Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 607

The great sacrifice of Kaya told Yang Tian the interstellar coordinates. Yang Tian remembered clearly. After inputting the coordinates into the intelligent operating system of the black dragon spacecraft, the intelligent system got the navigation route after more than ten minutes of calculation.

Judging from the calculated time, Yang Tian knew that this trip would take a long time.

Since most of the time, the spacecraft travels outside the star map, the spacecraft can only fly by short moment jump from space, so as to avoid the spacecraft falling into the space turbulence caused by the black hole. Or through the occasional annihilation of space in the universe.

"Bruce Lee, take it easy. Your home must be a beautiful place. Your parents must still be there..."

After the spaceship started, Yang Tian saw Xiaoqinglong\'s nervous appearance and comforted him.

Xiaoqinglong nodded.

Although the little green dragon is a golden dragon after turning into a giant dragon, it is still cyan and emits a faint yellow light in the form of a mini dragon.

No wonder Yang Tian\'s mother Wang Hong thinks that Yang Tian abused Xiaoqinglong. She is thin and yellow. Isn\'t it a lack of nutrition?

Waiting in the cockpit while the spacecraft is sailing is very boring for Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong.

Fortunately, when Yang Tian came out this time, he collected a lot of all kinds of good wine, food, films, TV dramas and so on.

Watching movies and TV dramas, eating snacks and tasting the good wine hoarded for decades, one person and one dragon are quite comfortable.

In terms of earth time, the spacecraft finally stopped in 52 days and five hours.

Kaya told Yang Tian the location of the stars and finally arrived.

In these decades, Xiaoqinglong ate delicious food and drank wine every day. He looked a lot mellow.

The place where the black dragon spacecraft stayed was an open space with dim light. There was no planet around for several light-years, and even the meteorite could not be seen.

Does such an open star field hide the Dragon Star field?

After looking at the scanning data of the spacecraft\'s intelligent system for the surrounding space, Yang Tian frowned.

Through the spaceship, Yang Tian didn\'t feel any powerful breath, there was nothing around him, the strange program in the insect\'s brain, and he didn\'t notice the fluctuation of Rune energy.

Looking at the open space outside, Xiaoqinglong had a gloomy look in his eyes.

Xiaoqinglong was disappointed.

Because with its keen perception, it can\'t feel the breath of the same kind.

"Bruce Lee, don\'t be discouraged. Let\'s go out and have a look." Yang Tian comforted Xiao Qinglong when he saw his eyes and asked the spacecraft\'s intelligent operating system to open the hatch of the spacecraft.

One man and one dragon immediately got out of the ship.

As soon as he got out of the spaceship, the little green dragon turned into a giant dragon of tens of meters.

It swims around quickly in the void space, suddenly opens its mouth and howls at the void.

Little green dragon wants to use this way to remind him to come here. If there is a hidden dragon star field here, the same kind will hear it.

However, after a long time, the void is still void, and there is no response at all.

At this time, Yang Tian wondered whether the sacrificial cult of Kaya had mistaken the spatial coordinates, or whether the Dragon Star domain that once existed here had moved away?

Yang Tian can be sure that he didn\'t input the coordinates wrong.

After several successive calls, the little green dragon\'s cry was full of sadness and disappointment.

Although the little green dragon is a strange beast, it has the same wisdom as human beings. When he was on earth, he saw Yang Tian with his family, and his homesickness became stronger.

"Bruce Lee, why don\'t we wait here? Maybe a miracle will happen." seeing that Bruce Lee is in a bad mood, Yang Tianqian comforted.

The Little Green Dragon nodded, changed back to the shape of a mini dragon and fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

After returning to the spaceship, Yang Tian started the spaceship and began to fly around the open space.

In doing so, Yang Tian hopes to find out the flaws in the starry sky.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, after coming to this star region, he found that his intuition seemed to be ineffective.

If it was before, even if there was no Dragon Star domain here, intuition could tell him the answer.

Another problem is that this space is so clean that there is not even a bit of cosmic dust.

Moreover, at the edge of this open area, the operation mode of those planets seems to be irregular.

Abnormality must be a demon, which is why Yang Tian decided to let the spacecraft fly around the starry sky.

In order to make Xiaoqinglong no longer sad, Yang Tian tells Xiaoqinglong about these judgments, and Xiaoqinglong\'s mood is finally better.

The reason why it is so sad is that it is too anxious. That feeling is like being rejected by your family when you go back to your home.

During the flight of the black dragon spacecraft, the strange program also showed a blue dragon shadow, suspended beside Yang Tian.

The singular program always pays attention to whether there are Rune energy fluctuations around and the existence of Rune matrix.

It can hide a star field, which can only be achieved by using the rune array.

Time passed slowly, and the black dragon spacecraft flew around the starry sky again and again.

When the ninth day of earth time passed, the strange program told Yang Tian that it detected the time Rune energy.

Although this time Rune energy appears only for a moment, and is very weak, the strange program also obtains a lot of information.

It tells Yang Tian that in this space, there is probably a space-time channel.

Space time channel!

When Yang Tian was a middle school student, he imagined that he would go back to the ys virus outbreak through the space-time channel and try to prevent humans from bringing the ys virus to the earth

But he understood that this was just a fantasy and could not be realized. After the passage of time, the people and things that existed at that time disappeared with time.

At this time, Yang Tian was not surprised to hear the strange program say the word "space-time channel", because he knew that it actually existed.

This also explains why the Dragon Star domain "disappeared". If the time of the whole star domain is projected outward, before the Dragon Star domain was born, people outside can\'t feel its existence anyway.

After discovering the energy fluctuation of the time rune, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong were happy.

Because they all know that the Dragon Star domain really exists.

For the next few decades, Yang Tian still let the spacecraft fly around the starry sky.

In this process, the strange program found that the position of the outgoing time energy fluctuation is constantly changing, but the time of occurrence is regular. Calculated by the time on the earth, the time Rune energy will appear every 12 days.

The time of appearance is about half a second.

The place where the time Rune energy fluctuates is likely to be the entrance of the space-time channel in the Dragon Star domain.

As long as they can enter, the Dragon Star domain will appear in front of them.

After 120 days and collecting enough information, the strange program finally calculated the points where the energy fluctuation of the time Rune came out.

After receiving this energy ten times, the strange program can clearly tell Yang Tian that it is the entrance.

If you want to go in, you must seize the short half second.

Twelve more days passed.

"I don\'t know, how did the great sacrifice of Kaya find the Dragon Star region..." at this time, Yang Tian looked at a \'point\' in front of him without blinking his eyes and thought.


Suddenly, the voice of strange program sounded in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Yang Tian moved and immediately rushed to the "point" in front with little green dragon.

For Yang Tian, a strong man in the realm of big stars and gods, in fact, the time of 0.5 seconds is also a long time period.

When they came to the \'point\' calculated by the strange program, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong suddenly disappeared.