Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 588

The Lord of immeasurable doesn\'t know that tianhun has been killed by Yang Tian. It is estimated that even if Yang Tian wakes up and tells what happened before, the Lord of immeasurable won\'t believe it.

Although the immeasurable star Lord had helped Yang Tian before, little Qinglong\'s eyes staring at the immeasurable star Lord were very cold and full of defense.

In this world, Xiaoqinglong only believes in Yang Tian. Other strangers are hidden enemies to him.

Seeing the little green dragon alert himself, the immeasurable star master felt boring and left here.

The immeasurable Lord did not leave and looked at Yang Tian from a distance. He wanted to know what happened after he was blasted into the space channel by the sky.

Immeasurable star Lord guessed that Yang Tian must have handed over what tianhun wanted.

At the thought of this possibility, the immeasurable Lord was both happy and angry.

He is glad that Yang Tian is all right, but he is angry... Anyway, the immeasurable star Lord can\'t say this feeling.

It\'s like a father happy to see his son survive from a powerful enemy.

But at the same time, he was dissatisfied that his son was not tough enough to protect his life.

This is a very contradictory mentality.

According to the time on earth, Yang Tian slept for almost seven days and nights before he finally woke up.

Yang Tian woke up and changed back to human.

Xiaoqinglong had already collected Yang Tian\'s clothes, armor, storage bracelets and other things when he changed. As soon as Yang Tian changed back to his body, Xiaoqinglong spit them out from his mouth and handed them to Yang Tian.

After Yang Tian put on his clothes and armor, the immeasurable star Lord flashed over and appeared in front of Yang Tian.

"Thank you... Father-in-law!" Yang Tian was stunned when he saw the immeasurable star Lord, and then scratched his head and smiled.

Yang Tian really didn\'t know what to say in the face of limitless star Lord.

The immeasurable star Lord looked at Yang Tian carefully. He didn\'t express any opinion on Yang Tian\'s name. He asked faintly, "where\'s the old guy?"


To be honest, for Yang Tian at this time, the situation just now was like a dream. Even so, Yang Tian knew that it really happened.

Otherwise, he must not be here now, but he was caught by tianhun. I don\'t know where to go.

"Tian Hun, he\'s dead." Yang Tian thought about it and replied.


The immeasurable Lord was very surprised. Then he asked, "how did he die?"

Yang Tian wanted to say that he was killed by his sudden personality explosion, but looking at his current state... He thought that the infinite star Lord would not believe it.

Besides, even if the immeasurable star Lord believed that it would be very troublesome to explain his changes. Yang Tian turned his eyes and said, "he was killed by a black masked man riding a bird. The man just waved his hand..."

Then Yang Tian compared what he saw in his dream.

Although this memory is very vague, Yang Tian still remembers the action of the man in black.

Seeing Yang Tian\'s gesture, the immeasurable star master frowned and his eyes were full of shock.

Yang Tian saw from the eyes of the infinite star master that the old man in black killed he Luoyang Li that day. The infinite star master is likely to be present.

"Keep trying!"

The immeasurable star Master said a faint word and dodged away.

After the immeasurable star lord left, the little green dragon changed back to the look of a mini dragon and returned to Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Soon, Yang Tian returned to the black dragon spacecraft.

In fact, after waking up, Yang Tian felt as if his body had been hollowed out, sour and weak.

Worried about the sequelae, Yang Tianyi returned to the spacecraft, lay on the cockpit seat and began to observe his physical condition.

After a careful inspection, Yang Tian finally put down his heart.

Although there was no successful promotion, the realm was still maintained in the realm of the great star Lord, but the original realm was expanded at least several times, and the capacity of cells was also expanded.

The reason why the body is weak mainly comes from the spiritual level.

It\'s like an ordinary person having a nightmare all night. Even if his body is fine, his spirit has been affected.

Fortunately, you can recover as long as you rest for a period of time.

After seven days, Yuyang Nansi has returned to Yanxing.

After receiving Yang Tian\'s notice and explaining the family affairs, Ju Liang City can\'t wait to leave Yanxing and enter Yang Tian\'s black dragon spacecraft.

"All the Shenwu people are good! The Royal Highness has lifted the seal of the body, showing her blood power. The people are all inspired and treated her as a God." jade Yang, the little guy is not bad, but he is young and easy to act, but only after a lot of exercise is he a talented person.

After returning to the black dragon spacecraft, Juliang City reported the affairs of Yuyang nationality to Yang Tian in detail, and finally made a concluding speech.

After hearing this, Yang Tian nodded with satisfaction and asked faintly, "what do I want you to give her?"

Ju Liangshi said with a smile: "I\'ve given her so many animal cores that they can use them for a long time. It shouldn\'t be difficult to stabilize in this remote north Yanxing domain. After all, brother Yang, you\'ve destroyed all their enemies..."

Yang Tian stored thousands of animal cores of various levels in a storage bracelet, put them into a storage bracelet, and then released the binding.

These animal cores can support several practitioners to practice to the super star state, but they can\'t meet the whole group.

Yang Tian doesn\'t care much about Yuyang family. He does this for Yuyang Tian and Yuyang Nansi mother and son.

Juliang city said a lot. Yang Tian, who was in poor spirits, insisted on listening. He ordered the black dragon spacecraft to return to kaitra, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Yang Tian woke up, the spacecraft had stayed in the outer space of Yanxing.

After another sleep and swallowing a super star warrior\'s animal core, Yang Tian finally recovered his spirit.

Yang Tian didn\'t want to land the spacecraft on the planet. He got off the spacecraft directly in space, and then put the spacecraft into the storage bracelet.

In this process, Yang Tian naturally protected Ju Liang City with spiritual strength to prevent him from being hurt by cosmic radiation.

