Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 570

Looking at the insect brain Pendant in Yang Tian\'s hand, the expression on Yu Yang Tian\'s face changed constantly, revealing his inner struggle.

Yang Tian looked at this with a smile. He was only nine years old, but his psychological age was far beyond the son of his peers.

After a long time, Yu Yangtian finally came over and grabbed the insect brain pendant from Yang Tian.

This guy has a strong desire to become strong, Yang Tianxin thought.

"When I can defeat you one day, I will let you go and return your favor. I want to know how to use this thing." after taking Yang Tian\'s insect brain pendant, Yu Yangtian said with his teeth.

Yang Tian has two sets of insect brain pendant, and the one for Yu Yangtian is a spare one.

For Yang Tian, the insect brain pendant is a very precious thing. If yu Yangtian is not his son, he won\'t give it away!

"At that time, you will naturally understand its use. I\'m waiting for you to defeat me one day." Yang Tian said, turned around and walked towards the spacecraft.

Since getting off the spaceship, Yuyang Nansi looked at his father and son and didn\'t say a word.

Soon, the black dragon spacecraft took off and disappeared in the eyes of Yuyang Tian and Yuyang Nansi.

After the spacecraft left the atmosphere of Yanxing, Yang Tian did not leave, but let the spacecraft begin to orbit around Yanxing.

Things in the North Yanxing domain are not over yet!

On Yanxing, not only the Yuyang family, but also other ethnic groups live on this ball. If Yang Tian leaves like this, regardless, the Yuyang family will really destroy the family.

"Bruce Lee, after returning to the Dragon Star domain, would you persuade a fellow to accompany my son?" Yang Tian smiled and said in the cockpit of the black dragon spacecraft, looking at the situation of the Yuyang family below.

It is because of Xiaoqinglong that Yang Tian has grown to this point. Of course, because of Yang Tian, Xiaoqinglong became an alien in the realm of big star Lord in such a short time.

It can be said that Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong are perfect partners on the road of cultivation. No one can leave anyone.

For Yang Tian\'s proposal, Xiaoqinglong turned his two longans and nodded.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong thought, will you catch a dragon just out of its shell or directly get a dragon egg

In the inheritance and memory of little green dragon, there are many similar beings in the Dragon Star domain, which is a prosperous scene.

Because Yang Tian thought of cooperating with Xiaoqinglong, he thought of finding a dragon for yuyangtian. This is not a joke with Xiaoqinglong.

Seeing that Xiaoqinglong agreed, Yang Tian released jingle from the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian connects Ding Dang to the universe network and opens the message information on the network account.

Yang Tian is looking for Ju Liang City.

In the account, Ding Dang opens the message sent by Ju Liang City.

In three years, almost every month, Juliang city will leave a message to Yang Tian.

With Yang Tian\'s animal core, Juliang city also worked very hard during this period to upgrade the realm from the star level star master to the master level of the planetary domain.

One more step away, Ju Liangshi can become a practitioner of the stellar realm.

In the information sent to Yang Tian, there is naturally the account information of Juliang city. Yang Tian asks Ding Dang to send his current location to Ju Liang City.

After this, Yang Tian asks Ding Dang to read all the information in the account and pick up the important ones.

The information of Juliang city is nothing important. They all ask how Yang Tian is and report his current situation. There is a lot of such information.

Ding Dang automatically ignores this information, reads the information sent by qiguangyu, summarizes it, and tells Yang Tian that the family fortress has been designed and is making a model.

As long as Yang Tian is satisfied, he can turn the model into a real family fortress in a short time, because all the materials are almost ready.

This is undoubtedly good news for Yang Tian.

Yang Tian decided to go back to keitra and do it after the matter in the North Yanxing domain was handled.

Yang Tian asks Ding Dang to reply a message to qiguangyu. After that, Ding Dang tells Yang Tian that solli and Qu yangu Ying also sent him a message.

Yang Tian asked Ding Dang to read it again, mostly greetings.

Qu yangu Ying tells Yang Tian that she is now living a leisurely life with Professor Shenwu, Professor Fu Wei, and you Yinxi, the little granddaughter of President Xingyi, on the "Purple Star" in the Death Star domain.

Solly, whose job has been promoted to a divine general, told Yang Tian that she did not intend to improve her realm by means of transformation.

Moreover, she also said vaguely that she wanted to leave the current superstar temple and stay with Yang Tian.


