Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 598

The great priests have stopped. Where does this energy come from?

Yang Tian looked at the above Rune array and saw that the great priests who fell to the ground had no strength at all. He hurried forward, took out Star Warrior animal cores from the storage bracelet and fed them into their mouths.

The body of the great priests became very weak. Yang Tian didn\'t dare to feed them more advanced animal cores.

At this time, the people of the eternal life temple had rushed into the temple, and the sound of fighting had sounded outside.

However, most of the people who stayed in the temple were low-level practitioners. When they saw the strong man of the great star God in the immortal temple, many people chose to surrender.

Yang Tian took out the knife from the storage bracelet and blocked it at the entrance.

Little Qinglong, lying on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, stared coldly at the entrance and was ready to fight at any time.

After a few fighting sounds outside, the guards guarding here were killed soon.

A moment later, a man with a big knife came in.

It\'s Gaoyuan!

"Ha ha......" after seeing Yang Tian, Gao Yuan laughed and looked very happy.

But Yang Tian didn\'t laugh, because for him, Gao Yuan may be the enemy now.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s vigilance, Gao Yuan said, "boy, how long has it been? Don\'t you know me?"

"Of course, i... you..." for a while, Yang Tian didn\'t know what to say.

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that Gao Yuan was the first to come in.

Gao Yuan was kind to him, but he couldn\'t let them in at this time. First, he was afraid of disturbing Qin Fei, and second, he didn\'t want the sacrificial priests to be hurt.

"Forget it, it\'s not difficult for you." Gao Yuan put down the knife on his shoulder, inserted it on the ground, turned and looked behind him.

A heavy footsteps sounded, and a group of immortality Temple soldiers in silver armor appeared.

When the soldiers reached the entrance, Gao Yuan raised his hand. The soldiers stopped and stood on both sides of the passage.

Soon, Xi Chen youyou in a black dress came over. Behind her are a large number of practitioners in the realm of big star God.

If the great priests of the superstar temple were not drained of their energy because of this strange sacrificial ceremony, a tragic battle would certainly take place.

But now, the superstar Temple seems to be a complete failure.

Xi Chen was quiet. Seeing Yang Tian blocking at the entrance, he smiled and walked straight towards Yang Tian.

She didn\'t stop until she was only one step away from Yang Tian.

For practitioners, this is an "ambiguous" distance. Yang Tian can smell a faint faint fragrance from Xi Chen\'s youyou body.

Although Yang Tian held the knife, he didn\'t move, because he knew that with his current combat power, it was impossible to defeat the secluded Xichen.

If the empty God sacrifice didn\'t come back, it must be serious injury or death.

"Yang Tian, get out of the way! I promised you I wouldn\'t hurt your woman." Xi Chen looked at Yang Tian\'s back and said faintly.

Yang Tian said faintly, "I have to be filled with one. I can\'t hurt them!"

Xi Chen youyou nodded with a smile and said, "OK!"

Yang Tian didn\'t know what to do with such a simple answer.

While hesitating, the altar behind Yang Tian has changed.

Qin Fei, who had been sleeping deeply, finally woke up. After opening her eyes, a powerful energy wave broke out from her body.

Soon, Qin Fei flew in the air. The light between her eyebrows flashed, and a color dot appeared. It looked like a big beauty mole and an eye.

At this time, Qin Fei looked dignified and holy.

However, her eyes looked a little confused.

"Xiao Fei!" Yang Tian called softly after seeing Qin Fei\'s appearance.

Hearing Yang Tian\'s voice, Qin Fei\'s eyes cleared for a moment, as if she recognized Yang Tian. But in an instant, he became confused again.

Goddess Xi Chen and a large group of people behind her rushed into the sacrificial room and suddenly crawled on the ground together.

At this time, the goddess of Xi Chen seemed more respectful than anyone. After the big gift, she said a lot of words that Yang Tian didn\'t understand.

After a while, Qin Fei closed her eyes and suddenly disappeared into the sacrificial room.

With her disappeared, there was a rune array that had been suspended above her head.

On the secluded face of Xi Chen, there was an excited look. After standing up, he looked up at a Chao.

"Boom ~"

With her powerful spiritual strength, Xi Chen youyou opened a hole with a diameter of tens of meters.

Then her figure disappeared.

The strong men of the eternal life Temple who came with the secluded Xichen rushed out of the cave and went with the secluded Xichen.

Yang Tian glanced at the sacrificial priests and saw that they were all right. He immediately jumped up and rushed out of the big hole in his head.

After leaving the giant spaceship formed by the change of the superstar temple, Yang Tian saw a point emitting blue light in the distance at his first glance. The strong men of the eternal life temple are chasing this point. Yang Tian immediately starts and follows up.

A few minutes later, the blue light finally stopped.

Flying close, Yang Tiancai found that the luminous blue dot was Qin Fei. This was actually what he expected.

Now Qin Fei stands quietly in the void, with her eyes closed and a faint smile on her face. Behind her, there is a rotating Rune array, which makes Qin Fei look like... Guanyin!

you \'re right!

It\'s Guanyin!

In ancient Chinese mythology, Guanyin appeared in front of people in this way.

In all the movies and TV dramas Yang Tian has seen, no actor has ever acted Guanyin so realistically.

At this time, Yang Tian felt that he was going crazy.

At the periphery of Qin Fei\'s body, the space energy fluctuates constantly, which makes her seem a little unreal. Even the secluded Xichen beyond the realm of the big star God can\'t get close to her at this time.

"Xiao Fei..."

Yang Tian uses his spiritual strength to constantly call for Qin Fei, hoping that Qin Fei can remember himself.

The previous situation made Yang Tian realize that Qin Fei doesn\'t remember him now. Qin Fei\'s body was like the soul of another person.

However, no matter how Yang Tian called, Qin Fei ignored him.

"Tweet ~"

Just then, a clear bird song sounded in the distance.

Hearing the sound, the little green dragon standing on Yang Tian\'s shoulder opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

It was the mysterious man in black who came. At his feet, there was a huge green bird.

Little green dragon was very excited when he saw the green bird.

To Yang Tian\'s surprise, as soon as the man in black came, he simply raised his hand and slapped Qin Fei.

At that moment, a black line came out of his hand and rolled to Qin Fei.

The black line did not emit strong energy fluctuations, but it easily pierced the distorted space around Qin Fei\'s body.

Seeing that the black line was about to roll into Qin Fei, Qin Fei suddenly opened her eyes, the blue light in her eyes flashed, and the black line attacking her disappeared out of thin air.

The man in black shook his head. The green bird at his feet took a deep look at the little green dragon on Yang Tian\'s shoulder, then turned his head and disappeared in a flash.

The mood of the masked man in black looked like disappointment.

At this time, Yang Tian relaxed when he saw Xi Chen\'s secluded face. She looked very nervous when the man in black came just now.

As soon as the masked man in black left, Qin Fei sent out a faint blue halo, and a dark hole appeared thousands of meters in front of her.

As soon as the black hole appeared, Qin Fei raised her hand and connected the dots. Countless blue dots appeared around the black hole.

Yang Tian suddenly felt that Qin Fei was leaving him. He couldn\'t help reaching out to Qin Fei and shouting, "Xiao Fei, don\'t go!"

Qin Fei looked back at Yang Tian, and a complicated look flashed in her eyes. Then she smiled, turned into a blue light and rushed into the black hole.