After collecting the spaceship, Yang Tian landed directly in the manor of the two sisters of qiguangyu and Qicai with Juliang city.

When Yang Tianlai came, he asked Ding Dang to send a message to the two sisters, but he didn\'t get a response. He seemed to be busy.

After Yang Tian\'s arrival, the manor, renamed Qinglong, looked very quiet and there was no one.

In the silence, there were more than ten faint breath. Yang Tian and little Qinglong also heard the child\'s cry.

Something bad must have happened!

Yang Tian frowned and flashed into a small villa where the child\'s cry came.

The two sisters treated Zhu Wei and his gang well and built houses like small villas for these guards.

There are dozens of these houses, which are very beautiful, exquisite and neatly arranged.

In the villa where the cry came, the furniture was very messy and there were signs of fighting. Two people died on the stairs on the first floor.

As soon as Yang Tian saw it, he knew that these were Zhu Wei\'s two men. It seemed that they met a strong opponent and were killed without resistance.

Yang Tian stepped up the stairs to the second floor and pushed open the door of a bedroom. When Yang Tian saw the situation inside, his eyes opened and his eyes became angry.

Because Zhu Wei\'s wife, qilisi, had her neck cut off and was lying in a pool of blood. Her body was twitching. She kept making a "ha ha" sound in her mouth. She couldn\'t say what she wanted to say.

Nearby, a little boy with a broken leg was sobbing.

Yang Tiannian didn\'t come back. The little boy should be Zhu Wei\'s son. He was named Zhu Chen by Zhu Wei. It seems that he is five or six years old.

Zhu Chen\'s legs were cut off with a sharp weapon. The wound was very smooth. It is estimated that the wound was sealed because of the injection of micro intelligent machinery. He did not die because of too much blood loss.

Yang Tian immediately released the intelligent assistant Dingdang from the storage bracelet and asked Dingdang to immediately notify nearby medical institutions to come for treatment.

Qilisi couldn\'t breathe because her trachea was cut, blood poured into her lungs and blood flowed out of her nose.

If Yang Tian comes a few minutes later, she will be hopeless.

Even practitioners in the realm of big star God can\'t save ordinary humans whose brains are dead.

Yang Tian squatted in front of Qili West, and his powerful spiritual force rushed out of his original world and turned into thousands of strands into Qili\'s body. He began to maintain Qili\'s physical vitality and repair the wound.

Zhu Chen saw Yang Tian\'s picture. After recognizing Yang Tian, he called "Uncle Yang" and passed out in a coma.

There are also a large number of micro intelligent machines in qilisi\'s blood. Just because the injury is too serious, these machines can\'t repair qilisi\'s wound in a short time. However, they kept qilisi for at least half an hour.

In other words, the attack occurred half an hour ago.


When Yang Tian treated qilisi, qiguangyu, Qicai, Zhu Wei and qiguanghao were already in the building of the headquarters of kaitra star business alliance.

With hundreds of floors and towering into the clouds, this building is the second tallest building on keitra after the government building.

Cosmic business alliance is a very powerful organization. All companies that join the business alliance will be protected by the business alliance.

The business alliance also has the ability to protect the interests of these companies from infringement.

After countless years of development, the upper level of the commercial League has basically formed a dominant company after countless power changes.

The Weixi family controls the business alliance.

The 199th floor of the commercial union building is in a small conference room.

Qiguangyu, Qicai, Zhu Wei and qiguanghao sat next to each other, and their faces were all angry.

Zhu Wei and Qi Guanghao had a series of fights, and their faces were covered with blood.

Their black armor, which was given to them by Yang Tian, has amazing defense. However, such armor was destroyed by people. There were many cracks in the armor, and there were gaps in the chest and shoulders, covered with blood.

Some runes on the armor were destroyed by precise attacks, making the armor lose the defense ability generated by runes.

It can be seen that the strong ones who shot at them have great attainments in rune.

Qiguangyu and Qicai sisters are well dressed and have no makeup. It can be seen that the people who attacked them are still very polite to the two sisters.

Opposite the four, there was a young man sitting.

This man has long blond hair. He is very handsome and expensive. It\'s a big family.

After looking at the four people for a long time, the man finally smiled and said, "don\'t look at me with hatred and anger. I didn\'t send someone to attack you. In fact, you should thank me because I asked you from the Hongyu family. Otherwise, you might be dead."

"You\'re right." qiguangyu stared at the blonde young man opposite and said with a sneer: "weixidaton, if the Hongyu family didn\'t get your acquiescence, how dare they do such a thing? Now my mother found that the business alliance is not a good thing. The billions handed over to the business alliance over the years are equivalent to feeding shit."

Dung Lu is a very ugly insect in the universe.

Qiguangyu\'s last sentence, in the words of the earth, is to feed the dog.

After so many years of exercise, qiguangyu is not the girl Yang Tian first met. She has never seen anything in the world.

Even in this passive situation, qiguangyu appears very calm.

Colorful at this time is also a calm face.

Although scolded, weixidaton still smiled and said faintly, "don\'t you know that the world has changed? There was a superstar temple in the past, and the universe is still at peace. However, now, the newly rising immortal temple is about to fight it, which will be the biggest war in the history of the universe..."

"It\'s none of our business?" weixidaton said faintly before he finished.

Weixidaton looked at qiguangyu, smiled, shook his head and said, "I don\'t want to say more to you. I promise to hand over your resources and let you go."

When weixidaton finished, colorful suddenly raised his head and said in some surprise, "you want to establish a new order in the universe. What a big ambition!"

"Ha ha......" as soon as the colorful voice fell, Wei Xida Tong couldn\'t help laughing.