Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 576

The change of space makes the sky tense.

Since the discovery of this strange space, tens of thousands of years have passed, it has not changed and appears very quiet.

Several times, tianhun couldn\'t help absorbing this energy.

However, as soon as the energy enters the body, it becomes dishonest and has a very strong rejection with his own energy.

This is a normal phenomenon. Just swallow it with your own energy.

However, when resisting his own energy, this energy actually condensed in a sphere, on which there were wonderful runes flashing, becoming more and more powerful

Aware of the danger, tianhun can only force this energy out of the body. He also vaguely guessed that this was a kind of seal energy.

However, the energy at this time is too rich. For tianhun, it is like a treasure that can\'t be taken for the time being. He is reluctant to give up.

Now, this space is beginning to change, and the sky is looking forward to it.

He hopes that after the space has changed, he can solve the mystery of the space and find a way to take these energy into his own use.

Has been waiting for a long time, can this wish come true?

But soon, tianhun found out that it was wrong.

Because the red liquid is decreasing rapidly!

The huge pyramid in the middle of the array seems to be running at a high speed, and the runes on it are becoming brighter and brighter. The light emitted is a little dazzling.


On the burning star.

Yang Tian has been staring at the meat ball in the middle of the rune array.

At this time, Yang Tiancai knew that the energy that the body cells could hold was not unlimited. After absorbing enough energy, it actually began to change.

First, the color changed from fishy red to blood red, glittering and shining, just like a ruby.

Then the flesh cells began to divide and give birth to new cells, and the meat ball became larger and larger.

Yang Tian opened his eyes wide and thought, will this group of body cells not form a human body after division?

In this case, can the mysterious young man survive?

At this time, Yang Tian was both expecting and nervous.

The energy transmitted by the rune array is stronger and stronger, and the splitting speed of the meat ball is faster and faster.

The next change was beyond Yang Tian\'s expectation.

The meat ball did not grow into a human body, but grew into a red \'mushroom\' at a very fast speed.

As more and more energy is absorbed, the mushroom becomes bigger and bigger.

In the process of growing up, this big \'mushroom\' did not emit a little energy fluctuation.

In less than half an hour, it has been more than ten meters high since it absorbed energy. The diameter of the "mushroom head" also looks more than ten meters.

When Yang Tian thought it would continue to grow, the "mushroom" suddenly stopped.

Then the "mushroom" head began to extend, drooped and fell softly, covering the whole Rune array, forming a semicircular red sphere surrounding the rune array.

This change does not affect the operation of the symbol array, but it absorbs energy faster and faster.

Even if the mysterious young man\'s body is extremely powerful, the division and growth of cells are limited.

From a meat ball the size of a finger to a semicircular sphere tens of meters in diameter, the original cells did not know how many times they divided and grew.

After it became a semicircular sphere, it stabilized and did not change again.

Time, about more than an hour has passed.

In the space where tianhun is located, in the ditch forming a huge Rune array, the liquid energy is still rapidly decreasing.

Since the change, the energy here has been reduced by at least two-thirds.

If we continue to reduce at this speed, we can imagine that all these energies will dry up.

What should I do?

The sky frowned and thought.

Unless you destroy the Red Pyramid in the middle. Because the disappearance of energy must have something to do with the pyramid.

However, after the tower is destroyed, the rune array does not exist. Whether it can lock these energies is an unknown.

The existence of these energies is the existence of this Rune array, which can be maintained forever.

Tianhun\'s feeling now is like a poor man seeing that his own treasure mountain is being dug away by others and will soon be finished.

If the energy here is really sealed energy, then someone must be trying to break through the seal in the unknown place of the universe

At the thought of this, tianhun felt a little terrible.

When someone broke the seal, he actually consumed more than half of the energy here, and he was still consuming it.

Tianhun looked at the huge pyramid. Suddenly, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had come to the entrance of the pyramid.

The entrance is at the top of the pyramid. It is a square entrance about five meters long and wide.

The entrance is sealed by powerful energy. Tianhun wanted to enter the tower before, but he tried several times and couldn\'t enter.

"Peng ~"

Feeling that the energy at the entrance became much weaker, tianhun dived directly towards the entrance and made a loud noise.

This time, he successfully broke the energy defense of the entrance and rushed into the pyramid.

As soon as he entered the pyramid, tianhun saw a hexagonal array platform below.

This is obviously a transmission array.

The six corners of the array platform are connected with the ditch outside. The red liquid is rapidly passing through these six corners, pouring into the array and disappearing.

Tianhun finally found the source of energy disappearance, which was the same as he expected.

Tianhun, suspended in the pyramid space, looked at this huge energy transmission array and hesitated to destroy it.


In front of Yang Tian\'s eyes, when the semicircular red sphere no longer changes, the energy transmission is still going on.

Soon, the energy absorbed by it reached saturation.

Even the body cells of the great star God practitioner will burst after absorbing too much energy.

However, the cells that form this semicircular red sphere are extremely stable.

More energy, it will be released.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Suddenly, the red sphere began to vibrate and hum.

At the same time, powerful energy is released from it and radiated in four directions.

This is an invisible energy, very pure, without any impurities. It flows outward like pure water, emitting only calm and faint energy fluctuations.

Yang Tian was stunned when he felt this energy.

The energy absorbed by this red ball is not like this at all!

Is it

An idea suddenly appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind.

Then, Yang Tian released a spiritual force, wrapped a trace of energy released by a red ball and incorporated it into his body.

As soon as the force in his body came into contact with this thread of energy, it swallowed it up.

After swallowing this energy, the force grew a little, and there were no side effects in the process.

After this attempt, Yang Tian realized that the energy released by the red ball can be absorbed and is safe and non-toxic pure energy.

With excitement, Yang Tian sat down, released his powerful spiritual power and wrapped the whole red ball at once.

He wrapped the energy released by the red ball with spiritual power and sent it to the original boundary in his body.

Because of the particularity of the original world, if Yang Tian wants to be promoted to the realm of big star master in a short time, he must devour the big star master beast core. However, this kind of beast core is very rare and difficult to find.

Now, with this kind of energy purer than the animal core, Yang Tian can be promoted again.

In that sealed space, Yang Tian has already reached the peak state of the master of the stellar domain. He only needs to absorb enough energy to advance to the state of the great master.

Now, this is a good opportunity.

At this time, Yang Tiandao hoped that the source of sealed energy would not dry up so soon. Besides himself, Xiaoqinglong also needs this energy very much.

Before Yang Tian started this plan, he had no idea that this meat ball would become such an "energy purifier" after absorbing enough energy.