Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 575

The black robed man nodded, took out a chip, handed it to the Royal Star and said, "I need to use your system to crack this chip. What\'s recorded on it is Rune information."

Seeing the chip in the black robed man\'s hand, Yuxing\'s eyes lit up and said in surprise: "Lord tianhun, you found this chip? It\'s great."

Then the Imperial Star stretched out his hands and respectfully connected the chip in his hand.

This is an old chip. It is black. It is not as small as the current chip. It is big enough. It looks like a CD made by human beings on earth.

After receiving the chip, Yuxing put it into the card reader.

Under the command of Royal Star, the system starts to read the chip and crack the password in the data.

It will take some time.

Looking at the runes flashing in the projection in front of them, they were silent for a long time.

The man named tianhun stood aside. Yuxing felt a lot of pressure. In order to break the silence, Yuxing asked: "Sir, the chip has been obtained. I don\'t know the mature seed of the world tree..."

"Don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t ask." before Yuxing finished, his words were interrupted by tianhun.

Imperial Star dare not ask again.

"The data has been read successfully."

After a few minutes, the system sounds a prompt tone.

Although the current Royal Star system is only a copy of strange programs, its cracking ability is also very powerful, which can not be compared with intelligent programs composed of numbers.

After cracking, the system displays a star map.

It turns out that there is a star map stored on this ancient chip!

Looking at the star map, tianhun said with a smile: "this star map is written by simple runes. If you don\'t have your system and crack it manually, I don\'t know how long it will take."

Hearing tianhun praising the system named after himself, Yuxing was very proud and smiled.

The read star map is converted into digital format by the Royal Star system and stored on a small chip. In front of tianhun, Yuxing took out the chip and asked the system to completely delete all cracking processes and star map backups.

Tianhun was very satisfied with Yuxing\'s practice. He took out a golden superstar and threw the beast core to Yuxing.

Super star animal cores are very rare and can\'t be bought with money. After receiving the beast\'s core, the Royal Star couldn\'t help saying with great joy: "thank you, Lord tianhun!"

Tian Hun nodded, raised his hand and looked at the two chips in his hand.

With a "click", under the gaze of the Royal Star, tianhun pinched the ancient chip into pieces and kneaded it into powder.

After putting the new chip storing the star map into the storage bracelet, tianhun is ready to leave.

But just then, he felt the pendant hanging around his neck vibrate.

Under the black mask, tianhun\'s eyebrows frowned, and his figure disappeared into the eyes of the Royal Star.

After tianhun left, Yuxing was relieved.


When Hun appeared again that day, he had come to a planet with a very high temperature and red sand on the surface.

Tianhun appeared on the planet, stayed for a while and hid in the sand.

Soon, he appeared in an underground, a vast space.

The space is rectangular, hundreds of meters high, thousands of meters long and wide. The rocks that make up this space are like red amber, glittering and shining, emitting blood red light.

In this wide space, there stands a huge pyramid. The tip of the pyramid is almost at the top of the space.

This huge pyramid is engraved with runes, flashing, emitting a red halo.

At the periphery of the pyramid, there are circles of ditches, in which glittering red liquid flows. It looks like the liquid formed by the melting of the rocks that make up this space.

If you look down from the top of the space, you will find that these ditches with red liquid actually form a huge Rune array.

The huge pyramid stands in the center of the rune array.

Outside this huge and strange Rune array, six towering giant steles are also particularly conspicuous.

Each monument is tens of meters high and about 20 meters wide, just like the tip of a sword stabbed from the ground.

Pictures are engraved on the six steles.

After coming to this space and landing on the ground, tianhun removed the black cloak on his head and revealed a wrinkled face.

As soon as he dodged, tianhun came under the first monument. He looked up at the first monument for more than ten minutes.

Then he flashed under the second monument until he read all the pictures on the six monuments.

When I first came here, Tian Hun\'s face was still calm. But when he finished reading the six monuments, a look of hatred appeared on his face.

In fact, the image on the monument describes things very simply and directly. It describes the scene of one race being exterminated by another race.

In the universe, inter ethnic fighting is a very normal thing. The so-called genocide is actually the ruler of one race who kills the ruler of another race and enslaves the defeated race people.

