dragon\'s body tremble, and the mouth that bit the little green dragon\'s neck loosened.

The little green dragon seized the opportunity, fiercely waved his head and pulled his neck out of the black dragon\'s mouth.

In order to break away from the black dragon\'s mouth, the little green dragon paid a huge price. Several dragon scales on his neck fell off, and several deep wounds flowed down his neck. The wounds were burned by the black dragon flame and became scorched black. Soon, red blood seeped out.

The black dragon was very cunning. When the little green dragon escaped from its mouth, it quickly flashed aside.

The escaped little green dragon did not attack the black dragon immediately.

Because the black dragon\'s teeth are poisonous, the venom invades from its wound and flows along the blood, trying to corrode its body.

This poison can\'t cause fatal damage to little green dragon, but it can affect little green dragon\'s action in a short time.

It has to be said that the black dragon has rich experience in fighting with its own kind.

It\'s no surprise. In recent thousands of years, dragons in the Dragon Star domain rarely go out. They can only fight with their peers in their usual exercise.

It is worth mentioning that the dragon people respect their strength. Whether they get their favorite spouse, status and honor, they have to defeat their competitors.

The power of the black dragon family is venom.

Looking at the little green dragon from a distance, a sneer appeared in the black dragon\'s eyes. It is very confident in its venom.

Even the Golden Dragon will lose or greatly reduce its combat ability for a long time after its venom enters the body.

The little green dragon had two big longans. At this time, he blinked and looked a little confused.

In the eyes of his opponent Heilong, this is the manifestation of poisoning.

Black dragon saw little green dragon at this time and was confident that he would defeat little green dragon completely in his next attack.

Because not only did the poison paralyze the little green dragon, the black dragon also had a rune treasure that could break the \'domain\'.

This allows the black dragon to play the fastest speed when fighting without the influence of space solidification.

If it is a dragon living in the Dragon Star domain, it will be wary of the black dragon\'s venom when fighting with the black dragon.

Although Xiaoqinglong didn\'t know it, he was also invaded by poison. However, in its body, it has a strange force!

Under the action of the force, the toxin in the little green dragon was soon removed.

The clever little green dragon still pretended to be confused at this time.

This is called never tired of deception!

At this time, Xiaoqinglong\'s wound had stopped bleeding, and the wound was healing at a very fast speed.

This kind of recovery ability, let the black dragon see, incomparable envy. It has entered the state of old age. Although it has strong power, the vitality of the body can not be compared with the young dragon.

Can\'t wait any longer!

In the black dragon\'s eyes, he flashed again.

This time, it decided to completely destroy Xiaoqinglong\'s body. If there is a chance, it\'s best to swallow Xiaoqinglong\'s Dragon beads.

In this way, it will have the opportunity to evolve into a Golden Dragon

Not only people but also dragons have greed.

The black dragon\'s body disappeared in place again.

This attack is the same as before.

In countless battles with the same kind, it defeated its stronger competitors in this way, and finally became one of the elders of the black dragon family, which has a high position in the black dragon family.

Although the opponent defeated by it knows that it has Rune treasure and wants to guard against this attack, it is of no use at all.

In the case of similar strength, speed is the key to victory!

The little green dragon, which has long been unaffected by the toxin, is always on guard against the attack of the black dragon. It also has a unique way to attack.

That\'s spiritual power!

Spiritual power is very special. It can ignore space and even time energy.

At the moment when the black dragon disappeared, the little green dragon also moved, and a powerful spiritual force erupted from its body, forming a new "domain" around the little green dragon.

In this area, the little green dragon can also move at a very fast speed. At the same time, spiritual power can also help little green dragon perceive and bind black dragon.

When the black dragon appeared again, he had come to the top of the little green dragon\'s body, lowered his head and bit the back neck of the little green dragon.

Last time, little green dragon didn\'t notice. He didn\'t expect that the black dragon had a rune treasure, so he came to the way of the black dragon.

This time is different. Xiaoqinglong is ready!

If in ancient times, this kind of battle was unfair.


In Xiaoqinglong\'s heart, there was killing intention again!

It doesn\'t care what rules of the dragon clan, a dragon bound by rules, or a proud dragon?

In an instant, the black dragon opened his mouth and was about to bite the little green dragon.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian was nervous again. However, when he felt Xiaoqinglong\'s calm mood, he couldn\'t help laughing.

