Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 595

The space divided into two strands was annihilated and rolled away at a very fast speed. Many people and spacecraft watching the battle outside were immediately rolled in, silently turned into space particles and became the victims of the battle.

"Goo ~"

After defusing the attack, the insect eater made an angry and strange cry.

Then, its huge body moved, accelerated again, and collided with the practitioners in front.

In the blink of an eye, the insect eater was less than 100 kilometers away from the strong men in the superstar temple.

In this process, the meat whiskers near the insect eating mouth flashed out, forming a huge meat net to cover the practitioners in front.

Surprisingly, this golden flesh whisker can actually cross the space and form many shadows when it extends rapidly.

At first glance, the meat whisker is still dozens of kilometers away, but in the blink of an eye, you will find that the meat whisker has been rolled in front of you.

At the same time, strange waves of energy were emitted from the insect eater, and a strange "domain" was formed within tens of kilometers outside its body.

This ability can only be used by the strong in the realm of big star God.

This insect eater can create a "realm", which shows that in this short time, it has become an alien beast in the realm of big star God.

The practitioners of the superstar temple can\'t strike together again, because people\'s hearts are not together. In the face of this behemoth, deep fear has appeared in their hearts.

Facing the attack of flesh whiskers, they all dodged at a very fast speed, but the space became extremely frozen. The practitioners who were close suddenly found that they were like trapped in the mud.

In particular, the realm is the temple of the great star Lord. Practitioners can hardly move.

Look, these golden flesh whiskers will form a surrounding circle to wrap the slow-moving companions in it!

"Cut me off ~"

Suddenly, a great sacrificial priest in red appeared, drank loudly and cut with his knife.

A powerful blade Qi was emitted from the blade.

This knife seems to cut the space, forming a dark PI Lian, rolling to the countless flesh whiskers in front.

With this sharp knife, the meat whisker was cut off and there was a gap.

However, soon, at the fracture of the meat beard, it grew out quickly and spread again like a tree root.

This insect eater has a great appetite and wants to devour dozens of practitioners in the realm of big star Lord.

Seeing this situation, the red robed priest was surprised and cut off again.

The same thing happened again

Although the meat whisker is easy to cut off, it can extend indefinitely. It\'s like a long line, cut off, only a short part. This will give people the illusion that meat must be endless.

It was not only this great sacrifice in red robes who made the knife, but also other great sacrifices that attacked the flesh whiskers that ate insects.

Some people desperately cut the flesh whiskers, while more people came to the side and behind the insect eater and attacked the insect eater.

At this time, they found that the big guy\'s body was indestructible, just like a solid high hardness alloy.

The attack sent by the strong men of the great star God realm can only form a pit of more than ten meters.

The insect eater is so huge that such damage is not a wound at all, it is only equivalent to the scratch of human skin.

The recovery ability of insect eaters is also amazing. After being hit, the body will recover as before.

It looks like the attack of the strong in the realm of big star God has been discounted.

In this case, of course, the practitioners of the superstar temple would not keep it. They wanted to kill the powerful beast in front of them immediately and did their best.

The reason why this happens is that there is a strong \'domain\' around the body of the insect eater. The space around its body has been solidified, and the energy attacking it has been consumed by this defense.

Even if the big star God\'s big move "annihilation of space" hits the insect eater, its lethality is extremely limited.

In this case, they can\'t strike together again.

Seeing that the meat whiskers were about to close to form a big meat ball, the air God sacrifice who had been standing still finally took action.

With a flash of his body shape, he appeared above the top of the insect eater\'s head, turned over in the air, hit his head down, and punched the insect eater\'s head against his neck.

"Peng ~"

A loud noise.

The destructive power of the great sacrifice of the empty God is unmatched by other practitioners in the realm of the great star God.

Because at this time, when the great sacrifice of the empty God attacked, his realm had broken through the realm of the big star God and reached a new realm in a short time.

After a loud noise, the head of the insect eater was actually pierced by the boxing of the air God sacrifice, and a large hole with a diameter of tens of meters appeared.

The reason why the great sacrifice of the empty God has not moved is to observe the insect. This blow was the weakness of the insect eater he estimated.

"Ow ~"

This blow caused great damage to the insect eater. It opened its mouth and gave a painful howl. Naturally, its extended meat whiskers were also taken back.

At the same time, the surrounding space energy also fluctuated unsteadily. The trapped practitioners took advantage of this opportunity to quickly dodge away and stay far away.

Seeing this situation, the goddess of Xi Chen frowned. For her, the variable in the plan was the great sacrifice of the empty God.

Many years ago, the great sacrifice of the sky god was already the peak state of the great star God. If he swallowed part of his body cells, he might break through the state of the great star God.

On the side of the immortal temple, naturally, there are also strong people in the realm of the great star God. However, even if they swallow the body cells of he Luoyang Li, they can\'t compare with the great sacrifice of the empty God.

You should know that the highest life body that can exist in this cosmic space can only be the life body in the realm of big star God.

If you don\'t control the energy well, even if you break through the realm of the great star God, you can\'t play the power beyond the realm of the great star God.

But old monsters like the empty God sacrifice can.

At this time, goddess Xi Chen had to do it herself. Now, only she can fight with the great sacrifice of the empty God.

The insect eater was greatly hurt and howled and rolled in pain in the void.

The great sacrifice of the empty God was preparing to kill the insect completely, and a figure appeared in front of him.

"Chi ~"

A fierce attack came, and the figure of the great sacrifice of the air God dodged and avoided the attack.

"Xi Chen, you can\'t help it at last." after stopping, the great sacrifice of the empty God looked at the secluded Xi Chen hanging in the distance and sneered.

Xi Chen was quiet and ignored the great sacrifice of the empty God. He stared at the great sacrifice of the empty God and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In an instant, the powerful spiritual force swept away towards the great sacrifice of the empty God.

This spiritual power is incomparable. It feels like a river composed of countless planets rushing towards him.

In the face of this spiritual power, the great sacrifice of the empty God did not dare to stay. When he moved, he tore open the space and disappeared in place.

Xi Chen goddess\'s face remained unchanged and suddenly disappeared.

"Boom ~"

When they appeared again, they were tens of thousands of kilometers away.

A gaseous planet was smashed by the palm of the air God sacrifice. The strong explosion produced a violent shock wave, and the surrounding air gods were distorted.

The goddess of Xi Chen hidden in the empty God was forced out, appeared behind the empty God sacrifice, and clapped her hand at the empty God sacrifice.

This palm looked ordinary, but a powerful force of space pressed down towards the great sacrifice of the empty God.

The great sacrifice of the empty God had to dodge quickly.

The goddess of Xi Chen suddenly took back her palm. As soon as she took back the force of space, she took back all the shock waves generated by the explosion of the planet