Everyone is doing well! Yang Tianxin thought, and then asked Ding Dang to return the information to the two women and close the account.

Next, Yang Tian turned his attention to the Yuyang residence below.

All the women and children began to clean up under the leadership of Yuyang Nansi.

It is worth mentioning that after Yang Tian left, a conflict broke out among the Yuyang people.

However, most people support Yuyang Nansi. After all, her identity is there.

In this conflict, Yuyang Nansi simply executed hundreds of women and teenagers who wanted to rebel.

This incident also made Yuyang Nansi realize that the seemingly United Yuyang nationality is really like what Yang Tian said. People\'s hearts are not united, just like a plate of scattered sand.

Three days later, the Yuyang residence was finally cleaned up, the bodies were buried, and the young men and women began daily training again.

It\'s just that the intensity of training is not as big as before.

The women of Yuyang nationality are not weaker than men. They are divided into many teams and begin to patrol the station.

According to Ding Dang\'s calculation, the current population of Yuyang nationality is about 400000. The killing of Xiaoqinglong directly reduced the population of Yuyang nationality by more than half.


In the past, there were elders in charge of the family. Yuyang Nansi didn\'t participate in the affairs of the family at all. Now after calming down, she needs to deal with the mountains of affairs.

The first step is to clean up the current property of the Yuyang nationality, and then to liquidate the population. Later, we have to find ways to increase the population of the Yuyang nationality

In the temporary tent, Yuyang Nansi frowned. These things are too complicated for him.

At the time of Yu Yang Nan\'s misery, a female escort entered the big tent and bowed to Yu Yang Nan\'s thought. "Princess highness, someone outside wants to see you. He said he could help you rebuild Yuyang clan."

After a short thought, Yuyang Nansi said, "let him in!"

The female guard immediately withdrew.

A few minutes later, a slightly fat young man came in.

"Your Highness, I am the one who came to help you. My name is Ju Liang, and I graduated from superstar college." when I saw Yu Yang Nan Si, the young man with a fat body introduced himself.

The visitor is Ju Liangshi.

After receiving Yang Tian\'s message, Juliang came the next day.

After a long talk with Yang Tian, Ju Liang City was sent here by Yang Tian to help the Yuyang family.

Yang tianminrui noticed that Juliang city is not good at practice, but it is definitely a good player in terms of directors.

"How do you know I need help?" asked Yuyang Nansi.

In fact, Yuyang Nansi has guessed that the man in front of him must have something to do with Yang Tian.

Ju Liang replied with a smile, "I\'m invited by Yang Tian. Here is Yang Tian\'s recording."

With that, Ju Liangshi took out a small recorder from the storage bracelet and put it on the table in front of Yuyang Nansi.

When Ju Liangshi released the recorder, he clicked it.

Sure enough, Yang Tian\'s voice appeared inside.

Yang Tian just briefly introduced Ju Liang City and told her that Ju Liang is very capable. Whether to use it or not is her business.

Yuyang Nansi doesn\'t hate Yang Tian in her heart, but she can\'t stay with Yang Tian now.

"I appointed you as the director of the Yuyang family to help me deal with the affairs of the Yuyang family. Now there are many things..."

Before Yuyang Nansi finished, Ju Liangshi raised his hand and said, "in the future, it\'s not Yuyang nationality. Change your name!"

"Why?" Yu Yangnan thought puzzled.

Ju Liangshi said, "if you really want to make the ethnic group rise, don\'t use the name of Yuyang nationality. Yuyang nationality, ha ha, I\'ve heard of it for a long time. I don\'t have a good impression on your race. It\'s estimated that it\'s difficult to talk about business in the future if you use the name of Yuyang nationality."

When Ju Liangshi finished, Yuyang Nansi frowned. In fact, Yang Tian also told her about it.

Ju Liangshi saw that Yuyang Nansi couldn\'t accept it. He smiled and said, "it\'s just a family name change. Your people haven\'t changed. Why bother so much?"

After Ju Liangshi finished, Yuyang Nansi hesitated for a while before nodding.

Ju Liang City clapped his hand and said with a smile, "that\'s good. Next, things will be much easier to do."

"Whoever dares to change the family name of our Yuyang family is the enemy of me!" as soon as the tone of Ju Liang\'s dialect fell, an old man came in, looked coldly at Ju Liang and Yuyang Nansi, and said in a deep voice.