Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 610

"Let\'s go!" the middle-aged man in Jinjia looked at the Dragons of various colors around him, waved his hand and said faintly.

The onlookers scattered and returned to their respective planets.

The little green dragon turned into a mini dragon and landed on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

After all the dragons left, the Jinjia middle-aged man said faintly, "it\'s over, but you can\'t stay in the Dragon Star region for a long time. You\'d better leave as soon as you\'re done!"

With that, the Jinjia middle-aged man looked at Xiaoqinglong and said, "although you are also a dragon, you don\'t belong here. Your temperament determines that you should wander in the outside world."

"We\'re here to find Bruce Lee\'s parents," said the Jinjia middle-aged man, and Yang Tian immediately said.

"You come with me."

Jinjia middle-aged man said, then turned around and flew to the golden planet in the distance.

Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong immediately followed.

Falling on the huge golden planet, Yang Tiancai found that the situation on the planet was different from what he imagined.

Seen from the sky, the planet is golden, but on the ground, it is basically similar to the environment of the earth.

On this planet, there are yellow land, green forest, blue ocean, and many islands in the ocean.

The gravity of the planet is not as big as Yang Tian thought, and it is only about 1.5 times that of the earth.

The reason why it is golden from the starry sky is that many tall Rune arrays are arranged on the surface of the planet.

These Rune arrays are running all the time. On each array platform, there is a huge golden dragon. They seem to be sleeping.

The golden light is emitted from these dragons and projected into the sky. Therefore, from the outside, the planet is golden.

Whether on land, in the sea, on the island or in the forest, it is full of such runes. It seems that the scene is very spectacular.

In addition to these huge array platforms, there are many exquisite and grand palaces, which are golden.

After landing on this planet, Yang Tian carefully felt the energy fluctuations emitted by the dragons on the whole planet.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, there is no dragon beyond the realm of the big star God on this planet.

This is a very strange thing. All human beings can produce strong people beyond the realm of big star God. Why is there no dragon family?

"This is the Golden Dragon Star." after landing, the Jinjia middle-aged man looked at Yang Tian and said, "the predecessors who established the Dragon Star domain, like you, are all on the same planet. This was millions of years ago."

The middle-aged man in Jinjia said, and Yang Tian opened his eyes.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s surprise, the Jinjia middle-aged man said again: "in fact, our ancestors came from outside the universe, and so did your ancestors. In the long past, the environment of the universe was not like this..."

Yang Tian then understood why this planet was called the \'Golden Dragon Star\'. Golden, golden, such a description comes from the language of human beings on earth.

Previously, Yang Tianyi heard Jinjia\'s middle-aged man say "Jinlong star". He thought it was a coincidence.

As for the earth, human ancestors also came from outside the universe, Yang Tian is not surprised.

Last time in the small world of the star miner, he almost died. The strength and momentum of the powerful man shown to him by the mysterious man in black are unmatched by the human beings in this universe.

From the words of Jinjia middle-aged man, Yang Tian can guess that if the little green dragon was not taken away from the Dragon Star domain, it must be the offspring of the dragon that existed on the earth for millions of years or even more.

Maybe, according to their generations, little green dragons are the ancestors of these dragons in the Dragon Star domain. Thinking of this possibility, Yang Tian wanted to laugh.

Xiaoqinglong is very smart and naturally understands what Jinjia\'s middle-aged man means. At this time, his expression seems a little uneasy.

Xiaoqinglong hopes to find his parents in the Dragon Star domain.

"How can we find Bruce Lee\'s parents?" the middle-aged Jinjia man said, and Yang Tian asked.

Jin Jia\'s middle-aged man said, "it\'s very simple. Through its blood, we can know which family it is and when it was born. Come with me!"

With that, the Jinjia middle-aged man flashed and disappeared in place.

Yang Tian immediately followed.

The middle-aged man in Jinjia took Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong to a huge building shaped like a temple.

This building is like the temple of heaven built in the Ming Dynasty. The whole building is golden - in fact, it is made of alloy materials dominated by gold.

In this temple, the circular walls are covered with murals, which show dragons in various shapes and other exotic animals.

In the center of the building, there is a high platform. The middle-aged man in Jinjia took Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong to the high platform.

On the stage, Yang Tiancai found that in the middle of the round platform, there is a pool with a diameter of about five meters. The pool is colorful liquid, emitting a faint halo, which looks very beautiful.

"This is the blood pool of our dragon family. Like the Huaxing pool, it is the treasure of our dragon family." then, the middle-aged man in Jinjia said to little Qinglong, "take a drop of blood and drop it into the blood pool. Maybe you can get the answer.

The Little Green Dragon nodded, left Yang Tian\'s shoulder and formed a small dragon several meters long in the air.

Suspended over the blood pool, the little green dragon scratched his forehead. A hole appeared on his forehead and a drop of blood seeped out.

This is just a drop of ordinary blood.

In Xiaoqinglong\'s nervous look, his blood dripped into the blood pool.

The liquid in the blood pool was originally calm. When the little green dragon\'s blood dropped into the blood pool, the liquid in the blood pool boiled like boiled water. The rune engraved on the side of the pool immediately lit up, showing a virtual shadow of a dragon over the blood pool.

Because it is a virtual shadow, its color cannot be distinguished, but there is an obvious flame mark on the dragon\'s forehead.

Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian didn\'t feel anything when they met, but Jinjia\'s middle-aged man opened his eyes and looked very surprised.

In the curious eyes of Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, the Jinjia middle-aged man turned around, crawled on the ground to Xiaoqinglong and said, "originally, you are the offspring of ZuLong. We are impolite."


As soon as Yang Tian\'s eyes turned, he wanted to understand that little Qinglong has a great generation. In terms of generations, they are the ancestors of these dragons!

It seems that to find Xiaoqinglong\'s parents, it\'s not just to find the Dragon Star domain.