Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 577

After the red ball\'s energy is saturated, the energy released is very huge. Yang Tian can\'t absorb all the energy, so he has to open a hole to let the excess energy vent.

Xiaoqinglong was very sensitive to energy. He noticed the energy fluctuation from Yang Tian and flew over at the first time.

Feeling the purity of energy, the little green dragon was very excited. He turned into a giant dragon and flew over the red sky. He opened his mouth and sucked all the energy that Yang Tian couldn\'t absorb into his mouth.

Yang Tian knew that Xiaoqinglong would not miss this opportunity. He looked at Xiaoqinglong, smiled, and then closed his eyes.

With the influx of energy, Yang Tian\'s original boundary expanded again at a very fast speed.

Originally, the planet in the original world in his body has formed a spiral galaxy, rotating slowly, occupying most of the space of the original world.

In Yang Tian\'s internal view, the galaxy becomes smaller and smaller with the expansion of the original boundary space.

It\'s not that the galaxy is getting smaller, but Yang Tian\'s vision is far away from the galaxy.


I don\'t know how long later, when the original world expanded to a certain extent, the original world shook again.

The galaxy at the center of the primordial world suddenly stood still.

With the constant vibration of the original boundary, the stars that make up the galaxy immediately deviated from their original orbit.

They were torn apart by the huge force stars in the original world and quickly dispersed in the original world, which expanded dozens of times in space.

"Boom ~"

When Yang Tian thought that the planets in the original world would rearrange again, with a loud noise, all the planets disintegrated and turned into powder.

This is a crucial moment for Yang Tian. If the energy supply is cut off, his original world will be destroyed.

Fortunately, the tianhun of the energy source is still hesitating.

With the continuous influx of energy, the powder formed by the explosion of the planet in the original world began to condense slowly.

New stars and planets formed and slowly gathered to form three more powerful galaxies than before.

The three galaxies are far away from each other and have a strong repulsive force. Attracted by a strong force in the original world, they move slowly.

Yang Tian\'s energy world is finally promoted again. The process is dangerous.

In this process, Yang Tian\'s body cells also changed.

Compared with before, the quality of cells is higher, and the energy they can hold is increased by at least tens of times.

When Yang Tian opened his eyes, he found that it was already bright.

At this time, the small green dragon in the sky is still absorbing this rich energy.

Little green dragon needs more energy to be promoted from the realm of big star Lord to the realm of big star God, which is almost unimaginable.

The prerequisite for practitioners to improve their realm is to have enough energy.

If you can\'t get enough energy to improve the realm in a short time, you can only exchange it with time.

This is why so many practitioners spend thousands of years to ascend from the stellar realm to the superstar realm, and take a longer time to ascend to the big star master realm.

Therefore, all practitioners who can quickly improve their realm are lucky practitioners. They encountered opportunities in the process of practice.

Yang Tian plans to stay for a few days and leave when he comes to Beiyan domain this time.

Then he met Yuyang Nansi and his son he never knew. For this reason, Yang Tian found the blood seal in Yuyang Nansi\'s body. Finally, he got the opportunity to improve his realm.

This is also the wonder of practice. On the road of practice, no one can predict what will happen next.

Many people practice, in addition to longing for strength, but also to enjoy this wonderful process.

The energy fluctuation here spreads far away and naturally attracts many practitioners.

These people feel Xiaoqinglong\'s strength, dare not approach, only dare to look at it from a distance, and wonder what Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong are doing.

Glancing at the curious practitioners around, Yang Tian turned his attention to little Qinglong.

The speed at which the little green dragon absorbs energy can be described by the word "terror". Its body is like a bottomless hole. No matter how much energy the semicircular red ball releases, it is swallowed and melted into its body.

Yang Tian can feel Xiaoqinglong\'s cheerful mood, because as long as he persists for another two or three days, Xiaoqinglong can be promoted to the realm of big star God.

"I hope nothing happens..." Yang Tian prayed in his heart.


Seeing that the red liquid was getting less and less, it was about to dry up. Tianhun finally couldn\'t help but blow it out.

"Peng ~"

With a loud noise, tianhun\'s palm power fell on the energy transmission array and collided with the energy of the protection array, making a loud noise.

The energy of the impact overflowed, making the whole pyramid tremble.

Seeing that his palm power was dissolved, tianhun looked surprised on his old face. Although this palm did not use all its strength, it could destroy a huge mountain, but the pyramid would be all right after shaking.

A sneer appeared on tianhun\'s face. He, who was hanging in the air, slapped the array platform below again.

The previous palm used three parts of force, and this palm, he used five parts of force.

There was another loud noise.

Like the effect of the previous palm, the palm power of tianhun did not break the energy defense of the array.

However, this palm has changed the array platform. Or this palm touched the rune mechanism of the array.

When the pyramid vibrated strongly, the pendant hanging around the neck broke with a bang.

At the same time, the square entrance above his head was closed.

The pyramid instantly became a completely enclosed space.

As for the remaining small amount of red liquid, it will no longer flow into the array.

The inner wall of the pyramid is also covered with runes. When the rune mechanism is activated, all these runes light up.

The red liquid that stopped flowing to the array began to be absorbed by the huge pyramid.

Tianhun is an old monster that has lived for countless years. Its strength is no less than that of the empty God sacrifice in the superstar temple. It\'s just that he remains mysterious and unknown to outsiders.

Such a person is naturally well-informed and knows that he has touched the rune mechanism, and the pyramid has locked him in it.

In the face of this situation, tianhun is very calm, and his old face still keeps a sneer.

On the same day, when the Hun was ready to give another slap and hit the array platform below with all his strength, the array platform changed strangely. A \'cluck\' sound sounded and the runes on the array platform moved.

Tianhun put down his just raised hand.

He wants to see what \'interesting\' things will happen next.

Many things can\'t be forced. For example, the energy here can\'t be used by yourself. That\'s OK.

However, he was very curious about the people who were running out of seal energy. He thought he would have a chance to see it.


On the burning star.

When Xiaoqinglong absorbed the energy happily, he didn\'t expect that the energy would break at once.

"Poof ~"

Without energy supply, the red semi-circular sphere burst and sprayed an oval sphere the size of a football around, like a ruby.

The bursting force of semicircular red balls is not strong. The scattered range of these red balls is within kilometers.

Needless to think, Yang Tian knows that these things are extremely precious. Of course, it is impossible to discard them.

Yang Tian took a few minutes to put hundreds of such oval spheres into the storage bracelet.

With regret, Xiaoqinglong stayed in the sky for a long time before landing on the ground. He looked down at the array depicted by Yang Tian.

If it persists for a period of time, it can be promoted to the realm of the great star God.

After receiving hundreds of oval spheres, Yang Tian flashed to Xiaoqinglong and said to Xiaoqinglong, "Xiaolong, we still have many advanced animal cores, which should make up for the lack of energy and promote you to the realm of big star God."

"Ow ~"

The Little Green Dragon nodded and raised his head with a roar.

Yang Tian smiled.

When Yang Tian was about to destroy the array plate in front of him, suddenly it lit up again, emitting a faint blue light.