The picture depicts the victors slaughtering all the defeated, even women and babies.

It is worth mentioning that the battle scene described in the image is extremely grand. The body of the strong can become very large. It can be seen by comparing the peaks in the image and flying spacecraft.

"Yuyang and Yuyin, once two powerful ethnic groups, disappeared into the universe... Today\'s Yuyang, with this seal, can no longer use this powerful blood force... If only they could absorb these energy and turn it into their own energy..."

The angry look on tianhun\'s face soon disappeared. He looked at the red liquid in the ditch and muttered.

It can be heard from his words that tianhun is not a person of two races... In fact, tianhun\'s organization is an organization that collects cosmic treasures.

The treasures that can be seen by this organization are rare things in the universe. For example, the seeds of the world tree, various powerful rune treasures, and even the bodies of celebrities

In order to achieve their goal, they also do everything they can. In order to get the seeds of the world tree, they can destroy all the star fields of the music world.

Many famous strong men in the universe have secretly joined this organization. For example, the black Fujun in the immortal temple

This underground space is also one of the achievements of this organization.

If you want to come in from the outside, without the pendant on tianhun\'s neck, even practitioners in the realm of big star God will not find such a space on this planet.

It has been many years since he got this space. He can\'t remember the number of days he mixed in.

Tianhun wants to absorb the energy here and turn it into his own power.

In this way, his realm can directly surpass the great star God and have the ability to break the cosmic barrier.

Even if he doesn\'t use the Megatron, he can go to the legendary higher universe.

However, after countless experiments, tianhun can\'t do it all the time.

Remembering that the pendant on his neck had an abnormal reaction, tianhun pulled the pendant out of his chest.

At first glance, the pendant looks inconspicuous, like an ordinary Oval Ruby.

But if you look at it with a magnifying glass, you will find that there are three-dimensional runes inside it.

The rune array composed of these runes is directly related to the large array in this space. As long as there is any change in the large array, the pendant will react.

The pendant just moved, and there was no response.

Tianhun looked at the pendant in his hand for a long time before hanging it around his neck again.

He didn\'t leave, but stayed here and waited.

After living for a long time, he decided to stay here for a long time. Perhaps, the big array in front of you will surprise you.


It took a full three days for the strange program to control Yang Tian\'s body before the rune matrix was well characterized.

This Rune matrix is not a complete copy of the rune matrix on the seal energy, but a strange program, which has been changed to a certain extent according to Yang Tian\'s plan.

After collecting enough Rune information, strange programs are very easy to solve things related to runes.

After the rune array was painted, Yang Tian took out the stone box containing the body cells of the mysterious young man from the storage bracelet.

Open the lid of the stone box, Yang Tian picked up the strange looking meat ball with a talisman pen and put it in the middle of the talisman array.

Next, Yang Tian placed six star crystals on the six grooves at the edge of the rune array.

This is a symbol array for transmitting energy, and it doesn\'t need much powerful energy. As long as the rune array is started, there is no need for star crystals to provide energy.

After placing the six star crystals, the strange program controlled Yang Tian\'s body and scratched on the edge of the rune array with a large Rune pen.

This is an energy line connecting two runes.

As soon as the energy line was completed, the blue boulder carrying the rune array suddenly trembled. At the same time, the runes that make up the rune array and countless energy lines all light up and emit red light.

Yang Tian stood more than ten meters away from the rune array and stared at the cell in the middle of the rune array.

After the boulder vibrated, it calmed down because the cells had begun to absorb energy.

These cells have a great appetite. When they begin to absorb energy, they can obviously see the red light emitted by runes and energy lines, which has become much darker.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian knew he had succeeded.

Now, it depends on how much energy these cells can absorb.

Yang Tian doesn\'t believe that the energy of sealing the blood of Yuyang family can be extracted endlessly. It always has a quantity.

Perhaps in a distant place, there is a special place to store this seal energy

The real situation is the same as Yang Tian thought.

When the rune array here started, the space where tianhun was located began to vibrate. At this time, the pendant hanging around his neck shook like dancing.

This space is the place to seal, the place to seal the blood of the Yuyang family.