Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 597

Yang Tian\'s heart could not be calm for a long time.

I don\'t know when the Meichen sacrifice has untied the bondage of his spiritual power. When he saw that Xiaoqinglong had regained his ability to move and wanted to rush into the altar and was caught by the Meichen sacrifice, Yang Tiancai woke up.

Even if he knows a lot of things, Yang Tian doesn\'t allow Qin Fei to have anything to do on the side of the superstar temple.

After rescuing Qin Fei, he swallowed those special cell bodies again and joined forces with the great sacrifice of the empty God to defeat the goddess Xichen... In front of him, we must rescue Qin Fei!

"Boom ~"

Yang Tian was about to start. Suddenly, there was a loud noise and the ground trembled violently.

It can be seen from the projection that the practitioners of the eternal life temple have approached the temple except for the missing of the goddess Xi Chen and the great sacrifice of the empty God.

With the barrier of Rune energy, the practitioners of the eternal life temple could not break in, so they began to fiercely bombard the energy defense of the rune array.

After a loud noise, there was a continuous bombardment. The giant spaceship formed by the change of the temple began to tremble constantly.

Even so, the great priests around the altar still closed their eyes and calmly said \'spells\'.

At this time, you can see that the runes above the altar are brighter and faster.

A blue light, projected from these runes, shone on Qin Fei in the center of the altar.

The bodies of the great priests were also surrounded by the sudden emergence of blue runes.

"Yang Tian, you can\'t stop it now. If you want to break the sacrificial procedure, the goddess will die. If you don\'t believe me, you can try."

In the sound of "roaring", Meichen said to Yang Tian and threw the little green dragon in his hand to Yang Tian. Then he joined the queue to recite the "Curse".

For the Meichen sacrifice, his task of guarding Yang Tian was completed.

Yang Tian looked at the altar, as well as the great sacrifices whose faces became more and more dignified, and his mood was extremely complex.

Although he didn\'t fully believe in the words of Meichen sacrifice, he didn\'t dare to stop such a ceremony. He had to watch helplessly and couldn\'t do anything.


Unknowingly, the secluded Xichen and the great sacrifice of the empty God have reached hundreds of light-years away through countless space transfers and chases.

At this time, the battle between Xichen youyou and the great sacrifice of the empty God was coming to a close.

After a long battle, they consumed a lot of energy, and their combat power seemed much weaker than before.

The two did not fight in this region for a long time, but they destroyed hundreds of planets and a huge star.

This was originally a star field worth developing, but now it has become dark.

The existence of every planet in the universe is the result of the natural evolution of cosmic space.

After a planet, especially a star, is destroyed, the surrounding space will change and produce a chain reaction.

This change can not be seen in a short time, but over a long period of time, it may evolve into the evil consequence of destroying the whole large galaxy.

Although they understand this, neither of them can care so much.

"Boom ~"

Now the figure flashed and collided with each other again. The violent energy collision bounced the two away. Between them, the center of the energy impact soon formed a spatial collapse.

This is a black dot. As soon as it appears, it will have a strong attraction and attract all the nearby cosmic matter.

Before this happened, this point would disappear in a flash.

However, it is strange that this time, the black spot keeps getting bigger and stronger, and its attraction is becoming stronger and stronger, just like a black hole.

Almost in an instant, the "black hole" became the size of a football. In the blink of an eye, it became a black hole tens of meters in diameter.

As it grows, its attraction increases exponentially. The newly separated goddess Xi Chen and the great sacrifice of the air God were attracted by this powerful attraction, and their bodies flew uncontrollably towards the black hole.

The empty God sacrifice was terrified and wanted to break the space to escape. However, the nearby space-time had been distorted. As soon as the broken empty God channel was formed, it had disappeared before he escaped.

In desperation, the great sacrifice of the empty God had to use all his strength to give a powerful blow to the black hole.

However, in this short process, the black hole expanded several times and became a real "bottomless hole". The palm power of the great sacrifice of the sky god was absorbed by the black hole.

There was a helpless smile on the face of the great sacrifice of the empty God. For him, there was no way.

When flying towards the black hole, the great sacrifice of the sky god glanced around.

Because time and space were distorted, the great sacrifice of the empty God could not see the goddess of Xichen, but he guessed that the end of Xichen must be the same as him.

In this universe, the only strong person in the realm of big star God can\'t touch is the black hole.

When he was about to enter the black hole, the great sacrifice of the empty God remembered the situation when he first saw the secluded Xichen when he was young, and a faint smile appeared on his face

The great sacrifice of the empty God disappeared into the black hole, but the River Chen was quiet but not.

At this critical time, a rune treasure that looked like a compass appeared in her hand.

She clicked on the rune and threw it at the black hole.

In this process, the rune treasure device releases powerful rune energy and forms a normal space-time in a local range.

As soon as Xi Chen\'s faint figure flashed, he hid into the space-time created by the rune treasure.

The next moment, when she appeared again, she was millions of kilometers away.

As soon as she appeared here, the previous black hole exploded, creating a powerful space annihilation.

Space annihilation spreads around at a speed close to light. In a few seconds, it is close to the secluded Xichen.

At the edge of the annihilation of space, Xi Chen kept retreating. In this process, she was relieved to find that the power of space annihilation was weakening rapidly.

In fact, this black hole was created by her. She used the way of the outside world.

In order to kill the great sacrifice of the empty God, Xi Chen youyou took a risk and almost took herself in.

In less than three minutes, space annihilation disappeared.

The star field that had been destroyed by her and the great sacrifice of the empty God was already empty and had nothing.

For Xi Chen Youyou, the only variable has been erased by her. Here is the last step.

I don\'t know. Are the people in the superstar Temple ready

Looking at the direction of the superstar temple, Xi Chen smiled faintly and disappeared in the star domain.


In the sacrificial chamber, the ceremony has reached the last moment.

With the constant "singing", the energy fluctuation of the great priests is rapidly weakening, and the power of time also appears on them at the same time.

In less than a minute, all the great sacrifices have become incomparably old. They seem to have experienced tens of thousands of years in an instant.

In this process, their breath of life is getting weaker and weaker.

Yang Tian couldn\'t help shouting, "stop quickly! Otherwise, you will die!"

This is Yang Tian\'s instinctive cry.

These great sacrifices had no hatred with Yang Tian. When they were in the superstar temple, except for the great sacrifice of the empty God, these people were very good to Yang Tian. Yang Tian naturally didn\'t want them to die like this.

However, no one paid attention to Yang Tian.

Outside the altar, there is a powerful rune energy. Yang Tian is powerless to stop it.

"Boom ~"

Suddenly, there was another tremor and the fiercest bombardment.

Yang Tian knows that the energy defense of the superstar temple has been broken.

At this time, the great sacrifices finally completed the ceremony, and all fell to the ground.

Fortunately, they are not dead!

However, the rune above the altar is still hovering, throwing energy towards the middle of the altar.