Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 569

Two days later.

At dawn, Yang Tian got out of his comfortable quilt.

In these two days, Yang Tian had a period of "debauchery".

The most direct way to possess a woman... The saints of the earth have said that it is called "food, sex and sex".

Yang Tian doesn\'t want to give up Yuyang Nansi, so he can only do so.

Now he can only be like Duan Zhengchun in master Jin\'s novel. When he is with a woman, he tries not to think about another woman.

Things have developed so far, Yang Tian can only sigh that God\'s will is so. With all the children, Yang Tian certainly won\'t ignore the children, right?

When we get together, if Yang Tian doesn\'t touch Yuyang Nansi, it is estimated that Yuyang Nansi will be very sad.


Yuyangtian waited in the cabin for two days and finally waited for his mother.

Yuyang Nansi and Yang Tian walked into the room together.

"How is it you!" Yu Yangtian was very surprised when he saw Yang Tian.

Yang Tian was very excited when he saw his son, but he didn\'t show it on his face. Yang Tian promised Yuyang Nansi that his father\'s identity would not be told to Yuyang Tian for the time being.

Yuyangtian\'s actual age is only about nine years old, but it looks like a teenager of thirteen or fourteen years old. If on earth, two people walk together, from the appearance, no one will think that they are father and son.

"Xiaotian, it was... He saved me." Yuyang Nansi didn\'t know how to introduce Yang Tian, so he could only say so.

Yuyang Nansi thought that such words could at least increase his son\'s favor for Yang Tian. She was afraid that Yu Yangtian would resist Yang Tian when she saw Yang Tiantian.

"Thank you!" Yu Yangtian looked at Yang Tian, scratched his head and smiled. In fact, as soon as he saw Yang Tian, he had a good impression of Yang Tian.

"Mom, there is a traitor in the family." Yu Yangtian nodded to Yang Tian. After thanking him, he turned his head and frowned at Yu Yangnan.

While talking, Yu Yangtian found that his mother looked a little different from before. There were some changes in both temperament and appearance.

The mother, who did not wear make-up and did not wear a hand adornment, drew an eye shadow, wore earrings and exquisite necklaces, and stained her nails with beautiful blue. She wore some black skirts that were inconvenient for fighting.

In temperament, yuyangtian found that his mother was not as capable as before, and became a little weak.

Yuyangtian, who doesn\'t know about men and women, certainly doesn\'t understand.

Seeing his son looking at himself, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. Yuyang Nansi hurriedly said, "there has been a change in the family. We have to go back quickly."

Speaking of business, Yu Yangtian forgot all the changes on his mother and nodded immediately.

At this time, a green shadow flashed, and the little green dragon fell on Yang Tian\'s shoulder.

Seeing the little green dragon appear, Yu Yang\'s eyes are full of curiosity.

He didn\'t know that little green dragon was guarding him all the time in these days.

Yuyangtian is curious, and Xiaoqinglong is also very curious. He is curious about how Yang Tian will treat the mother and son next.

It\'s not surprising how many women there are for a strong practitioner.

But Yang Tian\'s situation is somewhat different.

If Yang Tian had not had an affair with Yuyang Nansi on earth, this would not have happened.

It is estimated that Yang Tian will be a pure young man.

The three soon walked out of the stone house.

Yang Tian waved his hand and flew into the air with Yu Yangtian and Yu yangnansi mother and son.

Immediately, Yang Tian released the black dragon spacecraft.

When the three entered the spacecraft, Yang Tian said to the intelligent operating system, "go to the inflammatory star."

In the universe, there are many planets called "inflammatory stars", which are generally used to describe planets with very bad weather conditions.

When it comes to the word "inflammation", we know that the temperature on the planet is very high.

If the spacecraft\'s intelligent operating system encounters a planet with the same name in the instruction, the default destination is the nearest planet.

Yanxing in Beiyan star domain is the headquarters of Yuyang family.

"Mom, what are you doing to Yanxing?" when the spaceship started, yuyangtian whispered to yuyangnansi in ethnic language.

Yuyang Nansi shook his head, "I don\'t know."