This is a rare battle between dragons in the realm of big star God in the dragon family. It is very wonderful. Every move of little green dragon and black dragon makes the surrounding dragons open their eyes.

Some dragons hate the black dragon and hope that the little green dragon will win, while others despise the little green dragon who stays with humans and hope that the elders of the black dragon family will win

The black dragon thought he could bite the little green dragon again. However, the little green dragon flashed in front of him, so he moved aside and let him bite empty.

At this moment, the black dragon opened his eyes and had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, when it wanted to move quickly again with the rune treasure, it suddenly found that its body was trapped by a powerful and strange force, making it difficult to move.

This force is not a force in space.

Because if it is space power, it can\'t trap it at all, because it has a rune to break space energy.

Spiritual power!

In an instant, the black dragon thought of a possibility. Only spiritual strength can achieve this effect.

The black dragon didn\'t expect that a dragon could use the spiritual power that human beings are good at!

The little green dragon seized the opportunity to trap the black dragon. Just as the black dragon had done to it before, he bit on the black dragon\'s neck.

"Boom ~"

At the same time, the little green dragon\'s mouth spewed out a golden dragon flame.

This dragon flame contains the force and has great destructive power.

Moreover, when the little green dragon bites the black dragon\'s neck, its energy is continuously transmitted to the black dragon.

This force also has the attribute of the force.


The black dragon, who was bitten by the little green dragon, opened his mouth and gave a roar.

Before its roar fell, suddenly its head and body separated. The Dragon flame of little green dragon burned its neck.

The terrible destructive power of the force, even a dragon, is difficult to resist.

Seeing this situation, the onlookers, including Jinjia middle-aged men, showed a look of horror in their eyes.

Because after the separation of the black dragon\'s body and head, the breath of life in his body also disappeared.

Where\'s its dragon ball?

Even if the body is destroyed, but the dragon ball is still there, you can enter the "dragon pool" to recast the body.

No wonder little green dragon, because the black dragon killed by it also showed the idea of killing it before.

If Xiaoqinglong is killed by the black dragon, the black dragon will take the opportunity to swallow Xiaoqinglong\'s Dragon beads.

Everyone can see the dragons watching.

Now the black dragon is killed by the little green dragon. The black dragon has no reason to take care of the little green dragon and Yang Tian.

According to the rules, Xiao Qinglong\'s killing of the young dragon guard of the black dragon clan was cancelled.

After Xiaoqinglong kills the elder of Heilong family, he returns to Yang Tian. Yang Tian quickly looks at the wound on Xiaoqinglong\'s neck.

Yang Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Xiaoqinglong was all right. The wound was no longer bleeding and began to heal.

Immediately, Yang Tian took out a super star warrior level animal core from the storage bracelet and put it into Xiaoqinglong\'s mouth.

Seeing Yang Tian casually, he took out a super star beast core and let the little green dragon swallow it. There was an expression of envy in the eyes of many dragons.

After what happened just now, everyone can see that Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are really not masters and servants.

After the elders of the black dragon clan were killed by the little green dragon, some "people" who changed into adults immediately flashed in front of the huge dragon corpse.

"Ow... Ow... Ow..."

When a black dragon took out a dark red dragon ball about one meter in diameter from the faucet, the black dragons all looked up and roared.

In this way, they send off the elders of the clan.

When Yang Tian saw this situation, he understood why the dragon family wanted to be human, because only people can do many fine things, such as taking out dragon beads from the faucet\'s mouth.

In addition to such simple things, such as building houses and making tools, it is difficult to complete with the dragon body.

Unless all dragons are like little green dragons, they can use spiritual power to control things.

Looking at the big dragon ball, Yang Tiandu is salivating. It\'s a good thing! If you get it, you can make a big star God level beast core.

Although the black dragon was killed by the little green dragon, most of the energy in his body was condensed in the dragon ball.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Yang Tian threw it out of his mind. Because at the same time, there was a strong resistance in Yang Tian\'s heart.

Because it\'s a dragon ball.

In a previous experience, Yang Tian swallowed a black dragon ball to kill gu\'ao. But that time, Xiaoqinglong took the initiative to give the dragon ball to Yang Tian.

The black dragons looked at the little green dragon and Yang Tian with hate eyes, and flew towards the black planet with the Dragon corpse and dragon ball.

The battle is finally over.

The black dragon clan left, but the Dragons of other ethnic groups remained in place. Because Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian are outsiders, they have to listen to the opinions of Jinjia middle-aged men.