Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 590

Yang Tian\'s appearance surprised the people present.

It was a surprise to them.

But for the weisidaton group, it was panic.

They didn\'t even notice Yang Tian\'s appearance.

What does that mean?

It shows that Yang Tian\'s realm is so high that they can\'t notice it.

Although he failed to successfully upgrade to the realm of big star God before, and the process of killing tianhun also became very vague in his mind, Yang Tian still achieved a lot.

Especially the understanding of space energy.

Seeing the surprised appearance of the people, Yang Tian pointed to Wei xidaton and his four practitioners in the stellar realm, and said faintly, "you guys, who moved your hands in Qinglong manor?"

At this time, weixidaton and their four men, as well as zhishubeibei, became suspicious.

Seeing that no one answered Yang Tian, Qi Guanghao raised his finger to the four practitioners of the stellar realm who brought them here and said, "brother Yang, that\'s the four of them."

Yang Tian turned his head and looked at qiguanghao with dissatisfied eyes.

Looking at Yang Tian, Qi Guanghao lowered his head with a guilty heart.

Because it was his vanity that caused such a thing.

"Hehe... These four people are not mine. Take your time to solve the next thing!"

Weixidaton suddenly smiled and cleared the relationship between the four people and himself. After that, he said he turned around and was ready to leave.

However, before he walked out of the door, he found that his body was bound by a powerful force and could not move.

After binding weixidaton with spiritual strength, Yang Tian went to the conference table and sat down. He smiled and said, "don\'t want to leave if you don\'t make things clear today."

With that, Yang Tian turned his head and looked at the four practitioners in the stellar realm.

The four people looked at Yang Tian and frowned, looking very dignified. Although they didn\'t notice the strong energy fluctuation from Yang Tian, their intuition told them that the man in front of them was very dangerous.

The feeling of these four people is just like when Yang Tian mixed with the sky before.

The intuition of practitioners is very accurate.

In Yang Tian\'s indifferent eyes, the red robed old man with the strongest realm clenched his teeth and said, "we are just acting under orders."

"By whose order?" Yang Tian asked.

This man is a master practitioner in the star domain. Yang Tian saw that his red robe was embroidered with runes that didn\'t look very obvious.

Obviously, this man is a master of Rune.

When Yang Tian asked himself in an ordered tone, there was a trace of anger in the red robed old man\'s eyes, but he still held it back and said faintly: "Hongyu family."

"Hongyu family, and you know Shu family..." Yang Tian said, turned his head and looked at Shu Beibei carefully.

Know that shubeibei is really beautiful. No wonder qiguanghao will be fascinated by her.

Hearing Yang Tian talking about Zhishu\'s family, Zhishu Beibei was a little nervous.

In zhishubeibei\'s eyes, although Yang Tian didn\'t have strong energy fluctuations, she had a strange gas field, which made her feel a little out of breath.

"You go!" Yang Tian said faintly after looking at Shu Beibei.

Knowing that shubeibei was stunned, she was relieved and immediately turned around and walked quickly towards the outside.

When she bypassed Wei xidaton, who was still struggling, but still couldn\'t speak, and came to the door, she listened to Yang Tiandao: "tell Zhishu invincible. You know that the people who have been looking for Shu\'s family for a long time are here."

Hearing what Yang Tian said, Zhishu Beibei turned around and asked with a puzzled face, "our family is not looking for anyone?"

Zhishu Beibei looked at Yang Tian and looked naive. She was very cute. Maybe she pretended to look like this.

Some beautiful women are good at using their capital.

Qiguanghao felt very uncomfortable when he saw zhishubeibei\'s appearance. It was when he saw zhishubeibei\'s innocent appearance that he was moved.

Know that Shu Beibei didn\'t take the initiative to approach Qi Guanghao, but Qi Guanghao took the initiative to get together and inadvertently revealed the secret

Yang Tian looked at Zhishu Beibei\'s lovely appearance and said faintly, "just tell Zhishu invincible what I said."

Yang Tian\'s "man" is actually not a man, but a corpse. He knows Shu Lanlan\'s corpse.

It\'s been a long time. It\'s normal to know that shubeibei can\'t remember it for a while.

"OK!" zhishubeibei promised Yang Tian and walked out of the door.

"Brother Yang, how did you let her go?" Qi Guanghao didn\'t understand at this time.

Yang Tian ignored Qi Guanghao. Looking at the old man in red robe and the other three practitioners in the star realm, he smiled and said, "now, it\'s your turn..."

Before Yang Tian finished his words, the old man in red suddenly rushed towards him.

Very close, almost in an instant, the old man in red appeared in front of Yang Tian. At this time, a short blade engraved with runes appeared in the hands of the old man in red robe.

However, before the tip of the knife touched Yang Tian\'s body, little Qinglong moved.

Although there is no change to become a giant dragon, the power of the little green dragon is also very powerful, which is not comparable to the practitioner of the stellar realm.

The little green dragon shook the tap, sent out a powerful force and hit the old man in red on the chest.


After several loud noises, the body of the old man in red passed through several hard walls and flew outside the building.

With a flash of green shadow, little green dragon immediately chased out.

Although he was hit by the little green dragon, the old man in red robe was not fatally injured. The red robe on him had strong defense ability and saved his life.

After being shot out of the business alliance building, the red robe on the black robed old man lit up a red light and suddenly disappeared.

The little green dragon appeared in the place where the old man in red robe disappeared in an instant, and the Dragon claws clapped.

"Peng ~"

There was another loud noise. This claw actually beat out the old man in red robe, let the old man in red robe fall quickly, hit the gate of the Business League, and hit a hole of tens of meters on the ground.

The little green dragon looked down at the hole and opened his mouth with a dragon flame.

"Boom ~"

The Dragon flame fell into the pit on the ground, and the red robed elders at the bottom of the pit were burned to ashes before they reacted.

The other three old men in red robe wanted to escape when the old man in red robe jumped on Yang Tian. As soon as they moved, they were blown into a blood mist by the three fingers issued by Yang Tian.

The Weixi family is not the only practitioners in the star realm. After knowing that Shu Beibei left, he immediately informed the Weixi family and told the Weixi family the situation here.

Weixi Datong is very important to Weixi family.

The practitioners of Weixi family who stayed on kaitra gathered towards the business alliance building for the first time.

After Xiaoqinglong killed the old man in red robe, he immediately returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

At this time, Yang Tiancai relaxed his spiritual constraints on weixidaton.

Weixi Datong, who can move slowly and speak, turned his head hard, looked at Yang Tian with a sneer and said, "if you kill me, you will die too. I am the successor of Weixi family!"

Yang Tian ignored Wei xidaton\'s threat, flashed in front of Wei xidaton, pinched Wei xidaton\'s neck and twisted it hard. He only heard a "click". The successor of the Wei xidaton family lost his life in this way.

"Brother Yang, this is trouble."

Seeing Wei xidaton thrown on the ground by Yang Tian, Zhu Wei stepped forward with a worried face.

Zhu Wei didn\'t expect that Yang Tian didn\'t care about the consequences at all. He killed such an important person as the Weixi family at will.

Yang Tian had an indifferent expression on his face. He took out a paper towel from the storage bracelet, wiped his hands and said with a smile: "kill it! The Weixi family knows that I Yang Tian did it. At least they won\'t come to our trouble for the time being."