Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 596

The destructive power of the battle between the two strongest is too strong. The huge insect eater is nothing compared with the battle between the two.

Those who came to watch the battle were scared away immediately. They could leave as far as they could, for fear of being affected by the battle between them. Otherwise, the end would be worse than those before.

The sacrificial realm and combat power of the goddess Xi Chen and the God Kong look quite good. In a short time, there should be no victory or defeat.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the practitioners of the eternal life Temple finally set out and rushed towards the superstar temple.

And the practitioners on the side of the superstar Temple immediately welcomed them.

The insect eater was greatly hurt. After a painful struggle, he suddenly stood still, like dead, motionless, and his luster became dim.

Seen from a distance, this huge insect eater is like a falling stone floating in the universe.

However, the breath of life emanating from it has not weakened at all. Obviously, the big guy began a short sleep to recover his damaged body.

The practitioners in the superstar Temple wanted to take the opportunity to kill the insect completely, but the people in the eternal life Temple rushed over. They had few hands, so they had to go out all at this time, so they had to put the insect eater aside for the time being.


In the sacrificial chamber.

Yang Tian never gave up his struggle, even though the Meichen sacrifice took out a projector to show the outside situation.

When Yang Tian saw that the great sacrifice of the empty God was powerful and would seriously damage the insects, he thought that the superstar temple had a hope of winning. Will he never continue the "sacrifice ceremony" that made him feel strange and hurt these great sacrifices at the same time?

However, the great priests did not mean to stop. From their mouths, they still kept singing "incantations" and never stopped.

Some time has passed, and the runes suspended above the altar and arranged in a spiral shape are becoming clearer and clearer.

The strange program tells Yang Tian that there are many kinds of runes. They are composed like a transmission array disk and an energy transmission device... Because some Yang Tian can\'t see clearly, the strange program can\'t calculate the usefulness of this Rune array in a short time.

The battle outside has reached its final stage.

Yang Tian saw some of his familiar sacrificial priests, besieged to death by the other party, and fell into the endless starry sky.

On the other side of the immortal temple, a large number of strong people also fell.

Most of these people have lived for more than tens of thousands of years. It is not easy to grow from an ordinary practitioner to the present state.

However, in such a battle, they fell one after another.

Is it worth it?


In Yang Tian\'s mind, more questions appeared for a time.

"Can\'t you sit down and have a good talk and solve all problems peacefully? You have to fight to the death. Even if you win in the end, you will lose both."

Yang Tian finally couldn\'t help it and said faintly.

But the Meichen sacrifice said, "Yang Tian, you say such words because you are still outside the circle and don\'t know everything."

"Great sacrifice, tell me about it!" Yang Tiandao.

The Meichen great sacrifice took a look at those companions who were concentrating on the ceremony, came and sat in front of Yang Tian and said, "the superstar Temple represents the conservative side of the universe, while the immortal Temple of Xichen goddess represents the radical side."

After that, Meichen Festival looked at Yang Tian\'s puzzled look and asked Yang Tian with a smile: "if your planet has always been a closed environment and has no contact with the outside world. The humans on the planet don\'t know the outside world. At the same time, your strength is very weak. Are you willing to let it appear on the star map at this time?"

The situation described as like as two peas in the great fete is the same as earth Jane. Yang Tianyao faced his question and shook his head. "Of course, he does not want to. If it appears in the star map, we will be enslaved on the planet."

After Yang Tian finished, Meichen priest nodded and said with a smile, "it seems that you also belong to our conservative group. Our cosmic world is actually a closed world, which has no direct connection with the outside world.

He luoyangli accidentally broke into here. He took Xi Chen away from the world and let Xi Chen see a completely different world.

After Xi Chen came back, she had an idea in her heart. She wanted to connect the universe with the outside world and become the first pioneer in the universe. The Temple priests at that time found out her idea and had to stop her.

Maybe even she doesn\'t know the real purpose of he Luoyang Li. Maybe she knows and thinks she is right. He Luoyang leaves this person and wants to be our God. "

With that, Meichen great sacrifice pointed to Yang Tian\'s chest.

Yang Tian was stunned.

Although he didn\'t say it clearly, Yang Tian still understood the meaning of Meichen sacrifice.

Yang Tian thought of his original world at this time.

The energy world in his body is so similar to the cosmic world.

He luoyangli wants to be the God of the universe. Does he want to bring the universe into his body? Make this cosmic world his energy world?

Can this... Be done?

Seeing the changing look on Yang Tian\'s face, the Meichen priest nodded. Knowing that Yang Tian had guessed something, he said, "so we don\'t allow her to do that. Although this is only our guess, it won\'t make it a little possible."

Yang Tian thought for a moment and then said, "a person as smart as goddess Xi Chen doesn\'t understand this truth? What substantive benefits does it have for her to do so?"

The great sacrifice of Meichen shook his head. "Only Xi Chen can understand this. She has been thinking about it and wants to revive he Luoyang.

Many years ago, she began to lay out. She used the means of the world to make herself sleep and destroyed the worst enemy with time. Now, she finally pushed us to a desperate situation. "

"It\'s impossible!" Yang Tian said, "goddess Xi Chen didn\'t sleep long? For example, Gao Yuan and Tai Gong Hong, when they worked in the superstar temple, Xi Chen was a goddess..."

After Yang Tian finished, the Meichen great sacrifice said, "all the people who participated in the battle have won the time rule of he Luoyang. Otherwise, the older generation of great sacrifices still hold the superstar temple!"

"Who is the man in black? The man riding the green bird." Yang Tian asked again.

Meichen great sacrifice said: "he is one of the first generation of great sacrifices in the superstar temple. We don\'t know his name. We only know that there are such a group of people who silently guard the world. We also call them guardians or supervisors."

There is a good saying that the more you know, the more ignorant you will find yourself.

Yang Tian feels like this now. Some doubts that existed in his heart have finally been answered. However, more problems appeared in his mind.

This problem even made Yang Tian doubt the existence of the world.

For example, when Yang Tian went to school on earth, he thought that the world where human beings live is illusory. All objects, life and everything are a program running in an advanced computer.

Many problems appeared at the same time, which made Yang Tian\'s head swell. He had to give up thinking and said to Meichen sacrifice: "what do you want to do with Xiaofei?"

Meichen said: "soon, you will know. Yang Tian, you are lucky to see such a big scene when you are so young..."