Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 608

Almost just for a moment, when Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong appeared again, they had come to a very fantastic star domain.

In the middle of this star field, there is a huge star, around which nine huge planets rotate.

The colors of the nine planets are different. They are arranged from far to near according to the distance from the star, including black, white, green, red, blue, yellow, blue, purple and golden.

Nine giant planets, each with three to five moons.

The light of the star is reflected into the space by the nine planets, forming a strange nine color halo covering the star domain.

"It\'s so beautiful!" Yang Tian couldn\'t help exclaiming.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong\'s eyes are also intoxicated. This is his hometown! It\'s really beautiful!

"Chi ~"

Yang Tian\'s voice just fell. Suddenly, a roar sounded.

With a flash of black light, a young man in black armor appeared in front of Yang Tian and them.

This man has long black hair, and his black armor depicts wonderful dragon patterns.

Judging from the energy fluctuation emitted from this person, it should be a superstar realm.

"Human beings, please leave here. You are not welcome in the Dragon Star region!" the black armor man said indifferently, staying 100 meters away from Yang Tian.

human beings?

Isn\'t this man human?

A big question mark appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Suddenly, he reacted. This is the Dragon Star domain. Most of the lives living here are dragons.

Obviously, the black armor man was formed by dragon.

Yang Tian knows from the description of Kaya\'s great sacrifice that there is a strong man who turns a dragon into a human in this star domain.

What makes Yang Tian feel strange is that the man in front of him is just a dragon in the superstar realm... How can he become a man?

You should know that the little green dragon is the life body of the big star God realm, and can\'t change into a human.

"Are you... Dragon?" surprised Yang Tian asked aloud.

When Yang Tian asked, heijia young man frowned and his face became gloomy.

It\'s like on earth, one person asks another person: are you human? There is a curse.

Yang Tian is a newcomer. He hasn\'t figured out the situation yet. He doesn\'t want to have any conflict with the dragon family. Seeing the unhappy look of the black armour young man, he quickly said, "I\'m not a human, oh, I should be half of the dragon family. And Bruce Lee, it\'s a complete dragon family."

When Yang Tian finished, the black armour young man looked at the little green dragon lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder and said with disdain: "the proud dragon has become the pet of human beings. Such a race is not allowed to appear in the Dragon Star region."

Yang Tian frowned when he heard this. What heijia young man said was really ugly. This man thinks low of human status. The funny thing is, since human beings are low, why should they turn into human shapes?

Yang Tian held back his anger and said, "I declare that Bruce Lee is not my pet, we are brothers. We won\'t stay here long this time. Bruce Lee wants to find his parents and meet them."

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Xiaoqinglong quickly nodded.

"No!" heijia young man still refused coldly: "I advise you to leave here quickly, because the race that has become the pet of human animals will disgrace the whole race."

It seems that heijia young man doesn\'t believe what Yang Tian said at all and believes that Xiaoqinglong is Yang Tian\'s pet.

When the heijia young man finished, little Qinglong issued a low cry. It told the heijia young man that he only needed to stay in the Dragon Star domain for a short time and didn\'t meet his parents.

When he said this, little Qinglong seemed a little sad.

I haven\'t been home since I was young. I didn\'t expect to be driven away by the same kind as soon as I came back. Yang Tian or others would be sad.

Heijia young man is a dragon. Naturally, he understands what Xiaoqinglong said, but he still disagrees. He also takes out a black whip from the storage bracelet.

It seems that if Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong don\'t leave again, he is ready to drive them away.

For a while, Yang Tian didn\'t know what to do.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s embarrassment, heijia young man shook the black whip, made a roar, looked at Xiaoqinglong with a sneer and said, "if you kill this man, according to the rules of the dragon family, it will be a shame on you."

As soon as the voice of heijia young man fell, Xiaoqinglong opened his eyes and immediately left Yang Tian\'s shoulder and turned into a golden dragon.

Seeing the appearance of little green dragon, heijia young man couldn\'t help opening his eyes.

Golden Dragon!

In the dragon family, the golden dragon is the most noble existence.

There are also strict levels in the dragon family, which can be seen from the arrangement of planets,

The black armor man is obviously a black dragon. The black planet he lives on is outside the star domain, which shows that the black dragon should be the lowest class of dragon in the dragon family.

"Boom ~"

When the black armor man was frightened, the little green dragon opened his mouth and sprayed a golden dragon flame at him.

What heijia young man said just now angered little Qinglong!

"Ah ~"

Facing the incoming dragon flame, the black armor young man shouted in horror. He had no time to dodge, so he was wrapped by the Golden Dragon flame.

This young man in black armor is a must kill for Xiaoqinglong. Therefore, when spitting out the Dragon flame, Xiaoqinglong used a powerful spiritual force to make the young man in black armor unable to escape.

