Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 589

Colorful looked at weixida channel: "what are you laughing at? Am I wrong?"

"No! No!" Weixi Datong waved his hand. "You\'re right, but you\'re right. Unexpectedly, Xiaojiao is really smart! Many practitioners in it can\'t guess what our Weixi family thinks."

The sisters qiguangyu and Qicai are now very famous and are called Shuangjiao. The sister qiguangyu is called Dajiao, while Qicai is Xiaojiao.

The sons of many wealthy families want to marry one of the two women, or it\'s best to have them at the same time. The two women are not only beautiful, but also very capable.

When weixidaton finished, Qicai lowered her head. She didn\'t want to talk to the man.

At this time, Zhu Wei looked at Weixi Datong and sneered: "it\'s ridiculous that you Weixi family also want to establish a new order in the universe! Even if the two temples are destroyed and all the top powers in the temple fall, it won\'t be your Weixi family."

Weixida Tong said with a smile: "you are wrong. We weixida don\'t want to rule the universe, just want to unite other families..."

At this point, Westone didn\'t go on.

He doesn\'t want to let the news out yet.

The reason why I say so much to the four people is that after the current thing is done, weixidaton will not let the four people live again.

"Think about it again! Next time I come in again, if you don\'t agree, the end will be very miserable. For example, you two sisters, I think many people want to spend money to spend a wonderful night with you. Ha ha......" weixidaton stood up, said and left with a laugh.

After Wei xidaton left, Zhu Wei and Qi Guanghao wanted to take a look, and both passed a decisive meaning to each other.

"I advise you to stop thinking. You can\'t do anything with me."

At this time, a red robed old man standing aside said faintly.

The red robed old man is a master practitioner of the stellar domain under weixidaton. Even if Zhu Wei and Qi Guanghao join hands, they are not his opponents.

Besides, in this meeting room, in addition to the old man, there are three other middle-aged men in black armor.

These three people are all practitioners from the king level of the constant star to the master level of the constant star.

Previously, it was these four people who broke into Qinglong manor, killed and seriously injured Zhu Wei\'s gang of men with great speed, and brought them here.

Zhu Wei\'s chest was filled with anger when he remembered that his good brothers who had been drinking together had been killed by these people. He wanted to die with these people immediately.

But reason has suppressed his anger. After traveling in the universe for so many years, Zhu Wei has long understood that everything is uncertain until the last moment. He knew that Yang Tian would come these two days.

I don\'t know if I can come in time


Under the catalysis of Yang Tian\'s spiritual power, the cells at the wound site of qilisi split and grew rapidly, and healed in less than ten minutes.

In the process of treating qilisi, Yang Tian also congratulated qilisi that this knife did not cut off her head, and what energy was attached to this knife.

It is estimated that the practitioners who attacked chilisi have reservations when they see that chilisi is not a practitioner!

After more than ten minutes, no hospital sent a car.

Yang Tian feels very strange and asks Ding Dang to contact him again.

The results made Yang Tian feel very angry because the nearby hospital refused to come for treatment.

It\'s obvious that the hospital must be afraid of something. Those who dare to move the seven light rain and the seven color sisters must be a powerful force. They are likely to be the people of those big families.

"Cough, cough..."

Qilisi, who was cured by Yang Tian, coughed out the blood in her lungs.

At this time, qilisi was finally able to speak.

"Who did it?" Yang Tian asked with a frown.

Chilisi coughed again and replied in a loud and dumb voice: "Viagra said it was from the Hongyu family, but... It\'s not so simple. I seem to have heard them say the Weixi family and mention the name Weixi Datong."


"Weixi Datong is the successor of Weixi family. Although he is young, he has begun to deal with family affairs. The business alliance is now controlled by Weixi family..."

Business alliance?

Yang Tian is quite fond of the cosmic business alliance. Because of its existence, the commercial competition in the universe becomes more fair.

Qilixi is qiguangyu\'s assistant, and Zhu Wei\'s wife. She can be regarded as her own person. Qilixi knows many things.

After qilisi finished, Yang Tian asked Dingdang to inquire about the location of the headquarters of kaitra star business alliance.

It didn\'t take long for this to happen. Yang Tian can be sure that they must have been brought to the territory of the Business League.

Zhu Chen, Zhu Wei\'s son, was very sensible. Seeing that Yang Tian had finished asking, he climbed over and said to Yang Tian, "Uncle Yang, please save my father."

"Don\'t worry! Your father will be fine. Take care of yourself and I\'ll be back later."

With that, Yang Tian dodged and left directly.

There are micro intelligent robots in both of them. As long as they are not fatal, they will get better slowly.


"Have you considered it clearly? Do you agree to my terms or give up your own life?"

The door of the conference room of the commercial League building was suddenly pushed open. Weisidaton, who had not been out for a long time, came in and asked with a frown.

Qiguangyu said, "you should not be short of money. It\'s really an honor for Shuangjiao group to be favored by the Business League!"

Weixidaton shook his head and said, "don\'t underestimate your own company. After our evaluation, it is the company with the most development potential in the future. Clothing, beverages, various delicacies and chain hotels... Recently, you have invested and acquired many high-tech companies and have the ability to manufacture machinery and equipment alone.

According to reliable information, you are preparing to produce storage tools and want to popularize these tools to everyone. You also have the ability to transmit array disks and rune treasures. We are very surprised that you have the ability to make Rune treasures. "

Wei Xida Tong said, and the seven light rain and the seven color sisters frowned.

This was mentioned in the message Yang Tian sent them a few years ago.

In fact, the most important task Yang Tian gave them was to prepare them for the construction of the family castle and produce storage tools behind them, which Yang Tianshun mentioned.

Yang Tian has the help of strange programs. It\'s not difficult to produce these things. Even, these things designed by strange programs are more convenient and easy to use than current products, and can be popularized among the general population.

What would it be like if it were done?

It is estimated that the commercial companies of the whole universe will submit to Shuangjiao group. At that time, Shuangjiao group can even open another Universe bank.

Such a thing, let weixidaton think of it, feel blood boiling. Of course, he has to get the key technology first.

The two sisters did not expect that such a confidential matter should be known by weixidaton.

Obviously, there was an insider around them.

Who is it?

The four looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

Seeing the eyes of the four people, weixidaton smiled and waved his hand.

Then a beautiful young woman came in.

"Know shubeibei!" qiguanghao couldn\'t help shouting as soon as he saw the beautiful woman.

This beautiful woman, named Zhishu Beibei, is a member of Zhishu family. Her appearance is somewhat similar to Zhishu Lanlan in history.

After a scream, Qi Guanghao understood it all and lowered his head like discouraged.

At this time, he remembered that once when he took Shu Beibei out to play, he boasted, "the storage bracelet is very simple, and we can make it."

Perhaps it was this sentence that leaked the secret.

Zhishu Beibei looked at qiguanghao with apologetic eyes and said faintly, "qiguanghao, you really work hard, but in this universe, you are just an ordinary practitioner. I want a man with top cultivation talent. I\'m sorry, you\'re not suitable. I hope you can cooperate with us. I know that the Shu family won\'t treat you badly in the future."

"It\'s really interesting. Even Zhishu\'s family is involved." Zhishu Beibei\'s voice fell, and a young man\'s voice suddenly sounded in the conference room.

Hearing the familiar voice, qiguanghao was surprised, raised his head and looked at the position where the voice came. He saw Yang Tian standing in the innermost corner of the conference room with a smile on his face.