Before, Yang Tian only asked where Yuyang\'s residence was. Yuyang Nansi honestly told Yang Tian. Yang Tian, without saying anything, came here with her.

Xiaoqinglong has always been inseparable from Yang Tian, but Yang Tian called him to protect his son, which clearly reflects Yang Tian\'s love for his son.

Yuyang Nansi can guess that Yang Tian is probably in trouble with Yuyang he\'s first department when he goes to Yanxing this time.

The yuyangfu family, who was killed by Yang Tian before, is the descendant of the yuyanghe family.

In fact, the northern Yanxing domain is not large. After half an hour of flight, it finally came to the outer space of Yanxing.

Yuyang Nansi pointed to Yanxing on the display screen of the spaceship and said, "our family moved to Yanxing a year ago. This planet has been operated by Yuyang he for a long time. Before, Yuyang he strongly advised his people to move to this planet. I thought he meant well, but now it seems that his purpose is to gather most of his people here..."

"In other words, if you kill all the yuyanghe people on this planet, you can regain the power of the Yuyang family?" said Yuyang Nansi, and Yang Tian asked faintly.

Yu Yangnan was stunned. In Yang Tian\'s words, he heard something else, but she nodded.

Yang Tian smiled and said to the little green dragon on his shoulder with spiritual strength, "Bruce Lee, wait a minute, kill all the others except the women and children of the Yuyang family!"

For such a cruel order, Xiaoqinglong nodded without any hesitation.

Yang Tian wanted to do this for the sake of his son Yu Yangtian.

The fact that the Yuyang nationality has not revived for so long shows that there are great problems in the ideology of this ethnic group.

One of the reasons is that there is no strong person above the superstar level in the ethnic group, which can not protect the whole ethnic group. Because they make use of the obtained cultivation resources and don\'t try their best to support a strong person with strong cultivation talent.

Without a top strong person to protect and evaluate the ethnic group, even if the number of practitioners is more, what\'s the use?

Ten thousand practitioners in the stellar realm can\'t compare with a practitioner in the superstar realm.

Why is that?

As soon as Yang Tian thought about it, he understood that this is because a group of old people of Yuyang nationality do not want their power to be taken away by the young generation trained.

To put it bluntly, this is selfishness!

This leads to the second reason, that is, the Yuyang family can not give birth to a wise dictator.

In such a cosmic environment, the power of an ethnic group is too scattered, internal strife is constant, and the work efficiency is naturally not high.

The third reason is that the reputation of the word "Yuyang clan" in the universe is really too messy. As soon as others hear it, they know that it is a dark ethnic group.

Any ruler of the interstellar empire does not allow the Yuyang clan to appear on his own territory. Because it is often turmoil that appears with the Yuyang family.

Everyone of the Yuyang family is struggling hard. However, for others, they are a group of murderous demons. In these tens of thousands of years, the number of ordinary humans who died of the Yuyang family can not be calculated.

Therefore, Yang Tian wants to change the Yuyang family and make it look new!

The purpose of doing this is, of course, for the son of Yu Yangtian.

Otherwise, Yang Tiancai doesn\'t want to pay attention to this ethnic group with no future.

Yang Tian doesn\'t want Yu Yangtian to continue to live with the bullshit ideal of the Yuyang family. He wants Yu Yangtian to have the desire to struggle and become stronger. And this kind of strengthening is the strength of personal strength!

Yang Tian\'s spaceship flew half a circle around Yanxing, and saw a huge red spaceship flying over under the escort of hundreds of spaceships.

The spacecraft\'s intelligent control system prompts Yang Tian that the other party has sent a communication request.

Yang Tian let the control system refuse.

This ship is the ship of the Yuyang family.

After rejecting the communication request, Yang Tian nodded to Xiaoqinglong on his shoulder, then asked the spacecraft\'s intelligent operating system to open the cabin door, and Xiaoqinglong immediately flew out.

As soon as he left the black dragon spaceship, the little green dragon turned into a giant dragon hundreds of meters long and crashed into the huge red spaceship.

After killing the big ship, the little green dragon didn\'t stop at all. His huge figure flashed. In a few breaths, he smashed all hundreds of small ships and turned them into cosmic garbage.