"Peng ~" made a dull noise. Suddenly, a dark red dragon ball rushed out of the flame and flew towards the nearest black planet.

The angry little green dragon sent out a flash of lightning and hit the dragon ball.

With a loud noise, the dark red dragon ball suddenly burst into a bright light in space and disappeared.

This young man with black armour formed by Longhua was killed by little green dragon.

The death of a young man in black armour has a great momentum.

What little Qinglong and Yang Tian don\'t know is that in this star domain, a struggle between the Dragon families can, but they can\'t destroy the opponent\'s Dragon beads.

Because the dragon ball is the essence of a dragon\'s life and consciousness. Even if the body is destroyed, the dragon ball returns to the planet and enters the "dragon pool" to condense a powerful body again.

If Xiaoqinglong destroys the black dragon\'s dragon ball, it is equivalent to killing the black dragon completely. If there is no deep hatred, there will never be such a situation in the battle between the Dragon families.

The Dragon Star region is protected by a special Rune array. The dragons living in this star region have a very comfortable life.

At ordinary times, most of the dragon people, especially the human dragon, are enjoying themselves. Each group also sent only a small number of dragons to patrol outside the planet.

Although there are often dragon fights among the dragons in this star region, the final result is that the flesh is destroyed at most.

Death... Has not happened for a long time.

When the black dragon\'s Dragon Ball exploded in space, the energy waves with the smell of death spread in the distance.

The first thing we noticed was the black dragon people living on the black planet.

Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian are totally unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

After killing an obstructed black dragon, one person and one dragon were preparing to go to the furthest golden planet. Thousands of powerful breath appeared from the nearest Black Planet and rushed to Yang Tian and them.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, aware of the smell, stopped. They all know that after killing the black dragon, they will certainly disturb the black dragon family.

Although these smells are powerful, there is no dragon realm that can be compared with Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong.

Within a few breaths, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were surrounded by a group of black dragons, as well as black dragon soldiers in black armor.

These dragons are far away from Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian.

Because Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian no longer hide the energy breath in their bodies.

At the same time, these black dragons are also afraid of the identity of little green dragon.

Little green dragon is a golden dragon!

Among the Dragon families, the Golden Dragon has the highest status.

Part of the golden dragon family is born.

For example, if a male and a female dragon are both golden dragons, their offspring will also be golden dragons when they grow up.

But one thing, although this dragon has the shape of a golden dragon, it has no matching realm.

There is also a golden dragon. After other dragon families advanced, they activated their special blood vessels and grew into a golden dragon. In the dragon family, such dragons are rare, but each such dragon is a powerful existence.

It is worth mentioning that male and female dragons in different realms cannot produce offspring together.

If Yang Tian knew this information, he would understand that Xiaoqinglong\'s parents should be Qinglong when they gave birth to Xiaoqinglong.

Among the dragons, the status of Qinglong is still relatively high, second only to Golden Dragon and purple dragon.

Yang Tian doesn\'t know much about the Dragon nationality.

As for Xiaoqinglong, although he has inheritance and memory, he doesn\'t know it in detail. Its inheritance memory is full of combat and survival experience

The strength and noble form of the little green dragon frighten all the black dragons.

Although the black dragons surrounded Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong, they didn\'t dare to do it easily.

Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong looked at many black dragons. When they couldn\'t figure out the situation, although the black dragons had bad eyes, they were not ready to attack them first.

If these black dragons attack them, Xiao Qinglong and Yang Tian will certainly be polite.

Time passed minute by minute.

Soon, a white dragon with a higher status than the black dragon appeared. A moment later, the green dragon and the Red Dragon

Finally, a golden dragon came.

The arrival of the golden dragon is also a human form, which looks like a middle-aged man.

This man has long blond hair and blond eyebrows. Wearing beautiful blond armor, he looks very dignified and noble.

As soon as he arrived, other dragon people took the initiative to make way for him.

The middle-aged man stopped km away from Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian, looked at Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian, and asked faintly, "what\'s going on?"

When the middle-aged man asked, an old man with black armour flashed over and said the previous thing again.

The words of the old man with black armour are fair.

From these words, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong know that they are in great trouble... They are outsiders, but they kill a black dragon in violation of the ban.

It\'s not a big deal outside the Dragon Star domain.

But this is the Dragon Star region. Naturally, there are dragon rules.

The middle-aged man is also a big star God realm. When the black armour old man finished, he was silent for a moment and said faintly: "anyway, he is my golden dragon family. Even if you want to deal with them, it is also a matter within my family. You are not qualified. Let them go with me! Naturally, he will give you an explanation to the black dragon family."

The middle-aged man in Jinjia said, and the old man in heijia pointed to Yang Tian and said, "he\'s not a dragon. We have to deal with him."

Hearing this, Yang Tian\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold look appeared again in Xiao Qinglong\'s eyes.