From the display screen, Xiaoqinglong was so powerful that yuyangtian opened his eyes and looked very surprised.

He didn\'t expect that the small, lovely looking little green dragon would be so fierce when it grew bigger.

Yuyang Tian didn\'t feel anything, but Yuyang Nansi frowned, because Xiaoqinglong killed the people of Yuyang family, although they were the first generation of Yuyang he.

In fact, the number of Yuyang people is not much. It adds up to more than a million people. In fact, it can\'t even compare with a big family.

There are so few clansmen, one will die, and their strength will be weak.

Yuyang Nansi won\'t think of the plan in Yang Tianxin\'s heart now.

Seeing that Yuyang Nansi was in a bad mood, Yang Tian closed the display, took out a pendant containing insect brain from the storage bracelet, hung it on Yuyang Tian\'s neck, smiled and said to Yuyang Tian, "this is a treasure. After I leave, you can understand its benefits."

Yuyang Tian nodded happily.

After patting yuyangtian on the shoulder, Yang Tian winked at yuyangnansi and walked out of the spacecraft cockpit.

Yuyang Nansi immediately followed Yang Tian and walked outside the cockpit.

Yu Yangtian wanted to keep up. Yu Yangnan thought, "Xiao Tian, you stay here. I have something to discuss with him.

Yu Yangtian frowned and nodded.

At this time, Yu Yangtian began to doubt the relationship between his mother and Yang Tian

But he thought, as long as his mother is happy, this powerful man is actually very good.

At this time, Yu Yangtian\'s mind is still very simple.

Out of the cockpit, Yang Tian went straight into a luxurious lounge.

When Yuyang Nansi came in, the door closed automatically. Yuyang Nansi thought Yang Tian brought himself here and wanted to "do bad things", but Yang Tian suddenly turned around and looked at her expressionless.

Looking at Yuyang Nansi\'s eyes, Yang Tian said faintly: "nannu, I have asked Bruce Lee to destroy you Yuyang family... All adult men!"

Nannu is the nickname of Yuyang Nansi.

As soon as Yang Tian\'s voice fell, Yuyang Nansi fell powerlessly and sat on the ground.

Seeing Yuyang Nansi\'s sad and desperate appearance, Yang Tian said ruthlessly, "after Xiao Tian, he will be the king of Yuyang family. Before he grows into a real strong man, Yuyang family belongs to you. Also, Yuyang family will disappear from the universe and there will be no Yuyang family. You should understand what I mean..."

Yang Tian finished, sighed and walked out of the rest cabin.

He believed that Yuyang Nansi would figure it out.

The black dragon spacecraft stayed over the burning star for a whole day before landing.

At this time, Xiaoqinglong has completed the task assigned by Yang Tian and returned to the black dragon spacecraft.

The Yuyang people gathered together are very easy for little Qinglong to kill.

Yang Tian walked off the ship with Yu Yangtian.

At this time, Yu Yangtian was very fond of Yang Tian from the beginning, and became very jealous of Yang Tian.

Fortunately, he still doesn\'t know that Yang Tian is his biological father.

The settlement of Yuyang nationality has become a piece of ruins, with burning houses everywhere, corpses everywhere on the ground, and the air is full of the smell of burnt meat and blood

Looking at this situation and listening to the cries of children of the same age, Yu Yangtian, who was held by Yang Tian\'s neck, struggled constantly and grabbed Yang Tian\'s arms with his hands.

Yang Tian threw Yu Yangtian to the ground, looked at Yu Yangtian and said faintly, "if you want revenge, you have to defeat me."

With that, Yang Tian turned around.

Yu Yangtian pulled out the insect brain pendant hanging around his neck and threw it at Yang Tian.

As soon as Yang Tian raised his hand, he grabbed the insect brain pendant thrown by Yu Yangtian, turned to look at Yu Yangtian and sneered, "if you want revenge, take this back. Think about it, can you become as strong as me with what you have now?"

"Why did you do that?" Yu Yangtian got up from the ground, looked at Yang Tian and asked.

Yang Tian said, "if the Yuyang family wants to be reborn, it must be destroyed first! Take it and make yourself strong. When you feel... Strong enough, come back to me!"